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Should Jon Snow bend the knee to Daenerys Targaryen? (Poll Closed)

Total Votes: 3,755

  • Lebohang - 7 years ago

    He won't have that thing anymore

  • Daenerys Targaryen - 7 years ago

    Yes, he absolutely should. She is his dragon-commanding aunt who rightfully deserves the Iron Throne. For those who believe he shouldn't bend the knee because he's Rheaegar's illegitimate son: just because Jon Snow is a man does not entitle him to be the rightful heir to the Targaryen throne. Daenerys is still first in line, and this show should commit to disrupting gender-based inheritance of royal power - it should finally make the feminist statement is has been insinuating for 7 seasons!!! Even mystical creatures acknowledge the legitimacy of her leadership. Finally, Jon Snow does not pride himself in being King, nor does he want that position - he states this multiple times. Is he a total hypocrite? By not bending the knee he seems power hungry in the way we often tolerate men to be, but clearly have a problem when a woman candidly expresses the same desire to lead. I'm not at all surprised that most people said he should not bend the knee, it reveals some problematic convictions the uneducated views have about gender and power.

  • Tim Pieper - 7 years ago

    He should bend the knee and return north with Dany so Bran can tell him who his parents were. Then Jon can proclaim Arya warden of the north and sands can go suck an egg.

  • little sam - 7 years ago

    he should bend the knee... and propose.

  • Shane Jacobus - 7 years ago

    He should tell Dany that she can talk to him about bending the knee when she earns it by traveling north and helping him defeat the White Walkers first, not before.

  • BONITA SMITH THOMAS - 7 years ago

    Allow Bran to tell Dany & Jon their kin. Assign unfilled at castlely rock to him. Then they won't much through the enemy send more food for Everyone, unsullied and northerners. Send glass for everyone to fight White walkerss. Dany can cersei before mercenaries land with dorthadi

  • Jaron Porterfield - 7 years ago

    Hell no

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