Are you convinced the Trump campaign colluded with the Russians?


  • Don - 7 years ago

    Russia just keeps on haunting Trump and his corrupt wealthy cronies:

    Sam Clovis, President Donald Trump's nominee to be the Department of Agriculture's chief scientist, withdrew himself from consideration Thursday, the White House announced.

    "We respect Mr. Clovis' decision to withdraw his nomination," White House press secretary Sarah Sanders said in a statement to pool reporters.
    Trump had picked Clovis for the position despite him not having a background in science, and that lack of experience, alongside a history of racially charged and homophobic comments, made his nomination particularly controversial.
    But sources told CNN earlier Thursday that Clovis' nomination was imperiled over his connections to the ongoing Russia probe. The development is the latest sign that Justice Department special counsel Robert Mueller's probe into the Trump campaign and Russian collusion is impacting the day-to-day of Trump's administration, despite top White House aides -- including Trump himself -- claiming that the indictments of former top Trump campaign advisers Paul Manafort and Rick Gates had nothing to do with the administration or the campaign. White House is in an uproar. They don't know who Mueller is coming for next. Suggestion: Lock em' all up!

  • Anne Marie Ford - 7 years ago

    I am, however, convinced the DNC and Hillary colluded with the Russians, and personally benefited financially from dealings with then during her days as Secretary of State. We have dates, names, documents, and emails, all the proof the left has been searching for for 9 months and have still found nothing of significance leading to collusion by the Trump campaign or administration.

  • MARY - 7 years ago

    Minions will always follow their leader and in Clitons case will fall of a cliff for her!

  • Susan - 7 years ago

    The way this question is asked is a travesty! No, HELL NO I'm not "convinced" he colluded with anyone! In fact, I KNOW without a doubt that he DID NOT! After nearly 2 years of so-called "investigation," not one iota of evidence has been found to lead ANYONE to think there was collusion. If there was anything to suggest it, it would have been out & they would've crucified Trump a LONG TIME AGO.

  • RD Davis - 7 years ago

    Only a damn fool could believe against all missing evidence that Trump colluded. The dim-0 party on the other hand is neck deep.

  • Mary Ann - 7 years ago

    Another poll that keeps the loes foing. Once again no wvidence any collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia. An indictment that has nothing to do with Trumps campaign. Where is your poll about who shouls fo to jail for the voter fraud, paying for the fake dossier, Urainium one sale to Russia?? We all know that Clinton and Obama and their people DID all this and you news organizations ignore it!! How abour reporting THE fact and not lies and inuendos!!!

  • MaryG - 7 years ago

    Calling this a Democrat Witchhunt cracks me up. Mueller is a lifelong Republican, appointed by a Republican. It wasn't Mueller who invited that group of Russians to visit and have access to the Oval Office after Trump was elected. It wasn't Mueller who wheeled and dealed with the Russians for those Trump Enterprises properties and Resorts in Russia. It wasn't Mueller that sent Trump's son in law to Russia to do business with them. And finally, Mueller isn't the narcissist that feels compelled to control everyone and everything while passing the buck to others if something goes wrong. Did Trump collude? Of course he did. Nothing goes on without his ego directing it.

  • Tammy - 7 years ago

    Yrump NEVER coluded with Russia, but Hillary did. And she made millions.
    Hillary belongs in jail.

  • Derrell Sensat - 7 years ago

    I am convinced Hillary Clinton, her campaign, the DNC, and Obama colluded with Russia. Why are they not being investigated? That is where the treason, election fraud, and corruption is.

  • James and Kathie Kerwin - 7 years ago

    No Trump was not Russians. But Hillary was. She liar and have been

  • Alyce - 7 years ago

    There has been zero discovered that would indicate ANY Trump collusuon, but EVERYTHING points to Hillary/Baeack/Mueller/Rosenstein collusion. Wake up, America!

  • Paul Ennis - 7 years ago

    Now please do a poll asking if we're convinced that Obama, Hillary and the DNC didn't collude with the Russians.

