Do you support the bill proposing to ban bump stocks in Massachusetts?


  • Raylan125 - 7 years ago

    This will accomplish nothing. It's the typical knee jerk "we have to do something" garbage that usually comes out of bacon hill.
    Maybe they should spend their time trying to figure out how to stop all the drug and gang related violence in their towns.

  • Marshall Damon - 7 years ago

    In the history of the US, how often has a prohibition on anything worked? The Volstead Act brought rise to the mafia when running liquor in from Canada was profitable. The war on drugs has made illegal drugs that previously were ignored, used for medicinal purposes by druggist and doctors or, in the case of opium, abused by some but not many; now we have an opiate addiction problem.

    You can't legislate yourself to safety; humans will do what they do no matter what. Remember, it was peaceful in Eden and this chaos is our punishment for disobeying; or so some believe.

  • Oderus Urungus - 7 years ago

    A bumpstock is legal because the ATF defines semiauto as "a single actuation of the trigger per round fired" If bumpstocks can be banned, by definition, all semiautos can be banned. P.S. fully automatic rifles are not ilegal.☺

  • John A - 7 years ago

    Communists disarmed and murdered 200 plus million people in the past 100 years. Now they want to disarm you. But,but, that can't happen here you say. Which, oddly enough, is exactly what they said. Choose carefully.

  • Wayne - 7 years ago

    The people who do most of the killing in this country aren't using bump stocks to do it. As far as I know, a bump stock has been used in exactly one instance that accounted for fewer than 60 firearm related homicides out of the thousands of fatalities that will occur this year, and out of the hundreds of thousands (if not millions) of firearm related homicides that have taken place since the first gun laws were written back in 1932.

    Politicians are grandstanding on this because it gives them the chance to look like they are doing something about violent crime without spending any money or political capital, and it gives them a chance to look tough on crime without the annoying problem of being called racist because they locked up actual violent criminals, among whom minorities are VASTLY overrepresented.

    But yeah, pass your stupid law, I'm sure you'll be MUCH safer as a result, right?

  • Forrest Price - 7 years ago

    Banning inanimate objects just does not make any sense. The over-sensationalized and often incorrect information surrounding this subject was meant to create an unwarranted sense of hysteria that we were all in imminent danger from these items. We as a society are literally running away from holding the person responsible for their actions and instead trying to demonize any object related to firearms. No matter that the overwhelming majority of firearms owners are peaceful and law-abiding, we use the acts of a relative few to dictate a tyranny over the many.

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