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What did you think of "Eastwatch"? (Poll Closed)

Total Votes: 757

  • Alison - 7 years ago

    I still can't figure out why no one is questioning Jon as to why he is no longer with the Night's Watch, as Ned Stark executed a deserter from the NW in Episode 1.

  • drosen - 7 years ago

    Eastwatch had some of the biggest plot holes that I remember seeing in the whole series. There's just no way that Bronn can rescue Jamie with all their armor on, especially after the depth that we saw Jaime sink to at the end of the last episode. When they pop out of the water, maybe a quarter mile away from where they went in, they still have all that armor on. There's just NO WAY that could happen. Compare it to when Jorah pulled Tyrion out of the ate after the attack of the Stone Men. That was believable. To me, that points up the difference between a Martin connected scene and something written in the post-Martin era. He wouldn't let let something like that happen.

    There were some really good scenes in this, like the Jon's Drogon petting moment, and hopefully the writers can prevent themselves from following into these deus ex machina moments in the future - unless they're believably set up.

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