  • Don - 7 years ago

    Trump: The Lowest Approval Rating in the History of the US. THE LOWEST YA'LL

    That’s Trump’s all-time low approval, along with his highest disapproval rating (62 percent!) since becoming president. Trump is pretty much the all-time leading loser of Gallup’s daily tracking poll this early in a presidency. Point of comparison: Historian Kevin Kruse notes that Trump’s 33 percent approval is lower than Ike, JFK, LBJ, Ford, Reagan, Clinton or Obama ever had during their presidencies.

    I hope they are led out of the white house in handcuffs, broke, and the truth revealed: Collusion with Russia, Money Laundering, Lying, Treason. American can confiscate all that wealthy property and resorts that are starting to lose money because people are boycotting them. Turn them into resorts for our veterans. American will be great again. I know it. I'll be there watching and smiling. We will be so happy to stop all the ugly tweeting.

  • b burke - 7 years ago

    only the democ-rat party;;; and the;; "soros sponsored ":fake new"s media" believe this is true

  • Dinah Moore - 7 years ago

    This is just the beginning. Anyone with any smarts at all knows that a good attorney builds a case from the ground up. Y'all may be bawling and squalling over Manafort and pointing fingers at Clinton and Obama but just wait till the next indictments come up. and I'm hearing it will be soon.

    Again, Mueller is building a case.

  • Floyd B. - 7 years ago

    Obviously, a whole lot of Terrorist loving Democrats voted against Trump just to try and keep the investigation off Obozo.

  • Phil Dedrick - 7 years ago

    A little research goes a long way...

    Paul Manafort is not being charged with anything related to the 2016 election...I don’t think people understand that Manafort was lobbying for the Podesta group since 2006... Paul Manafort is being indicted for crimes that took place when he was working with the Podestas...

    Uranium One has everything to do with whats going on this morning with Manafort...The Paul Manafort indictment is for alleged criminal activities BEFORE he joined the Trump campaign...The indictment has nothing to do with the Trump campaign... The money laundering has to do with the Podesta group...

    By charging Paul Manafort, Mueller has begun the dismantling of the DEMOCRAT party...Manafort will sing like a bird, Podesta is next to be charged...TICK TOCK...The fun has only just begun...

  • Eye10 - 7 years ago

    I am convinced there was Hillary collusion with Russia

  • Bill White - 7 years ago

    Tried to watch your coverage of this story on your newscast last night and found myself hollering at the TV. We voted for Trump and we want Trump. There is no collusion.

  • Duane Bridges - 7 years ago

    If you take the time to read the indictment this happened before Trump was a candidate in fact while Manafort was connected to the Podesta group, a Hillary backup, so if anyone connection to Russia can be drawn from this it points more towards Hillary than Trump

  • PC and anti trump culture destroying US - 7 years ago

    We need to hope and fight for better changes like taking care of American Citizens first. Why the hell are we fighting to protect illegals? Shouldn’t they do it the right way. Why are we fighting to protect our borders? Don’t we want to keep bad spies, drug dealers and bad people out. Let the good people do it the right. Why are we fighting about health care and taxes? Let’s drain the swamp, let’s get rid of lobbyist destroying dreams for the American people. Let’s find the loopholes that keep the rich, well rich. Why are we fighting about education? Let’s get them to make changes. Why are fighting about things that precious administrations haven’t fixed because we allow our politicians not to fix them but get rich from them.
    All politicians have made deals to destroy the country for the people. Trump nor Hillary will go to jail, they have people below them that keep them out of things to prevent them from gong to jail. Just like people in charge of drug dealers, gang leaders or mob bosses won’t really go to jail these days. If you trust any of them then your crazy. We need to stand up and change things that benefit the American people. We have to many internal problems to worry about other stuff.

  • Tamela DeRossett - 7 years ago

    Breaks my heart the anti american losers that can't suck it up. We do not raise all this anti american bull when we lose. Shame on you democrats. Truth will prevail. God bless the USA! ????????????

  • Kevin Curevich - 7 years ago

    I kinda think it's funny how people are so butt hurt and can't believe anything but the lies and the fake news they listen to like CNN the Communist Network News aka Clinton Network News and MSNBS already have their mind made up and have no mine off their own and ability to think for themselves. It's like they don't even want to know the truth. So far there has been no evidence of any Russian Collusion by any one other than the Clinton's and the DNC. I thought it was innocent until proven guilty not guilty until proven innocent and even the Dems say they haven't found a smoking gun. Yeah... Because there isn't a smoking gun on Trump or his campaign. But there is proof and smoking gun of Russian Collusion w HRC and her campaign. Lock her up!

