Do you plan on watching any NFL games this weekend?


  • George Raymond - 7 years ago

    Poll says 83% won't watch. I'd bet my life savings that 60% of those people NEVER watch the NFL to begin with.

  • Peggy - 7 years ago

    They're fined for taking a knee in the end zone and making the sigh of the cross. How is this different from taking a knee against our nation. Why aren't they find?

  • Phil - 7 years ago

    I will watch simply to make all the racist white people mad.

  • Don - 7 years ago

    Trump needs to apologize to the NFL and to the American people. He's a big fat liar and the white house is going down with him.

    Trump can't demand that everyone stand for the flag if he colluded with a foreign government to subvert the very democracy that flag represents.

    One screw up after another:

    President Donald Trump faced a major test on Tuesday as he traveled to storm-ravaged Puerto Rico: Show the American citizens struggling for survival on the island that he understood their plight, sympathized with them and was doing everything in his power to make it better as quickly as he could.

    He failed. He failed big.

    He's headed to Vegas today. Watch! He will screw it up by being rude. He will most likely say "both sides were wrong" like he did with Charlotte. Sad! So so sad!

  • Steve Wallace - 7 years ago

    The great thing is you can do all the back and forth you want and in the end do what you want.
    I'm going to do what I want and not watch the NFL this weekend or any other weekend this year.
    Then I will exercise my right to decide for myself if I watch a game next year or ever again.
    The NFL doesn't deserve anything from me.

  • Norma - 7 years ago

    I'm not a fan of football....have always thought it's a stupid, boring game. But now, I'm watching. I'm supporting the NFL for standing behind its players. They're NOT disrespecting the flag or the anthem. They're crying out for their brothers. I've seen some of these videos of cops shooting men. They have no chance. The cops just gun them down. I have respect for authority, but not when it becomes abusive. I've actually heard cops talk about making arrests as if they're a score to be made. I saw a video of a cop chasing a black man, and shooting him in the back. That cop wasn't charged with anything. That sorry excuse for a president blew this way up by sticking his big mouth in it. By the way, he broke the law when he said "fire them"! Look it up. He should be arrested just for that, among other things. Stop listening to his BS, and think about it.

  • Kris - 7 years ago

    Well, I seriously hope you guys pay closer attention to the tragedy that happened in Las Vegas. Each team in the NFL are multi billion dollar teams, you not watching bc some one else told you not to, will not affect them. Not in the least. Football is football. If you are a fan, you will watch no matter how they chose to honor our veterans and military. It's not about politics. It's about Unity and supporting teammates and other NFL players. When you all realize that you are all sheep, bowing down to a true dictator, will it be too late?

  • Stacie Knebel - 7 years ago

    I love football! My favorite time of the year. We plan our week around it and also our menu. Not this year. Not until they stop making football about politics. Until that time, I am finding I am able to get lots more done on Sundays and even hav more meaningful conversations during the normal game times. I watched at least three and many times 4 games on sundays. #nflNoFansLeft.

  • Sterling Ketner - 7 years ago

    I have watched Pro Football since 1967 and I have enjoyed it immensely. However if I don't see them standing with their hands over their hearts I will never watch another game as long as I live. So 50 years of support will be gone. I'll sell my Jerseys and Ball caps and not look back. Make your statement if you wish but not during our National Anthem. I will stand and with my Brothers in arms who now serve and those who gave it all in death for your freedoms.

  • Steve - 7 years ago

    No more NFL for me!
    These over paid winners need to show at the very least a 50% participation of players and owners in the rebuilding of the cities they play for. Not football camps for mostly minority children either.

  • WKS - 7 years ago

    This has NOTHING to do with their right to protest. It's all about doing what they are paid to do.
    Not convinced? Try this next week....put on a shirt with your company logo and take off during working hours to attend/participate in a well publicized political rally your boss will see on TV. Let us know how that works out.

  • JASON - 7 years ago

    Just take a few seconds and think about this.The liberals support BLM and ANTIFA both morally and financially,the new movement in the sports world is a reflection of BLM protest against trump.Black players have even been saluting to BLACK POWER every time they tackle a white player.Now why else would the NFL allow this type of behavior to cause them to lose millions of dollars from loss of sponsors and fan base unless they were being compensated for their losses by another "SPONSOR".

  • jason - 7 years ago

    the NFL players are only being manipulated by the leftist liberal agenda to attempt to remove trump.The liberals are probably even paying the players to protest and in the process wasting our tax dollars.The removal of trump would be the worst most unwise mistake this country has ever made,unless you would rather someday live like they do in venezuela with communist control and power which is what the liberals are trying to push for america,then just keep on kneeling.Me myself?.I love freedom.

  • John - 7 years ago

    Cherie you statement is false. Only during prime time games did the players stay in the locker room. All other games the were on the field burning the anthem. Also I will not have anything to do with the NFL AND WILL NOT SUPPORT THE SPONSERS. until changes are made in the leadership of the NFL

  • suzie - 7 years ago

    Meant to say I agree with you SANDY!

