Who do you think won the second presidential debate?


  • outsider - 16 years ago

    Obama won the debate, and he will win the election. It's time for a change in American politics — in fact, it's way past time to change the dead-end policies of Bush and his surrogate McCain, whose reputation as a maverick these days is wholly undeserved (in fact, the family that originated the name in Texas says he doesn't deserve it.) I believe Obama will really provide that change. Like him, I too have the "audacity of hope."

  • John - 16 years ago

    Sad that this is the best both parties can come up with for Presidential candidates. Obama will increase the size of government, mess up foreign policy worse than it already is, while increasing our taxes. McCain will grant amnesty to millions of Mexicans. They are both wrong on health care: it's a privilege, not a responsibility or a right. When will America wake up and realize that since the 1960's, living on borrowed money doesn't work. Both parties have it wrong. They need to quit recklessly spending OUR money. The way it is, we will see another great depression.

  • joecairo - 16 years ago

    We all need "Davids" in this world to remind us how debillitating fear can be. When you are tormented by unspoken fear and panic, your vision of the world narrows, opportunities are missed, chances squandered and mistakes in judgment flourish.

    Don't blame David for his myopic view. I'm sure his votes for Bush the last 2 terms were just an aberration. But, they are two strikes and he's looking to swing at the next wild pitch from his Republican bretheren. Be patient, David.

  • onthefence? - 16 years ago

    I can not understand how anyone could possibly be "on the fence"/undecided/not sure. It floors me. Take Palin out of the equation and I could care less who is president. But she has forever changed many Republican's minds about the GOP...

    As soon as I learned about Palin over the past weeks, talking with Alaskans, reading about her husband's association with Alaskan independence group..., her 'extremist' views which she imposes on her state, severe lack of education/intelligence, lack of true leadership (hired a consultant to help her perform her mayoral duties), anti-choice even in cases of child rape/incest, the witchcraft videos, troopergate, tax evasion, abstinence education......(the list is lengthy) I didn't even have to watch the Couric interviews to see how much of an embarrassment, detriment and disease to this country Palin would be.

    McCain is a wonderful man, he fought for this country, earned his stripes, but he is a VERY sick man. He has stage 3 melanoma and by the grace of god, it hasn't resurfaced for a few years, but it's only a matter of time. My husband is an oncologist and trust ME, McCain is doomed. His form of melanoma is the most aggressive type of skin cancer (it's actually under the skin in the lymphatic/blood stream) there is. His last recurrance was in his temple and is invading his brain. He is sadly, not long for this world.

    So, knowing this, don't you fear a President Palin? What possible attributes could she have to offer our country to bring us out of the hell hole we are in? Not only on an international level, but our economy, health care, women's rights, she doesn't have what it takes. As a woman, and from a long line of Republican's (going back 200 years)...I am voting Obama. He's not only NOT going to ruin our country, he has amazing ideas, is well educated, but understands the plights of American people. The country needs Obama, and the world needs Obama.

  • Islaner - 16 years ago

    McCain was wrong from the start on Iraq; Obama was right. After Bush, I have had my fill of war hawks. McCain has resorted to the worst type of sleaze imaginable. He is no longer an honorable man. His slogan "McCain First, Country Second."

  • Snoco - 16 years ago

    I can't believe some of the "know'nothing" comments made. It was clear to me that Obama won this round. McCain's health care plan scares me. I'm fortunate enough to have a good health care plan thru my employer, which costs a LOT more than the paltry tax credit McCain proposes. I guess one just has to ask oneself, are you happy with what we got or not? If you're happy with the way things are now, vote McCain, if not vote Obama. I would dearly love to have a viable third party to consider.....

  • Pat Smith - 16 years ago

    The lopsided results of this poll really shows Seattle to be a bastion of the left. Other polls: DRUDGE: McCain 66%--Obama 30% Zogby: McCain45%---Obama 47% AOL: McCain 41%---Obama 51%. In these other polls the undecided votes bring the possibility of a near tie vote a possibility. I don't think that the Obama fans should be celebrating quite yet. Not even mentioned is the race factor, which looms much larger than most people suspect. This contest is not a done deal, there is a huge campaign finance story about to be unloaded on the Obama campaign. Mainly, where did nearly one half of his campaign funds come from? Who are the people that gave the unreportable $200.00 each to his campaign that make up this huge amount. It will be revealed that it came from Islamic interests, and this will turn away many Obama fans and undecided voters.