  • Don - 7 years ago

    Butter Emails.

  • Bill Clinton is a rapist - 7 years ago

    But but but but it’s the Russians ! Muh hate speech ! Feminazi ! Bill Clinton is a rapist !

  • Dan Bray - 7 years ago

    Manafort gets indicted for his dealings with Podesta working for the Ukrainian government and all the sheep scream Russia in unison.
    Did you notice Tony Podesta resigned today?
    I'm going to laugh harder than I ever have when Mueller indicts Hillary in an attemot to save his own sorry self. All your favorite democraps are going to prison. PRESIDENT TRUMP will serve two terms. The democrats will cease to exist as a party after 2018 and I predict that all of you lefties, democrats, socialists, and communists will be extinct in less than 10 years. I sincerely hope you antafuds start something on November 4th. Bring your bats, pipes, sticks, bottles of urine, and pepper spray. PLEASE DON'T PUSS OUT!

  • Cheri Green - 7 years ago

    There is no evidence of collusion. They are interviewing and trying to get to the bottom of this. If they are on the up and up and are not a sham investigation, then they will not only get onto Republicans who messed up in this are but also Demacrats who have messed up like Hilary Clinton!! She was Secretary of State when Russia ended up with some of our Uranium!! Nancy Pelosi is also in league with Clinton and others. We don't need more investigations, we need more honesty and upright character in government. To bad no one wants good character in leaders anymore. We are truly one generation away from anarchy because we have no standard of morality!!

  • don - 7 years ago

    Donald Trump is done. He couldn't get elected dogcatcher in New York, his hometown.

    Plus many other instances of him running around grabbing women's cats. Knocked on the door, grabbed the cat, walked away. Just to show that a famous rich guy could get away with it. Where is the apology? No, the man couldn't even get a job as a school crossing guard in New York

    Size up the orange prison suits for the entire family and deport his immigrant spouse. Its collusion ya'll.

  • STEPHREY - 7 years ago

    If you read the indictment, there's nothing in it to prove this rediculous claim.

  • Carol - 7 years ago

    The facts are while Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State she was responsible for selling 20 percent of America’s uranium to the Russians and apparently it was approved by Obama. This involved millions of $$$ that went into the Clintons foundation. The Clintons and Obama love to see these yes votes because they know the yes people still don’t care about their criminal activities as long as they are getting something free from the government. In addition the Clinton campaign and the democrats paid for the fake Trump dossier written by a British M16 agent. There’s isn't one thing about Trump Mueller has found in his investigations into the Russians and the 2016 campaign. Trump is not mentioned, but today unexpectedly Tony Podesta power Lobbiest for the Democrats stepped down from his position after being named in Mueller's investigation on Russian involvement in the 2016 election. So far The only people that are shooting to the top of the “list of involved actors” ARE DEMOCRATS! The Democrats are accusing Trump of what the Democrats did themselves!

  • BachtoBach - 7 years ago

    If their noses are so clean, then why are they being indicted? Hmm, maybe because they are DIRTY?

  • James Robinson - 7 years ago

    since you can VOTE repeatedly, that makes this poll IRRELEVANT! Try an IP poll...

  • Joe - 7 years ago

    Have any of you that voted "Yes" seen any proof of anything supporting collusion? I have not. All I have seen are accusations...NO PROOF OF ANY COLLUSION!!!

  • Richard Ford - 7 years ago

    The only collusion with the Russians was from the Hillary Campaign. The investigation is being run by supporters of the democrats.

  • Michael Hester - 7 years ago

    Those that voted yes are a bunch of Idiots. Hillary, Podesta and the DNC are completely behind all of this.

  • JoSixPak - 7 years ago

    It is undisputed that Hillary and the DNC colluded with the Russians. It is undisputed that Mueller operates for political purposes. This is just more of the same—liberals using the courts to get a result that they could not get at the ballot box.

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