Should schools prohibit students from bringing in baked goods due to potential food allergies?


  • CYR - 7 years ago

    It's not called "special treatment" it's an accommodation for children who do not choose what they're allergic to. An airborne allergy is no joke but because we have ignorant human beings in this world some children will never be safe.

  • Karin J Pawlowski - 7 years ago

    Oh boo hoo....I am not against the problems that children have with food allergies, but why are they given special treatment because they have an allergy...I have to ask why they have this allergy...This is not something that was present when I was growing up, or my nephew or even my neighbor kids. I think parents stopped feeding their kids regular didn't let them eat peanut butter or some other stuff that kids eat. When did your kid start showing signs of allergies? after you prohibited them from eating NORMAL food? You remind me of people who live in Northampton and Amherst who think they are so smart. well you are not. You are just some selfish people that think you are smarter than all the rest of us. But you're not! If you kid needs special treatment, then give them special treatment but don't take away the joy of being a kid from the rest of the kids. This is just like the Dr. Suess thingie that is going n now. Only 3 stupid authors who are total flunkies causing a ruckus because they are so offended but I think they are just using this to bring attention to themselves because they are total numbsculls. so if your child is allergic to something, then YOU need to protect ONLY him/her and not bring it on all the rest of the kids. You are very selfish to try to control things just around your kids. Why do my kds have to go thru this because YOUR kids are allergic. so I say boo hoo....

  • Holly Alexander - 7 years ago

    This poll and article were worded to make people outraged. They are trying to get people worked up to get them to click the article. The sad side effect is that children with allergies get looked at as the thing keeping little Billy from his birthday cupcake.

    Outside food in the classroom puts a lot of responsibility on the teacher, and who knows how clean or filthy the house it came from was, or how careful they were with the allergens they cook in their kitchen. Even things that should be safe might not be because parents aren't trained in food handling. There are reasons that there are regulations on how food is stored and prepared when it is going to other people. People with compromised immune systems, and food allergies are grateful their kids won't have to deal with food in the classroom. It isn't stopping little Billy from bringing a cupcake in his own lunch, or having a birthday party in his own home, or bringing something like stickers for everyone.

  • Vincent guardinosr - 7 years ago

    It is the parents responsibility to make sure child and authorities know about allergy.
    Maybe person bring food let it be know prior so affected persons could be protected. These students have to learn what is good or bad, responsibility of parents.

  • Eileen - 7 years ago

    Ditto Briana's comments! Would you prefer my grandchild dies of anaphylaxis so that your child may have a birthday cupcake? It is very difficult for parents of children living with allergies. They live in fear and need to trust school staff to ensure the safety of their children. Parents need to think beyond their own child when considering food in the classroom. Many districts do not allow food in the classroom and no one has starved as a result.

  • Briana - 7 years ago

    As a parent who has a child with food allergies I am shocked to see the percentage of people who say No to this poll. It is not fair to the child or children who have an allergy to a specific item and those items get brought into school for other children to eat in front of them. I know first hand that it is heart crushing on a child who cannot participate in items brought in from home as a nice treat or to celebrate another child's birthday. I applaud Greenfield Public Schools for acknowledging this as an issue and jumping on board in support of food allergens.

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