  • Leland - 16 years ago

    Regardless of who won the debate, or for that matter who will win the election, we all lose in the end! Ultimately we, Americans, elect someone into office so that we can blame them for our mistakes, and the abdication of our social responsibility as citizens of United States of America.

    Do I hear energy crisis? Look at the SUV's on the roads. Look at the giant homes we all have to heat/cool. Education system failure, you said? When was the last time you spend time with your kids on their homework? Instead of buying them Xbox games, have you considered doing a science project together? Economic melt down and mortgage crisis, is someone whining? Come on, you jumped at no money down, 0% interest rate without a second thought. Credit crunch, is that a new cereal brand? The average Americans owe more than they save. No wonder we have a credit freeze. I've heard of trickle down economy, but have you heard of trickle up deficit? Add up your debt, your neighbor's debt, your friends debt, and everyone's debt in America, and you'll see that maybe we owe more together than the national debt!

    Does anyone seriously think that either McCain or Obama is going to fix all that?

    If you were elected president, what would you do?

    I'll vote for one candidate, comes November. However I really think he'll is in way over his head. God saves us all. But then I don't believe in god.

  • steve - 16 years ago

    This debate was as boooring as ever. Brokaw should be fired for letting these guys go on and on about nothing. tweedledee or tweedledum.
    got to go with an old guy rather than a guy full of himself.

  • Michael Good - 16 years ago

    I believe Gig Harborite is on to something here. Actually, I have felt this way for quite some time. Replace all incumbents with new blood. All to often the reasoning is "we need the seniority for committee positions". Well, if everybody is new then seniority is moot. Further, I would have a 4 term limit on the House and a 2 term limit on the Senate. That might just be the ticket to discourage lobbists. How exhausting it would be to try to gain favor and/or leverage with term limits. As for the debate, I believe our best chance for restructuring the priorities and ethics of this government in chaos is Barack Obama. Tonight's debate did nothing to disuade me.

  • atticusfinch - 16 years ago

    MsTMag- no offense taken- just a bit of devils advocate in me sometimes! McCain is cornered and coming unraveled, just as Dole did in '96. Excellent comments, bruce w. As much as I want Barak to win it is kind of sad to watch an older guy who has given his life to his country coming to this dead end. There is no way he can compete with Barak's intellect, calm under fire, and energy. McCain reminds me of my parents, I guess (God love them). Plenty to say and lots of good ideas and experience, but not what we need at this point.

  • trainer3 - 16 years ago

    Mike MCCAin
    How can God bless a man who is in favor of Killing thousands of babies a year?! It's just unbiblical for a just God to allow that sort of perversion and wickedness.
    Thank God for Sarah Palin

  • SARAH - 16 years ago

    Greetings fellow Seattlites. As a LIBERAL, long term Seattle resident, a native, i am shocked by the racist comments in the comments. Grow up. Neither one of this men are as stupid, racist, nor as fabulous as they appear. McCain however is too old, too affected by PTSD to be President and any real time spent listening to him will tell anyone that he is out of it. his pick of SP shows incredible negligence. If anyone can seriously say that she is anywhere near as qualified as BO to be President, I question their education and intellect. PERIOD!!! And, yes, it does matter if she is qualified because JM is a very sick man and he probably won't be around that long.

  • Gig Harborite - 16 years ago

    Doug, you are right about Obama and Government control of your life. What I find both amusing and scarey is that people actually believe that National Health is the cure to our uninsured problem. These people fail to realize there will be a two-tier health system (worse than the two-tier system we have now). All the great doctors and private hospitals will not participate in a nationally-run system (as most don't today...i.e., they don't take Medicare patients) and those who can afford it will be health supplement or physician consortium policies to see the best doctors (getting the best care). Those in the "national system" will basically get the rest of the doctors (less competent). If you think I'm kidding, look at the Canadian system today. Those Canadians who can afford it bypass the Canadian system and buy supplemental policies. People in British Columbia flock to Seattle and the West Coast; those in Torpnto and Montreal head south to Detroit, Minneapolis and Buffalo/New England. To add to this, until you remove every non-citizen (i.e., illegals), national healthcare will be a joke and the wait for treatment will be measured in months, not days or even weeks. That's the Obama Health Care Plan in a nutshell.

