David Archuleta's Best "Angels" Performance


  • Coleen - 16 years ago

    Seriously though, I can't wait to show the Tulsa performance to my daughter. We saw the show in LA, on the floor but in the back with the two tallest people in the world in front of us! It's nice to see and hear what David's performance was really like! Have Mercy! That boy can sing! And he is so HOT I could bake cookies on him! (oops! sorry, I'm forgetting my age!)

  • Coleen - 16 years ago

    All I have to say is that between his good looks and his incredible voice David Archuleta is absolute diaster for a young girls heart!

  • Michelle - 16 years ago

    I completely agree with you chickee! I was there for SLC and Tulsa!! I was going to vote for the SLC show because that was the first time I saw David live. There was a rush of emotion all over the E Center that night. Friends, family, and fans all there to support David... it was incredible. Watching that video brought me back to that night! (teared up just a bit) However, the Tulsa show was absolutely flawless. This too reminded me of the finale night. David sang this song with such conviction; as if it were the last song he would ever sing. He didn't just sing it... it "Told it to us" straight from the heart! Way to go David!

    P.S. ohhhhhhh a yea yeaaaaaa.... yea yea yeaaaaaaa ohhhhhhh woahhhhhhh

  • Ed D - 16 years ago

    Being from Toronto, well, I could be bias and have chosen Toronto, but I didn't, I really like Tulsa, I think it's the best.

  • NA/northernangel - 16 years ago

    "I'm lurvin' angels instead!" WOW Becky, you've asked nearly the impossible from me! Angels is my favorite song that David sings and I love them all for different reasons!
    For me, Bridgeport trumped the others ever so slightly for a few reasons. David had a few classic Archulooks. Love the grumble in "I know that life won't break me." The left fist shaking at the last "instead." Good quality video. The only thing missing is the beginning, rising up through the smoke.
    I'm guessing Tulsa will win (it came in a very close second for me). Love that fangirl screaming in it and all the Archubounces! ;)

  • chickee - 16 years ago

    My fav. was the Tulsa OK performance, simply because of the passion and emotion in the performance. His voice was particularly strong on this one, and reminded me of finale night when he sung like his life depended on it. #2 for me was Bridgeport. Do you know how many times I've listened to Angels? Countless, and still I get chills all over when listenting to the Yea, Yeah, Yeah, runs. Such glory, beyond belief.

  • Mari - 16 years ago

    sorry. I have no idea why that posted twice.

  • Mari - 16 years ago

    I had to vote Bridgeport because I was about 10 feet from him and it was glorious perfection. I had been to Hartford and Minneapolis but that just wasn't enough. To be that close and hear every crystal note was beyond any anticipation I could have dreamt up. At one point I put up my binoculars, yes from 10 feet, and he looked straight at me and it was like a thunderbolt went through my body. I've never felt anything like that before, at any concert. He was in such a zone that night. I know Tulsa was probably his favorite.. all those neat extra notes, but Bridgeport will be with me always.

  • Mari - 16 years ago

    I had to vote Bridgeport because I was about 10 feet from him and it was glorious perfection. I had been to Hartford and Minneapolis but that just wasn't enough. To be that close and hear every crystal note was beyond any anticipation I could have dreamt up. At one point I put up my binoculars, yes from 10 feet, and he looked straight at me and it was like a thunderbolt went through my body. I've never felt anything like that before, at any concert. He was in such a zone that night. I know Tulsa was probably his favorite.. all those neat extra notes, but Bridgeport will be with me always.

  • deanna - 16 years ago

    Becky, I listened to them all a few times,you're right! it's absolutely Tulsa!! He was really feeling it!!! It brought me to tears once again!! I must say I was hoping and thinking it would be Toronto, since it is my home town, but Tulsa has it for sure!! Interesting, because I have never compared them before. Last concert on the AI tour!?!?!?I'm sure this is part of it!!

  • "Arch Angel" Melissa & "Lil Arch Angel" Brianna - 16 years ago

    OMG.... the Tulsa one BLOWS AWAY any other 4sure!!!

    Near the end when he sings "Yea yea yea..." he is SO into it and his voice is soooooo powerful. I was waiting for him to slam back the piano stool and stand stright up while playing. The emotion is killer!!!

    David's voice and connection to the audience during this song and performance grabs onto me like a choke hold. I can hardly breathe and I start to feel weak in the knees. "Breathe Melissa.... Breathe..."
    Geeezzzzz... this IS why he is so different and set apart from any other performer. He is pure talent and passion.

    I love you David!!!! ....and I know you think that is weird that people say they love you and don't know you.... but trust me, you give so much of yourself in your performance WE KNOW YOU better than you think we do :O)

    "Arch Angel" Melissa & "Lil Arch Angel" Brianna

  • Joe - 16 years ago

    To me no matter how David sings it ....he always does a awsome job.....

  • Roxanne - 16 years ago

    Wow- what a task. At first I thought I would be partial to SLC because I was there too and as Susan mentioned, the emotion and energy was incredible, but Tulsa-holy cow! What a journey for this song- I especially have liked since then the slight key change he makes at 3:31. Thanks Becky for the high school performance (sweet) - that takes a lot of guts to perform at anything right in the middle of your peers.

  • Karen - 16 years ago

    Wow, Dave (the writer), you are AMAZING! I've tried many times to describe David's affect on me and have always felt I fell short. But your description is SUPERLATIVE! Just really hits the nail on the head! Man, oh, man! Well done, guy.

    I've tried to figure it out, have tried to describe it to myself and on fan sites, but it's always been so hard to capture. Like trying to grab smoke with your hands. It never quite works.

    For me, I've always felt it was basically two things. First, he sings from such a deep place inside himself, if you're open to him, you feel it in a similarly deep place. On performances like these of "Angels" in SLC and even more so in Tulsa, I just feel gut punched! The feeling is very piercing. With performances like this, either my jaw is on the floor or I'm crying. One or the other or both. Second, I feel the Spirit when he sings. It's a very sweet, strong, deeply moving and profound experience. Almost otherworldly.

    Obviously, I've never felt anything like it. In fact, I stopped listening to music other than an occasional trip to the symphony for better than 20 years--until I heard David sing. I saw him sing "Shop Around", then YouTubed "Angels", "I'll Be" and the Christmas songs, and that was IT. I was totally besotted, captivated on the spot. Turned on a dime. I have been listening to him nearly 24/7 since that day. I cannot get enough of him.

    There is truly something new in the world in this guy. To say David is a prodigy, that he'll be HUGE, a phenomenon...is an u n d e r s t a t e m e n t.

  • Russ - 16 years ago

    I thought Bridgeport was the best until the Tulsa performance. Maybe it was the realization for David that it would be the last one of the tour and he put everything into making it the best.

  • Susan - 16 years ago

    The Tulsa performance was incredible, but I had to go for SLC, night 1 because I was there and the emotion was indescribable. Besides it was an awesome performance. Watching this again is mesmerizing and brings tears to my eyes. However, all of the performances are truly amazing.

  • Dave - 16 years ago

    Well, nice way to spend an hour in the middle of the night!!! The Tulsa performance is just sheer perfection from start to finish, but once he readjusts that mic, it's otherworldly. It's hard to explain what his voice does to me...shivers? Not really. It's almost like when you would watch someone shatter a glass on TV with their voice...it's like you're the glass and he hit's the perfect resonance to get your body just humming/vibrating. It's an amazing ecstatic feeling and I've certainly never had anyone's voice evoke such a response before....

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