Should Florida lawmakers ban fracking?


  • BJ Shawd - 7 years ago

    OMG. More no’s than yes. Florida will start having earthquakes on top of hurricanes. Start voting YES to ban!!!

  • Brenda Hefty - 7 years ago

    Fracking is not necessary at this time. We need to slow this process
    or we may have serious negative experiences

  • Willie Montes - 7 years ago

    Those that favor fracking, should you think before approving the idea, our planet is a leaving matter and is our house she gives us Air, Water and Soil to use for our survival but we should respect our soil and not destroyed it.

    Fracking deep perforation and in the process we can damage our environment like our drinking water from various sources.

    Think of the damage we are doing to our soil, protect our environment for us and for our children and the children of our children.

  • Irene Gomes - 7 years ago

    Fracking is bad for our health and the environment and needs to be protected

  • Beth Doubleday - 7 years ago

    Our aquifer is too fragile to risk fracking. We have too many environmental problems - and drinking water issues - to allow fracking in this state.

  • Robert Figueroa - 7 years ago


  • Patricia Cummings Pardo - 7 years ago

    Why? There are alternatives. No reason to take a chance on fracking in Florida.

  • P Ostradick - 7 years ago

    We can’t afford to confuse “freedom” with people’s “right” to exploit fragile resources for their own gain, at the expense of the majority’s health and safety. Don’t look at the word “ban” as reflecting a radical agenda; some practices are so potentially deadly that banning is the only rational answer.

  • MJ Geyer - 7 years ago

    Citizens need to educate themselves on the topic of fracking. With assistance from public servants and journalists, citizens armed with the facts would never vote for fracking in Florida! (Unless they are suicidal).

  • Stephanie - 7 years ago

    Florida, the state of sink holes due to our foundation being limestone, CANNOT afford fracking! We don't have an option. To even consider the idea that our foundation can handle tracking is flirting with disaster

  • Albertina - 7 years ago

    The comments show we don't want fracking in FL. We should not have fracked gas anywhere. Yet, some say yes, and I can only figure what causes that is either just ignorance and hate or these fools have a selfish, narrow, and likely greed-supporting agenda with no interest in what lies ahead for themselves or their own families (no one else enters the picture for them on any level).

  • Maureen Price - 7 years ago

    Fracking has been detrimental in other states. Florida has a very fragile environment and needs to be protected!

  • Ginger Goepper - 7 years ago

    Please call Sen. Bradley,(850) 487-5005, and respectfully ask he move the Florida fracking BAN bill to the Senate floor for a hearing.

  • Terry Bulla - 7 years ago

    Florida's geology is quite fragile and porous. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to know that injecting chemicals into our delicate aquifer system is a recipe for disaster. The many sinkholes in Florida are testimony to the collapse of the underground support system.

    Florida depends on it's aquifer for drinking water. It is already challenged by population growth, farming, and industrial demands. Adding fracking to the mix will be like pouring kerosene onto a fire. It will endanger the source of our drinking water and ruin our beautiful state.


  • Karen Hudon - 7 years ago

    There is no excuse for fracking in Florida. Folks need to tell their Florida State legislators to support Senator Dana Young (R, Tampa) and Representative Kathleen Peters (R, St. Petersburg) fracking ban bills (Senate Bill 462 and House Bill 237). Make sure your legislators hear you loud and clear.

  • Karen Hudon - 7 years ago

    Fracking is good for causing cancer, birth defects, high risk pregnancies, low birth rates, neurological disorders, endocrine disorders and many other health problems as well as chemical contamination of water and air. Physicians for Social Responsibility has compiled a compendium of over nine hundred peer reviewed scientific, medical and media findings demonstrating the risks and harms of fracking (unconventional oil and gas extraction). Look it up. Deaths among fracking workers are seven times the national average of other workers. Incidentally, one in two men and one in three women will develop cancer during their lifetime. Fracking operations use lots of carcinogenic chemicals. If you think fracking is good for energy independence and the environment, you need to do more homework because you're dead wrong.

    Your government is lying to you. When they threw out safety regulations in order to allow fracking, they screwed over the American people big time.

    We probably have enough oil and gas in storage to last for the next three hundred years. We are a net exporter. DAMN FRACKING TO HELL!!!!!

  • John Dietz - 7 years ago

    With the unique geology and environment of Florida, fracking may prove to be disastrous. It is related to earthquakes on Oklahoma, earthquakes and damage to the aquafers in Texas, and environmental damage in other States. Keep it out of Florida. The environment is our greatest resource. Tourism is our bread & butter. We are already destroying the South Florida aquifers with our misguided efforts to drain the Everglades. Let's not look for new ways to harm our beautiful State.

  • Rowene Bessey - 7 years ago

    This is FLORIDA. WE are supposed to be about saving our beautiful state!
    They allowed it in Ohio where we used to live. It caused all kinds of environmental problems, including methane gasses being released into the air, massive amount of waste being haule away which caused constant traffic of large trucks trucks

  • Mike Brown - 7 years ago

    I have seen what fracking does in other parts of the country. In Pennsylvania it has released toxins into their rivers, in Oklahoma it has caused thousands of earthquakes and in Texas people have jets of gas that can burst into flame coming from their water faucets. Florida has the most unique geology in the country. We live on a very vulnerable peninsula of ancient seabeds. Fracking also injects a mixture of water and chemicals into the ground that could travel through this porous structure. It could then end up in our drinking water. I say NO to fracking in Florida.

  • F San Miguel - 7 years ago

    Fracking good for energy independence and environment

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