Would you leave Vancouver due to the rising cost of housing?


  • Alana - 7 years ago

    A Lower Mainlander since 1980 ... moving out December 1st. The shady real estate agents and developers can have it. Ever see China’s ghost cities? There’s your future, Metro Vancouver.

  • Charlie - 7 years ago

    Let’s go to the “Seed” of this housing affordability crisis. Way back 30 years ago when the interest rates in the 1980’s were
    15-20% for a single detached home that was around $100,000-150,000. Then the world economy starts tanking and the United States Federal Reserve Criminals come to the rescue and “Bail-Out” the different countries with there printing press. Google and Read for yourself these “True Facts!” Start with David Stockman,
    Peter Schiff, Michael Pento, Robert Schiller, Lynette Zang, Gregory Manarinno to name a few. The truth is out there people you just have to read and get informed!

  • Done Truckin - 7 years ago

    Left the lower mainland 23 yr's ago and should have left way before that, people just have no idea what the rest of this great province has to offer outside of the lower left hand corner. Maybe I should just keep my mouth shut for fear of a flood of undesirables !!

  • Spitzyboo - 7 years ago

    I am very lucky to have the the landlords I do...unfortunatly for A lot of family and friends the options are very slim,especially for single parents and single people on low incomes. Many seniors are being forced out of homes because pensions are not adiquite.
    Something needs to give....so much already falls on the backs of working poor and middle class.

  • Cara - 7 years ago

    The entire Lower Mainland is unaffordable. There is also a lack of sense of community in general. Spent 2 years in North Vancouver and happily left for Alberta. Unfortunately, my husband's work called us back to Metro Vancouver and we ended up in Langley which is not at all like the Langley from 15 years ago. It could be another Burnaby due to its lack of character and high prices. Moved to a SMALL town on central Vancouver Island (where I'm from originally) last year and am living a very affordable, quiet life with lots of great hiking. Great place to raise kids - very family-friendly- nothing like the Lower Mainland.

  • Sloane McVagine - 7 years ago

    Vancity be poppin tho. Where my ppl at? Wreck beach drum circle ain't beatin that.

  • Mother Nature - 7 years ago

    For those who cannot _ hunt, fish, farm or build, they must live in the human zoos to eat. Nature could care less about your so called "modern profession" (lawyer, accountant,doctor.....) the end is near.

  • Nick Istvanffy - 7 years ago

    I moved away 7 years ago when it became clear my family would either live in substandard housing or somewhere else.

  • frank hill - 7 years ago

    what you mean leave---i moved left the country---you can have a better live in los angles frank

  • Moving Dolly - 7 years ago

    Our well educated, hardworking Anglo-Saxon family came to BC in 1924.
    Priced out of Vancouver by 2005.
    Moved to Vancouver Island.
    Priced out of Vancouver Island by 2017.
    Now transferring positions to another province where housing is more in line with wages.
    Another one bites the dust.
    BC is indifferent.
    Oh well.

  • Gary de Montigny - 7 years ago

    New Poll: Would you leave BC due to the rising cost of housing? What choice is there? Rent is increasing throughout the Mainland and the Fraser Valley. Not everyone is making Professional, Government or Union wages and for those that are not, wages are stagnant. It is ridiculous that in some cases people are paying more than 2/3 of their household income for housing. While things may be booming in the housing sector the lack of affordable housing is financially hurting many seniors and families, leaving them struggling on a day-to-day basis. The dream that one day these families many own a home has vanished. I don't imagine it is much better in any of the other Provinces, the trend seems to be nationwide. If this inflated housing bubble continues the results could be disastrous, leaving many people including seniors homeless. This is not progress, this is gouging and it is time for the Government to intervene. Regulated Capitalism at its finest.

  • Tim Scott - 7 years ago

    Housing should be for locals.

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