  • suzie - 7 years ago

    I agree with you Cherie. I will no longer spend money or watch NFL. These ungrateful thugs will be unemployed shortly I hope.

  • Sandy - 7 years ago

    Boo Hoo Cherie! I'm less than a year behind you in age, and I find what you say to be ignorant! For every ball game I've ever attended, we stood for the National Anthem. Stop using your age to suppress those that disagree with you. NFL players are acting out the actions of ANTIFA and BLM! Both, domestic terrorists groups. American's do not have to accept their actions as normal, and we won't. But, good luck to you!

  • sandy - 7 years ago

    If I'm flipping channels and accidentally see anything NFL, I'll toss my TV off the deck! I want nothing to do with them, or their sponsors. I live in NASCAR country, but if I have to look at Earnhardt Jr, I'll puke!

  • Marc Rogers - 7 years ago

    Ya know, at this point I am done with the NFL. We pay good money and invest our time and, to some degree, emotions to be ENTERTAINED. What these idiots are doing is disrespectful to all Americans. It is certainly not entertainment. Protest if you must, but not where I am paying for the stage.

  • Wes - 7 years ago

    And now you see how Trump won the election, there are people that take a knee and those that take action......

  • Shelley Allen - 7 years ago

    Without the men and women who fought and died to afford you these freedoms , you would really have something to complain about. Without your fans , you would not have anything to negotiate, i.e. Millions, so how bout respect the flag and the anthem and the fans. Protest all you want on your own time. All of you should be ashamed of your words and actions, especially those who disrespected this country in England. How do you expect anyone to respect us if we can't do it ourselves.....I will not watch any NFL games until this stops. Shame on coaches and owners who condone this mess!!

  • GarryMcClanahan - 7 years ago

    Probably never will again

  • Lee - 7 years ago

    Not this weekend, probably not this season. Might even skip the superbowl.

  • Stephen Piantedosi - 7 years ago

    Nice job filtering out the bots voting here polldaddy. a 100% swing in 12 hours? Meaningless results

  • Nitro - 7 years ago

    Never again

  • Hypocrite - 7 years ago

    Hey "Cowboys Fan" I don't see people concerned about the Native Americans that had everything stolen from them. Their grievance with this country supersedes any the black Americans claim, but nobody gives a crap about helping them out. People like you go around pointing a finger at everyone else but there's three more pointing back at you! Everyone should be doing their part to make this country better but it's not just about making it better for one specific group.

  • Cherie answering NFL Hater of 12 hours ago - 7 years ago

    I'm trying to figure out why you chose me, out of all these other people with the same view as I have, to go off on? I'm just one 70 year old woman who loves her football and loves her country, not necessarily in that order! One has nothing to do with the other. Did you know that the football teams used to all stay in their locker rooms during the playing of the National Anthem? If anything at all, we should go back to that. Of course Trump is "spot on correct" when it comes to respecting the flag. I wonder why he didn't think about that when he was draft dodging to get out of serving our country and our flag? Mr. Kaepernick definitely chose the wrong venue to protest the killing of innocent black kids and he is paying the price for it now. It is my belief that the rest of the football players who decided to kneel out of respect for him during last Sunday's games were simply expressing their first amendment rights, and, again, maybe it was the wrong place and the wrong time, but I still defend their right to do so. If I don't, I am disrespecting not only those men and their first amendment rights, but also our constitution and our forefathers who wrote our constitution, our flag, our nation and my dead husband who would have been kneeling on the front room floor in front of the TV, right along with those players. I'm sorry, "Mr NFL Hater," if I struck a sour note in your demeanor. I certainly did not mean to upset you. But I DID donate all that an old widow woman living on Social Security could afford to donate, to two wonderful charities to help those poor victims of the three hurricanes. And as soon as I get paid again, I will donate to the victims of the earthquake in Mexico.....I know that they are not American citizens as the Puerto Ricans are, but they are human beings and they certainly don't deserve to suffer they way they did. And, I WILL STILL be watching the games on Sunday, with my hand over my heart while the National Anthem plays. I will not be able to stand, however, because I am in a wheelchair. But I do respect your right to do so!

  • Cowboys Fan - 7 years ago

    What I am setting here are a bunch of immature people making a mountain out of a mohill. You people complaining about people exercising the right for people to protest are probably the same people who think it is okay to burn crosses. The problem I have with all of these people who disagree with with this protest have biased opinions of the the players in the first place and are willingly ignoring what the real purpose of the protest is about because you do not care about the police brutality of and killing of African American not do any of you have a right to tell people what and how they can protest just look at Charlottesville. So if you never watch football again or buy products from endorsements that is your right. But please go have a few seats. I doubt that when you're at home or in a bar that you stand. #45 often says make America great again but I say make it great for who? If America did not give the same rights to all of its citizens is not great. Just ask the people in Puerto Rico who are dying.