  • Shawna - 16 years ago

    Holy krikey juice batman. Some of you really need to go and educate yourself on BOTH mens "plans". McCain and his idea of health care scares the crap out of me. Obama's johnny come lately, "Oh I guess it worked after all." is also rather scary but in no such way as McCain. McCain INSULTS MANY women by the choice of vp. OMG! There are many other intelligent republican women out there and he has to pick some hick out of Alaska. (no offense to Alaskans intended)

    As to Obama just invading Pakistan: WRONG. Listen to the debate again please. I'm one of those fence sitters that politicians like to tease, I'd vote third party myself if the stakes weren't so bloody high.

    Let me ask you people this: If you put fossils in the white house, what sort of plans do you expect? You WILL get neocon fossils. Look at jr and his bs admin. Jr sank 2? 3? companies and SOME HOW managed to become a prez of what is supposed to be a great nation. He invaded a country after managing to hoodwink 51 % of the public on bs wmds. Now the country is swirling around in the toilet waiting for the exit hole.

    Don't act stupid and go with the: as long as it's not a dem, as long as it's not a repub, as long as it's not a muslim, as long as it's not a black guy. ALL of those demonstrate a lack of intelligence by those who go with those particular words and thinking. Education is a great thing and some of you need to get on that particular band wagon. Preferably BEFORE that exit hole hits.


  • doug - 16 years ago

    Gig Harborite has it right on. Seattlites are a bunch on non-thinking in the tank let's live in the free love 60' liberals. Obama will disapoint you more than Bush ever has. I for one would love a black President, bring on someone who is at least qualified, like Colon Powel. It does not matter what ticket if he/ she is a good candidate I could care less which party. Obama is a joke, just wait and see. He is about to win in a landslide, you will regret it in not only one year, but 50 when you realize how much of America he is going to sell out to Government control of your life. Obama will be 10 times less effective than Carter and twice the coward.

  • Larry Regan - 16 years ago

    Even if you are far to the right in your politics, do you really want the "ah shucks" person a heartbeat away? That scares me more then anything.

  • bruce whitmore - 16 years ago

    The debate reminded of another time when the Clinton/Dole TV debate occured in '92. It was a similar setting. Senator Dole said all the right ideas that distinquished him and the Republicans from the Democrats, but he looked old and out of place. Clinton, on the other side, looked engaged, young, enlightened, etc. At that moment and 2 hours later, many wisened/accomplished folks saw that the election was over. The debate winner issue is not about intelligent choice, but about impression. Obama is youthful, energetic, resilient, etc. McCain is a 'grandfather' who says wise things and then sits in front of the fireplace to read stories to his great grandchildren. He is cherished and loved in that setting. Meanwhile, America goes on and distances itself from the trainwreck foriegn policy of the current administration.

  • MsTMag - 16 years ago

    AtticusFinch- I honestly would be fine with that comment, I am calling it like I see it. I have had b12 shots and drank Ensure. Stay away from Vanilla.:-D I work with elderly and trust me, they have a sense of humor, as a matter of fact, I quoted one of our residents. I am not apologizing for offending you, which I may of done, if you can't see the humor in it, then I am sorry for that. But come on that wasn't as bad as referring to Obama as "That One".

  • Gig Harborite - 16 years ago

    If you're going to call someone an "idiot", at least have the intelligence to spell it correctly. It should be pretty clear to anyone who has paid attention this week that the WORLD is in an economic downturn, not just the USA. I don't see how any intelligent person could blame this on a single political party.

    This election basically boils down to:

    1) Do you want a President who has said he will sit down and talk to terrorists without pre-conditions or

    2) Do you want a President who has gone against the grain and been a maverick, but has probably lost his edge in the past few years.

    Neither are all that appealing and the next 4 years is going to be a rocky road regardless of who is the President.

    Our best hope for a new beginning is to vote every incumbent in the House and those up for election in the Senate OUT.

  • PM - 16 years ago

    The more O'Bummer opens his mouth with so very little coming out, the more I am convinced of what an empty suit he really is. This Socialist anti-Ameican will undercut this county to a level so low just to appease the rest of the world, i.e, he will sell us out! Then he will wonder how come the rest of the world doesn't appreciate what nice gesture he made in making the US a fourth world country. I would vote for President Bush 2 more times before I would vote for O'Bummer as community leader of Buttpatch, Illinois. God help us if he gets elected. Oh, that's right, liberals could really care less what God thinks if they even think He exists at all.

