Should anyone with a carry permit be allowed to bring a gun into the General Assembly office building?


  • Carlton Crutchfield - 7 years ago

    When this goes south and sideways,it will certainly reduce the size of the legislature rapidly!

  • NoSerfing - 7 years ago

    Amendment II identifies the unalienable right. The word "unalienable" means it cannot be given away or taken away. A permit or license identifies a privilege, not a right. If the license can be denied, then it is not a right.

    "but rightful liberty is unobstructed action according to our will, within the limits drawn around us by the equal rights of others. I do not add ‘within the limits of the law’; because law is often but the tyrant’s will, and always so when it violates the right of an individual." - Thomas Jefferson.

    The role of just government is to secure our rights. When someone violates our rights, we delegate the power to government to punish that person on our behalf. The government can maintain a list of people that violate the rights of others buy not a list of law abiding citizens. Law abiding citizens may exercize their rights freely.

  • Dan Meredith - 7 years ago

    James C Smith, we'll I'm glad YOU won't be carrying. No, "everybody HOLDIBG a gun" is NOT a suspect. Only those who are a THREAT. That's how it works. That's why police officers don't shoot other police officers, home owners, security guards, drivers with weapons in cars..... believe it or not, friend, EVERYWHERE you go, (restaurants, theaters, gas stations, theaters...) there are concealed weapons within feet (inches?) Of you every day and you haven't been killed yet. Amazing, huh?

  • Mark Goostree - 7 years ago

    If I carried there, it would be concealed. Nobody would see it or know I had it. It isn't carried to make a political or "fashion" statement.

  • JoSixPak - 7 years ago

    Liberals want to disarm everyone, period. They are the enemy of freedom.

  • Liberalsarecancer - 7 years ago

    The right to bear arms shall not be infringed.

  • james C Smith - 7 years ago

    The legislators who vote for these laws, need to be exposed to the same risks that the rest of us face at work or school. "Good guys, with guns" aren't a threat...until shots are fired!! Then, everyone holding a gun becomes a "suspect" to anyone else holding a gun and to law enforcement officers. What could go wrong??

  • Carol Edmiston - 7 years ago

    We that have our permits not only trained but PAID to have the right to carry said weaponn

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