  • Dan W. - 7 years ago

    As the saying goes, " You can't keep a good man down." There's some good men out there choosing to take a stand. Stay strong!

  • Jokes on you - 7 years ago

    I'm sure it there somewhere there's a bunch of White Supremacists laughing their rear ends off at all these black players who are choosing to kneel and bow down in a subservient position in front of all those white fans. Pretty ironic!

  • Jerry - 7 years ago

    I love how everyone is trying to change their tune and make this about Trump. Regardless of whether you agree with what Trump has said or done, this started back in August of last year, months prior to Trump's election with Kapernick. I didn't vote for Obama the last 2 terms but I didn't raise a stink when he was elected or while he was in office.

  • Cowboys fan - 7 years ago

    Dale Hrbel when in the hell did this become your country.? You are a part of the problem idiot. For all of you who claim you will never watch football again you will not be missed. Even if I'm not watching I'll make sure all 3 of my televisions are on. #45 needs to stay in his lane and you need to have a few seats. With his corrupt money laundering ass.

  • Cowboys Fan - 7 years ago

    I believe that anyone who wants to take a knee wave a hand hold a fist take a seat it is their right to do so. People making a big deal about this you stand you put your hand over your heart and you salute a flag for a country who allows its American citizens to die and live in inhabitable conditions like those in Puerto Rico. However, let's celebrate those very fine racist that caused the death of a young lady in Charlottesville. Who are you to tell someone how to feel and how to protest? The underlying issue never was and still isn't about the glad please do deflecting. How many of you actually stand and salute? That part. Even schools have allowed kids to not have to pledge allegiance to the flag so stoooop making a big deal about this your racist cold are showing.

  • Stephen Piantedosi - 7 years ago

    All of fact, I'm going to record a bunch of them so I can watch them over and over. And I'll eat cheetos while I'm doing it too :D

  • Stephen Piantedosi - 7 years ago

    All of fact, I'm going to record a bunch of them so I can watch them over and over. And I'll cheetos while I'm doing it too :D

  • Hatethe NFL - 7 years ago

    Cherie- your comment is ridiculous! These black jocks- kapernick- for starters - started this whole thing - not President Trump! President Trump is spot on correct about respecting the flag and our anthem! Why don't you donate your ticket money to hurricane victims instead of overpaid dumb jocks???

  • Cherie - 7 years ago

    I'll be watching every game that's televised just as I do every Sunday, Monday and Thursday! Go Bears! What goes on on that field is not Trump;s business and he should have kept his ignorant nose out of it! If he owned a team, he could tell them what to do, not until! None of these players disrespect the flag, they disrespect Trump and how he horned in on the whole thing. So, why don't all you people who don't plan on going to or watching a game this weekend, take that money you would have spent on beer and snacks and donate it to a good charity that will help all the people and animals that are suffering in one of the hurricane affected states or countries? Now that's a cause we should all stand up for!!!

  • Cherie - 7 years ago

    I'll be watching every game that's televised just as I do every Sunday, Monday and Thursday! Go Bears! What goes on on that field is not Trump;s business and he should have kept his ignorant nose out of it! If he owned a team, he could tell them what to do, not until! None of these players disrespect the flag, they disrespect Trump and how he horned in on the whole thing. So, why don't all you people who don't plan on going to or watching a game this weekend, take that money you would have spent on beer and snacks and donate it to a good charity that will help all the people and animals that are suffering in one of the hurricane affected states or countries? Now that's a cause we should all stand up for!!!

  • Titans Love - 7 years ago

    Our draft dodging President, also overpaid, sold you the koolaid. These guys have more respect and give back more to their communities than he ever will.

  • Bill - 7 years ago

    I will NOT watch any more NFL games.
    You stand for all the men and women who have served this Great Country.
    All I see is a bunch of over paid draft dodgers.

  • Dale hebel - 7 years ago

    I am done watching football or any other sport that doesn't respect our country!! This year or whenever they stop crying! Respect our country or get out of our country!! Because they are the problem in our country stop with your complaining!! It's not what our country can do for you! It's what you can do for our country! Good things not bad! Love your neighbor as thyself and you will do well!!