  • David - 16 years ago

    We all better vote for Obama or the blacks will riot in the streets. We are all racist if we vote for McCain.

  • mcstrong - 16 years ago

    I think Obama won this debate but he was stronger in the first debate. By the way. David, you sir are an idiot.

  • mike - 16 years ago

    Obama was sharper and did a better job of conveying his message. The Republican White House drove this country into a big ditch so I think it is time for some fresh ideas. McCain has the same basic economic, tax and foreign policy as Bush so I have seen enough.

  • atticus finch - 16 years ago

    MsTMag- You say
    "Referring to Obama as "That One" was very unnecessary, and very demeaning. I am a person of minority, and color and found that highly offensive".... by that standard, how would you feel if you were elderly and read the second part of your statement: "I honestly thought he needed a Vitamin B12 shot and a chug of Ensure."????

  • Jessica - 16 years ago

    How in the world is Obama going to pay for all of these BS programs he is promising?? He is all talk.

    Go McCain!!

  • atticus finch - 16 years ago

    MsTMag- You say
    "Referring to Obama as "That One" was very unnecessary, and very demeaning. I am a person of minority, and color and found that highly offensive".... by that standard, how would you feel if you were elderly and read the second part of your statement: "I honestly thought he needed a Vitamin B12 shot and a chug of Ensure."????

  • Mike - 16 years ago

    I think the rain in Seattle has soaked people's brains - that's why they believe Obama is Jesus.

  • calducks - 16 years ago

    Obama in a landslide. This election is easy, want a depression vote McCain/Bush oops Palin. The Republicans held the White House the last 8 years and Congress 6 out of the last 8. Do the math!!

    Unless you're a CEO or a Wall Street executive you have to decide are you better off today than 8 years ago?

  • David - 16 years ago

    Obama will raise our taxes through the roof!! This will put the economy in even worse shape. Obama has NO EXPERIENCE, will raise taxes, associates with known terrorists, and will open the borders. If you want higher taxes, more illegal aliens, and no protection against terrorism then vote Osama bin Obama. This guy is scary!! All of the idiot liberals in Seattle think he is the Messiah but even they will admit in a year or so he was the wrong choice.

  • Central Washington Voter - 16 years ago

    It will be Obama and Biden on the 4th of November for me. The Republicans have lost every single bit of my confidence by putting up another polished turd for national office. Crack open the McCain-Palin ticket and all you have is a piece of poop. Let their re-organization begin.

  • MsTMag - 16 years ago

    Referring to Obama as "That One" was very unnecessary, and very demeaning. I am a person of minority, and color and found that highly offensive, if this is the man who you want to be President, I shudder at the thought. I thought Obama held his own, and was very poised, and cool. He was eloquent in his speaking, while McCain seemed uneasy and very uncomfortable. I honestly thought he needed a Vitamin B12 shot and a chug of Ensure.

  • Counting down - 16 years ago

    McCain will get the idoit vote (see forgotten in Seattle) but guess what? The elephant in the room is in clear view and he isn't a donkey! McCain is out of his league and represents past dying views with zero vision of hope. Obama is forward facing and the people have had enough. It's about time!

  • rememberedseattle - 16 years ago

    Great, 'forgottenseattle'!
    You say McCain only to screw up the results?
    Presumably you'll also vote McCain, if only to screw up the country.
    I'm a Republican going on my 26th voting year, and in this election, like it or not, I'm not voting for John McCain. I want neither four more years nor four more seconds of George W Bush, which is exactly what we'd get with McCain-----and that's as long as he remains alive. Even Bush is better than Palin, though I amaze myself at saying so.

  • Mike McCain - 16 years ago

    God Bless Barack Obama.

    At face value: Youth or your grandparents generation.

    We need new ideas and real change. Obama will give this country what we need. Now. More than ever.

  • forgottenseattle - 16 years ago

    I pick John McCain only because I know most people who read the Seattle Times are probably going to pick Obama. I personally think that these polls are b.s. and a waste of time the question is also b.s. So I vote McCain only to screw up the results.

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