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Is HBO going overboard with security this year? (Poll Closed)

Total Votes: 260

  • LadyGoodman - 7 years ago

    I think the reason why the ratings were still great for S7 even though two episodes leaked online in advance is this: the people who watch the show on HBO or its worldwide affiliates and are counted in ratings don't want to watch pirated episodes, period.

    I didn't watch the leaked episodes or read the season synopsis on reddit, and it was easy to avoid them. Spoilers that result from good guessing don't bother me!

  • Kathie Saunders - 7 years ago

    I go out of my way to remain unspoiled. Last year I heard, while listening to a podcast that I'd always trusted, what was going to happen to Viserion on the morning that episode aired. They passed it off as conjecture but they revealed more detail than could possibly be guessed.. I was heart-sick all day And so angry that the leak happened and it affected my ability to even enjoy that episode, which has now become the only episode I have not watched numerous times.

    When the kind of leaks happen as did this past season, unless you refuse to engage in the enjoyment of recaps and podcasts and the like it becomes a dangerous game of being spoiled possibly inadvertently by someone else who thinks they're engaging in speculation. I don't want anything to ruin this final season for me and I truly don't understand why anyone has the right to do that to me.

    So I say....HBO lock it down!

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