  • dude love - 7 years ago

    yeah, because 98% of the population knowing what the blm is pissing about ain't enough! dude, we know! we also know that football is a very lucrative occupation that affords its employees many, many, many more opportunities to get the message out! somehow a minority of the players thought disrupting the ambiance of the game was their best shot! well, it was cheaper than a 30/60 second commercial during the game. the management must have expressed a desire to facilitate the feat and so we all were subjected to a shitshow over a overhyped issue that most are not convinced even exists. yeah, there are a constant supply of stupid and or badly trained cops that turn up in the ranks but they are not even a full percentage point of the millions of cops working everyday! yes, i've heard the argument that the boys in blue run a crony shop and try to cover for their own. again, i think the percentage is very low! and i hesitate to point out to the concerned folks at the blm that more white folks are killed by poorly trained leos because that would certainly be seen as a racist remark. but it's true! what do we privileged white folks do about it? well, we ain't pissing on primetime that's for sure. no, we avail ourselves of the criminal justice system and the courts to seek redress! there are slews of copwatch, copblock type organizations around! how many are blm working with? i'd bet not a single one. no, it's social justice work and requires burning out black neighborhoods and sniping cops not a cohesive effort by all citizens!

    anyhow, preachers and protesters are better received when their audience seeks their opinion and nearly always frowned upon when they start thumping the good book uninvited! what these gentleman need is a good public relations firm to guide them in the fine art of marketing.

    i hope the n.f.l. doesn't get smacked by karma and send all the folks gainfully employed in the industry looking for real jobs! i kind of like my football and i'd like folks to stop hijacking it for their cause dejuer! can we just all get along?

  • Joe - 7 years ago

    Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

  • Mr McAfee - 7 years ago

    Thanks for all who read my posts from the heart. The posts was to illustrate that if we know there is a problem and make efforts to solve the problem, would there be any protesting??? I voted for President Trump but this is one he could have sat out because even the military people are split. Everyone's opinion is valid this is what make America different. Last post I promise.

  • Military Brat - 7 years ago

    I will NOT be attend OR watching Any NFL games!! I Own 4 PSLs & Season Tickets and me & my family will be staying Home!! In fact, I will probably be Selling My PSLs!! I am DONE with this BS!! Kaepernick started all of this Crap on a FAKE So-called "Racial Injustice" platform to begin with. I am SO Fed UP with Black people CONSTANTLY complaining about America, the American Flag & White People for Their Own misgivings in their lives! Minorities have So Much to be Thankful for in this Country, but instead they continuously choose to use the Race/Victim Card in Everything they do! I, along with others, Tried to attend a BLM Meeting to discuss & Help, BUT We were All turned Away! Yep, that's Right....... We were told by BLM that we could NOT attend because we were WHITE!! SO....... Who's the actual Racist????? Just recently, at a Christian College here in Nashville, a group of black students were invited to the College President's home for dinner & discussion. The very next day all they could do was Complain about the Cotton centerpieces on the tables & the Southern dinner items they were served. Yep, according to them, Mac & Cheese, Collard Greens & Cornbread are now RACIST!!! WTF??? These are Normal Southern Foods that are served weekly at my own home!! Good Lord, what has this world come to?? I guess I should be used to the Daily Dose of Liberal PC Outrage, but I am SICK Of It!! Stand UP for Our Flag & Our Country, you Crybaby Millionaires! Delanie Walker, I heard you Loud & Clear & until All of this Crap with the Titans & the NFL STOPS, My Seats in that Stadium will be EMPTY!!!

  • Lawrence Field - 7 years ago

    I love football but, I love more our country, police, firefighters especially the military and those who served and those who gave their lives for freedom, without them you have no freedom. I love My Father and all of our families military they would not allow this to happen. They had the respect we should be showing for our flag and our country and they had the guts to stand up for it. Football is and should be about football only we are aware of problems in our country but this is not the way to address them. You cannot have freedom of speech on one item and no freedom of speech on another issue. This is a two way road not a one way society. Let there be religious freedom it has been shutdown on the football. Patriotism and God comes first not in that order. Maybe we need to make God part of the equation again because without Him you can do nothing and pride rules. No greater love can a man give than to lay down his life for another! I am grateful for that sacrifice!

  • Bill - 7 years ago

    No one is saying there isn't a problem. What people are saying is NOTHING is going to happen when you kneel for the anthem except divide us more. Instead of kneeling do something, ANYTHING with the platform you are privileged to have and start trying to make a difference!! These players have six days out of the week they can be doing something. They have an entire off season, and what do we see?? We see them spending their money on clubs, alcohol, fancy trips, easy women... basically anything and everything BESIDES the people they claim to be protesting for. Like for example Von Miller... how about instead of him making stupid snap chats of himself dancing, what he's eating or the concerts he's going to... pack your bags, go to the city and start working from the inside out. To take it a step further. We are ALL Americans... all of our lives matter, so take this protest further and call out all racists like the rapper who made a video HANGING A CHILD. Hate won't stop because you're kneeling... as NFL players use your voice to stop the hate from all races, genders and backgrounds.

  • Jack Odom - 7 years ago

    I refuse to watch a group that disrespect the US FLAG and the US National Anthem. They are trying to make a racial situation out of this. The protest should be at another place and time. I have no respect for them black or WHITE!!! They have NO respect for those that died giving them the freedom to protest. But do it at a different time!!!

  • John - 7 years ago

    I will not be watching the lowlifes who disrespect our flag and military. College football is better anyway.

  • Kathy - 7 years ago

    No, I have lost all respect for the NFL. I agree with President Trump, they should be fired.

