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How do you feel about the Seahawks remaining in their locker room for the national anthem on Sunday? (Poll Closed)

Total Votes: 959

  • mary secoy - 7 years ago

    The Seahawks , unfortunately, have made their decision. Albeit , very bad. It will take a very long time getting this out of my mind. To think they all have the opportunity to go back to the country of their birth or heritage and show disrespect is of great importantanc. Because , they know this is the best country in the world and yet have the audacithy to not show respect. I am finished. After watching the Presidents Cup today and the American Team, they are truly a class act, an American Class
    May each Seahawk watch the movie, The Patriot, sometime soon.
    This pretense of their standing up for injustice to minorites is a bit over blown. Check out the stats and find out that these cases were tried and the police officers were not found guilty. Start teaching your younger generation that to becaome a good American is very important...Go to school. Help EDUCATE . Teach them trades in high school so they have a way to make a very decent living instead of playing the RACE CArd. I will be so happy when the RACE CARD is gone....then there will be no reason to be disrespectful or a lawbreaker !!
    Thank God for our President ! He is for America and I am totally with him.

  • Gregory Stewart - 7 years ago

    I am saddened that the players I held in high regard chose not to honor the flag, anthem & country that gave them as athletes the opportunity to engage in professional football.
    Maybe if these men had served in the military or in ways that actually protected our freedoms that many died for they would act differently.
    Protesting in regards to the “Black Lives Matter” movement is actually racist. It disregards other lives. “All Lives Matter”

  • Sabrina - 7 years ago

    In my opinion, their desire to not attend the National Anthem is every bit as much about "free speech" as it is Trump's prerogative to call them "SOB's" among other things. Do I like how Trump exercises his "free speech"? Absolutely not - on several accounts - but that doesn't mean he isn't entitled to express it. Same goes for the NFL players - it's freedom of speech - and whether or not any of us 'agree' with their actions, they are free to do it.

  • Lexi - 7 years ago

    The NFL players are protesting against the very group of men and women that are there protecting them and their fans at each and every game. These players need to rise to the American flag and thank the BLUE for their dedication to protect us all while doing what they love to do and making millions to do it!!!

  • Stephanie Haynes - 7 years ago

    To the Seahawks

    Today was truly a very sad day for me. As a Seahawk fan of many years, today was the day I said “Goodbye” to the team that I have loved since the 6th grade (I’m now 53). At first I was saddened and disappointed, then disgusted with the team’s show of disrespect towards our great country, the United States of America. For many of you who are blessed to be playing a game you love for a large amount of money, you should be grateful to this country for giving you the opportunity to do so. I do not think there is another country in this world that would give you adoring fans who help to fund your lavish paychecks and lifestyles. Yes, I agree with you in that you have a right to state your opinion, but you should be doing it on your own time. Politics should have never been brought into the stadium. Your display of disrespect today not only showed how unappreciative you are towards this country we all live in, but more so to the men and women in uniform who have fought for our freedoms and continue to do so today. You have basically given the middle finger to every service member and their families who everyday make sacrifices that you will never have to face. You have given the middle finger to fellow player Alejandro Villanueva. You talk about being united and showing support for each other but today you turned your back on him. You told him that the time he has given this country means nothing. In general, I normally don’t like any Pittsburgh Steeler but today, he was my hero, not for standing and saluting our flag, but for serving our country and knowing exactly why he needed to come out of the locker room to stand there. He didn’t hide like the rest of you. He didn’t cave into public opinion, political correctness, or peer pressure. At least he has the balls to do what is right. I guess my Sundays are now free, and my Fridays will no longer be blue. I am going to return the Seahawk cooler and plates I just bought from Costco. All the poster, pictures, and Seahawk memorabilia in my Hawks room will all come down. Why? Because looking at all of that will remind me that the team I thought so highly of turned out to be nothing but a bunch of spoiled, whiny, millionaires who pander to public opinion for fear of losing fans and all the money that comes with it.  All my Seahawks clothing and accessories will be packed away until you all realize that you are perpetuating the problem of division in this country. President Trump didn’t pick this fight. You did, along with Michael Bennett and Colin Kaepernick. President Trump was simply responding to your words and actions, defending the country which he loves. He too, has the right to exercise his First Amendment right as do I. Maybe you should go read a little about history and how each of us acquired that First Amendment in the first place. Then maybe you would understand why we stand to salute the US flag during the National Anthem.

  • Hogie - 7 years ago

    Pres. Trump should deal directly with the owners and take this position, " if your employees(players) don't stand for the national anthem, then don't include the national anthem on game day." Eliminate team and owner's tax breaks and/or incentives. Place more responsibility on the owners and the NFL to address the situation.

  • Hogie - 7 years ago

    Pres. Trump should deal directly with the owners and take this position, " if your employees(players) don't stand for the national anthem, then don't include the national anthem on game day." Eliminate team and owner's tax breaks and/or incentives. Place more responsibility on the owners and the NFL to address the situation.

  • g smith - 7 years ago

    I have been a loyal fan of the Seahawks since day 1. I now live in Arizona and have worn my Seahawk jersey with pride on game day. Until this past Sunday. For the first time I am ashamed and can no longer be called a Fan. Anyone want to buy a used jersey?

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