  • D House - 7 years ago

    We pay to see football, not politics. Protest on your day off. You're setting a very bad example to the youth of this country.

  • Donna Evan - 7 years ago

    Huge fan just moved here so excited to go to a game . I will not watch them anymore. I can't share my protest at my job . Good luck to the NFL you lost this fan .

  • seriously McAfee - 7 years ago

    dude enough comments already

  • Richard Ford - 7 years ago

    I own a small business, if I have an employee whose behaviour on the job, I will fire him. He can do as he pleases off the job but if his actions, on the job, hurt my business and my ability to pay other employees, he will be fired. Isn't that just common sense?

  • THIS POLL IS NOT ACCURATE - 7 years ago

    This poll has been diluted and is not accurate. You can repeatedly vote by just taking a few extra steps. Other polls that are accurate have shown the majority don't approve of the protests, but this poll can be manipulated.

  • Paul Darden - 7 years ago

    The Demos cannot get over losing the presidential election and they are using this protest and any other thing they can think of to bring objections to OUR President. Protest if you please, but why use the flag and anthem of the country where these cry-babies have made their millions, live in big homes, drive big sports cars, as an object of protest. Sacrifices have been made by many for this flag and OUR national anthem and none of these protestors will ever make the sacrifice they have made. No NFL for me, only college sports!

  • Alfonzo Jordan - 7 years ago

    I will watch the game this weekend, I respect what the player are trying to bring to the table. As a Vietnam Veteran they have my full support. THANK YOU NFL FOR STANDING UP!

  • Art Mealer - 7 years ago

    I especially won't be watching the Titans. Their coach was OFFENDED by President Trump's statement, but he's blissfully unaware of what it means to side with racist who hate whites, especially white police. The BLM was created by Obama to divide the country, so every incident, whether right or wrong, was condemned by the white house and the BLM movement. But, there is no reason to flaunt the their noses at the sacrifices made by men and women defending our freedom and nation Nor is there any reason to insult the freedom and prosperity that our flag represents. It seems to be the media's aim to take the flag and patriotism out of society just as they have been trying to evict God. Malarkey played right into their hands, like the dim wit that he is. I'll start watching again when he apologizes to the American people and to their president.

  • Robin Paris - 7 years ago

    No I am ashamed of these players. They are disrespecting our country and flag. They want to protest, do it another way...don't disrespect our country, flag, service men and women. Grow up. You're just people that play a game. Nobody respects you anyways.

  • Mr McAfee - 7 years ago

    I deeply respect all sides to this issue but a couple of themes keep coming up that I a need to address. People are saying "if you America is so bad...". No, you can something is GREAT but its not all what you expect it to be. Another is people are desperate to come to U.S. so it can't be as bad as people say, My answer is a lot of them DO NOT KNOW America's history, a lot don't care about America's history, and they will never have to experience slavery and jim crow in America. America is the best country in the world, the reason people push for an advancement in America is WE chastise, do not communicate, trade, or sometimes not recognize a country for not changing OR HAVING DEPLORABLE HUMAN RIGHTS. So we need to put our actions where our mouths are and strive for ideals that all of our doctrines has in them. “We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness….” says it all and not to reach for it is truly DISRESPECT!!

  • Sheryl hunter - 7 years ago

    I will watch this weekend for the first time in 20 years. I am a veteran and I will ALWAYS support peaceful protest whether or not I agree with your cause.

  • Michael - 7 years ago

    While I agree with the need for reform in this country to end the violence we see in our police departments, I don't see the argument that it's due largely to racism. If America opresses people of color as these protesters claim, why are there so many people of color from all over the world immigrating to America? If you ask these new Americans why they would leave their county and everything they've ever known to start over in America, the answer is almost always for the chance at a better life. Why would they come to America year after year, decade after decade,generationafter generation, if it's such a racist country that doesn't allow equal opportunity to all? Sure there's a certain amount of hate and racism, but that exists worldwide and has for centuries. That does not mean it thrives or is condoned/accepted within our society. I personally know people from Afica, the Middle East, South America, as well as other nations who immigrated to America within the last few years and started over with nothing but are now thriving. Why is it then supposedly so difficult for people of color born in America when they are granted those same freedoms and opportunities from birth? The claims of racial inequality just doesn't make logical sense. I personally don't agree with the basis of the protest because I just don't see the evidence to support it. Regardless, sports isn't the place to protest personal beliefs because there will always be an opposing side thus causing a division. I won't be watching until the NFL stops taking sides and agrees to keep politics out of football.

  • Bobby skelton - 7 years ago

    I love how the media (WKRN) is keeping the poll open to boost the support for the “yes” support of the kneeling side. The other polls closed after 2 hours. It seems they are trying to influence or dilute the poll. After the first 2 hours 78%no 23%no, at 4 hours it was 75% no , 25% yes. Could they have a bias, seems so. No poll is accurate after 2 hours. It’s just as bad as the protest. I understand you want to be able to rub elbows with the celebs and players. But come on just report the news leave your opinion and commentary out of it.

  • Delbert McReavy - 7 years ago

    It is so unbelievable ! Everything that is wrong in this country and the focus is on a handful of Black men taking a knee during the Anthem ? Seriously ? Earthquakes, fires, floods and hurricanes have hurt millions of Americans. our current "administration" is the most inept and self serving in our history. The working people are getting screwed from every direction while the wealthy and giant corporations are laughing all the way to their off shore bank accounts. We have racial injustice going on. We have homeless and starving veterans. The list just goes on and on and on. But let's forget all about that and be really, really outraged about a handful of pro sports players taking a knee during the Anthem, a Constitutionally protected protest against racial injustice, and just stir up the anger and hatred to take people's minds of what is really happening in Washington DC. The Ku Klux Klown in chief himself once said that burning the flag was a beautiful way to protest. But that was when white people were doing it. See the difference ?

  • Lori Machens - 7 years ago

    I’ll watch EXTRA games. Also, the utter ignorance surrounding this is staggering. Peaceful protest in this manner is not only acceptable, but is a hard-fought-for right. Your “outrage” would be hilarious if it wasn’t encouraged by the embarrassment sitting (occasionally) in the White House. I’ve never been more ashamed of my country. #RESIST

  • Gold Star family - 7 years ago

    Anyone see the jiggabooly kneeling as taps was played at Tomb of the Unknown Solidier. What a pos.

  • Greg Bailey - 7 years ago

    I will continue to watch and support the NFL and the players, funny you people take offense to people kneeling and don't take offense to the joker who stand their and pretend to be patriotic his actions is on how he is governing is completely different.

  • Allen - 7 years ago

    If you protesters, want to kneel, link, during our National Anthem, learn which U.S. Code, you are breaking, doing it. I would love to see Federal Tickets, start being handed out.

    Section 301(b) of title 36 of the U.S. code says that when the national anthem is played, Armed Services members in uniform should give the military salute at the first note of the song and maintain that position until the last note.

    Armed Forces members and veterans who are present but not in uniform may do the same.

    “All other persons present should face the flag and stand at attention with their right hand over the heart, and men not in uniform, if applicable, should remove their headdress with their right hand and hold it at the left shoulder, the hand being over the heart.”

  • Linda Welch - 7 years ago

    I never watch football, but now I will!!!

  • Mr.McAfee - 7 years ago

    Rachel with all due respect, I am implore you as well as others with leaves like yours two understand the protest action was not for their situation but for people like Eric Garner philando Castile Freddie Gray mr. Scott etc. If there are any question of inequalities please peek at these areas, salary, its not just women. Unarmed shot n killed by PO, i'm ex-po. Employment rate, intelligent people know u r Not counted if u r not looking for employment. And we can go on and on. These are statistics that are gathered bye independent nonpartisan entities. This is not a Repub/ Demo think I voted DT and hopes he is successful with an open mind. If we are to honor are symbols and our songs and our Doctrines we have to be brave enough to put into practice the ideals they express. I watch sports for the beauty of the games the skill of the athletes, I usually don't watch the pregame rituals. Live I participate in the anthem and prayer other than that I'm strictly There For the Love of the Game.

  • Scott - 7 years ago

    This whole mess was started by one spoiled guy who happens to be multiracial with a pretty privileged upbringing crying out for Racial/Social Injustice in America. Are you kidding me?! Not only is he like the previous President (Obama), as equally White as he is Black, but he was toting an income of over 11 MILLION DOLLARS. How anyone can take this twit serious is beyond my reasoning. It didn't serve him well and I venture to say it won't for the other's who foolishly follow. "OK Bye" Yes, that's a direct quote of yours Mr. Delanie Walker! Don't forget how you got where you're at and who supported you along the way.....the fans!

  • Larry - 7 years ago

    Where was all the outrage at disrespecting the flag when white supremists marched in Charlottesville carrying a flag of secession, holding tiki torches to mimic the nazi marches and chanting blood and soil as did Hitler's minions? These are organizations that were truly against the flag and all it stands for, yet this president thought they were good people. Yes this is about racism and these players have a right to protest what is going on in this country. Peaceful protest has brought about many changes for the better in this country. Threatening players lives for peacefully protesting injustice is abhorrent and totally un-American. Having a president stand behind the presidential seal and call fellow American citizens sons of bitches is totally disrespectful of the office and this country. I stand with these players and this team. For anyone that wants to stay home that's fine most of you have been selling your tickets to opposing fans anyway!

  • Tara - 7 years ago

    All of you libtards are pathetic. Get your service animals and go cry in a corner.

  • Steve B. - 7 years ago

    The current blowup Came about as a result of Trump’s comments. And those comments were a lame attempt to take the focus from his numerous failings. It is Trump who should apologize. The sick morons who threatened Delaney’s family need to be apprehended and prosecuted to the max.

  • Donnie Bryan - 7 years ago

    I support them a hundred percent.

    Rosa Parks was not protesting the bus.
    Ghandi was not protesting food.
    The NFL is not protesting the anthem or the flag.
    They are protesting the supremest, racist, pussy-pincher whom we must sadly call our president.

  • rick frazier - 7 years ago

    I stopped watching them last year.if they protest with their arms locked, I have no problem with that, I understand they want to be unified against trump, against racism. but hiding in locker room and the ones kneeling, no way, won't be apart of disrespecting America.

  • Rachel - 7 years ago

    I respect every American Citizen's right to peaceful protest, but honestly, it's pretty ludicrous for a bunch of rich guys that play a game for a living who are obviously successful to claim that America doesn't allow equal opportunity to everyone regardless of race, religion, sexuality, etc. If anything they're a clear example that the opposite is in fact true. Did we not have a Black President in office when these protests started last season? Proof yet again this claim is false.

    Most people don't even know the point of the protests because the method is so offensive. Because of that the protester's message is falling on deaf ears and the only change taking place is the growing divide in this country. There's a time and a place for protesting your beliefs. Do it on your own time and your own dime!

    Will not be watching until the NFL puts a stop to this.

    Leave politics out of sports! #takeastand

  • Lyric S. - 7 years ago

    I couldn't agree more with you Sandy Lowe. I support Walker, Colin K, and any other player's in the league. If you don't stand for'll fall for anything... Continue to resist!!!!!

  • Larry - 7 years ago

    I will not watch Pro football again and I will not buy sponsor's products until respect is shown for our country and national anthem. Please take your protests outside of the stadium. Without fans, pro football will not exist.

  • Micky Leavell - 7 years ago

    If the players don't want to be perceived as unpatriotic, then stop doing something that is unpatriotic. Find another way to express your opinion. Besides, Delanie Walker told us good-bye.

  • Dylan - 7 years ago

    I’m a Patriot, and a Patriot fan.... couldn’t make me not watch!

  • Mr. McAfee - 7 years ago

    The people who will NOT watch the NFL needs to know this, because I believe good hearted fair minded people will put A SONG and A PIECE OF MATERIAL in its proper place. Military in my family reaches back to WW1 and will defend from foreign or DOMESTIC threats. However if the song is comforting then you need to know the WHOLE SONG. Originally there were 4 verses just as silent night we all the 1st verse and that's all. But to be endeared and comforted by the song just know the third verse was as follows:
    And where is that band who so vauntingly swore,
    That the havoc of war and the battle’s confusion
    A home and a Country should leave us no more?
    Their blood has wash’d out their foul footstep’s pollution.
    No refuge could save the hireling and slave
    From the terror of flight or the gloom of the grave,
    And the star-spangled banner in triumph doth wave
    O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave.

    So don't judge a book by just the cover. The is flag's power is in its REPRESENTATION, not the material. knowing military people very very well, the representation is what is unifying and most want to speak on what the red symbolizes but loose their ability to speak when it comes to what the white stripes mean!!! We are Americans! period. Perfect, no. Can do better towards the American Doctrines bestowed upon us all equally while more importantly live up to what GOD and scripture tell us to be.

  • Jim - 7 years ago

    Pledging the flag when the national anthem is played at attention with your hand over your heart shows love for the men and women who's sacrifices gave us the freedom we enjoy and it shows thanks to God for the 241 years he has protected and allowed our country to be the great country it is.
    Protesting during the national anthem is not the time to show ANY type of protest. it is a time of reverence to show love for the country we call home.
    If disrespect such as this was publicly shown in many countries who do not enjoy the freedoms the NFL players are taking for granted, their helmets would not protect their necks from being severed right before their heads hit the ground.
    No, I am through with NFL football.

  • Joe - 7 years ago

    Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

  • Joe Frazier - 7 years ago

    Anyone who says they won't watch it for this reason is totally ignorant on the entire point behind them doing this. They are not disrespecting the flag nor our veterans. If you are sitting at home watching the game and do not stand and place your hand over your heart than you have no reason to be upset as you are doing the exact same thing. Stop blowing this way out of proportion and letting the media feed off of it.

  • Misty Beard - 7 years ago

    The negative reactions to the Titans not coming out are absolutely childish and is exactly why this “conversation” doesn’t get solved just gets worse. If this is the land of the “free” then what happens to freedom of speech. It has been said many times over that it was NOTHING to do with disrespecting the military. If people were more open minded and open their ears they would maybe get an understanding. For the people who have took it to a level of threatening people’s lives is absolutely childish! Maybe some of these so called grown ups could learn a lesson about how to go about giving opinions and using your words to SOLVE problems instead of making them worse!!! I am from a very lengthy military family, but I am an open minded person and don’t see a problem for standing up for what u believe in , that’s our right . How about we listen and understand so we can break the cycle instead of keeping it going for our children to have to have this same fight 20 + years from now! And why is it just the titans being attacked when the Seahawks did same thing. I love my military and country and I love my titans. Not very proud of the way some of my fellow Americans and leaders are behaving right now. It’s time to come together and do something to end the hate instead of finding ways to keep it going !

  • Bree - 7 years ago

    The national anthem is played to show our respect and love for everyone that has givin it to us. If you have no respect for our country why do you reside here? I will never pay for anything related to football again. Our anthem should be taken more seriously. For the men who broke my son's heart, who loved football, said he hates them and doesn't want to play anymore.

  • Tammy Hyler - 7 years ago

    There's a time and place for everything. Tying their right to protest their issues (and they are real and valid) directly to the anthem is simply wrong. It's blatant disrespect for our country. And breaking The NFL's own rules of conduct regarding the national anthem! It's simply a dumb decision to do it during our national anthem. If you use your platform to protest your issues, you run the risk of losing fans period. This is Nashville and remember what happened to our own Dixie Chicks? Even though it was their right to freedom of speech, their views made many people angry enough to never listen to their music again and cost them their Multi platinum careers. Nashville fans and fans all over the country pay their hard earned money to escape the world for a few hours and UNITE TOGETHER to see and hear race-less and colorless sports and healing music … and not to see divisive politics and protests. We all know the issues...I challenge each and every NFL player and owner to put their hard earned money into action now... make a real change.

  • Steve - 7 years ago

    No games till players coaches and owners apologize to the American people and they must tell pee we coaches and pop warner to stop their actions as well

  • Krista DiGiacomo - 7 years ago

    As a wife and granddaughter of a military veteran, I am appalled at the disrespect these over payed children are showing for our country. This is not about solidarity for civil change, instead it is about getting their feelings hurt over comments made by our president calling them out about their behaviors.
    As I watched the news last night and saw children kneeling at high school games, I was even more sickened. These are role models to our children!!! I am not a proponent of the draft but I think military training and/or service should be a requirement, so an understanding of what our honorable and true role models have to face on a daily bases.
    Many of the NFL players are back peddling now and tauting that this is not a slight on the military, but they are so wrong. They are disrespecting our nation and those who voluntarily serve it.
    I am seriously reconsidering my fandom for this team and sport.
    Sad..... it used to be the great AMERICAN past time.

  • Susanne Hansen - 7 years ago

    I believe in freedom of speech all the way. But your freedom of speech ends where mine begins. Freedom of speech doesn’t mean you get to say anything you want, any WAY or anywhere you want. The American Flag and National Anthem stands for so much more than what the players are protesting against. If I am a paying customer, paying you to do a job, in this case, play football, then I don’t want you using that time to protest especially something I hold dear. As a wife, daughter, daughter-in-law, and granddaughter-in-law, of honorable Veterans that have fought for this country I feel this is disrespectful to their service and all those who have served.

  • Rosie graham - 7 years ago

    There's away to protest but do it another way. Taking a knee when the national anthem is playing is wrong. Stand facing tge flag with your hand over your heart. Kneeling just is dividing the country even more. Protest on the streets, or hold a rally in the Nissan Stadium parking lot during the week. There are better ways to protest.

  • Bobby Skelton - 7 years ago

    Will never watch the NFL again. Can not support an organization that would not exist outside of this country that dishonors the country. Spoiled privileged players, with the bad behavior (beating up wives and girlfriends), alcohol, drug issues, and various other felony acts (including murder- one convicted, one got away with it), it’s the national thug league.

  • Liz - 7 years ago

    For the first time we did not watch a single game last weekend, nor will we watch any this weekend. I have also looked up a list of NFL sponsors and we will not be purchasing any of their products while this is going on. We are a big military family, including a wounded warrior, and this makes me sick. We watch football for entertainment, not politics. Take it off the field.

  • Tracy Quillen - 7 years ago

    We R A Military family an I am A Military Mom people died for that flag stand up an show some respect

  • Jenny - 7 years ago

    We all have a right to protest but theirs is not about football so they should protest elsewhere. I don't pay for music tickets to hear politics and I also won't pay to watch sports if they want to protest. They can and should do it separately or they run the risk of not getting paid. We pay to watch sports period. Maybe we should take away the flag and the song from sports but until something changes they may lose followers. If it's truly about racism then it does not belong in a sport. It appears as unpatriotic. I have one son with a Purple Heart from the army and another is a police officer and neither are racists and believe in supporting our country, all of it. Please remove protesting from sports unless it's sport related. Period. We will choose to not watch it until it's all about the sport

  • Dianne Shelbrack - 7 years ago

    I watch football for what happens after kickoff, not before.

  • Sandy Lowe - 7 years ago

    I will proudly attend every game and/or kneel/stand next to any player. Things must change in our country before we can all stand.

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