If medical marijuana is legalized in Tennessee would you use it?


  • David - 6 years ago

    I’ve never smoked anything in my life but as a survivor of a brain injury in the military with ptsd, migraines, chronic pain, multiple sleep disorders, immune deficieciencies' high cholesterol , blood pressure, you name it I’d like to give something a try to limit the amount of pills I am on. At age 31 I should not need to be taking 15 pills a day while still feeling like crap. I just hope they’d be an alternative to smoking it.

  • Laura Lockridge - 6 years ago

    I have suffered from arthritis, p. T. S. D. From being beaten, raped, and sexually abused several times. I have depression and anxiety from the incidents that caused the PTSD. I’ve had about 15 surgeries related to several autoimmune diseases, arth. and cancer. I wear fentanyl patches and other pain meds. I do not want to smoke marijuana but I can use any of the other forms. Please!! I want off of narcotics !!

  • Captain Bob - 6 years ago

    Unfortunately, if you use medical marijuana you will forfeit your 2nd Amendment rights. Regardless of legality by State law, Federal Law still calls it illegal. You will not be able to legally own or use guns.
    If you answer on the 4473 form that you use it because it is legal you will be denied. If you lie and say that you don't use it (even though you do) you just committed a Federal felony punishable by fine and prison time. Carefully consider this when deciding to use marijuana.

  • Nathaniel T. Winston III - 6 years ago

    I am a retired, Disabled, widowed Veteran with numerous medical and emotional problems that Marijuana would GREATLY relieve and Alleviate. I lost my wife of 38 years 7 years ago to Inflammatory Breast Cancer. Had Medical Marijuana been legal and available in Tennessee, she would be alive and cured, today. We need to LEGALIZE Marijuana in Tennessee! ANYONE who attempts to keep it ILLEGAL, is nothing more than a MURDERER, and an ABUSER of the Sick and Needy! These people MURDERED my wife when I needed her most!

  • Diane Fenley - 6 years ago

    I lived in Washington state for 5 years and it was great to be able to go to a store and get exactly what I needed. It has come a long way with all of the different varieties for specific needs. When it's legal, it's been tested for potency, mold, etc. and is a much better product, health wise. It is absolutely ridiculous for me, a 60 year old woman or anyone else, to have to go to a drug dealer to obtain it and break the law by using it. In Washington, many jobs were created: budtender, grower, trimmer and the sellers of garden products and equipment for growing. The boost to the economy would be phenomenal, not to mention the taxes could be used for many positive purposes. People have been using cannabis for centuries and will never stop.

  • anthony - 6 years ago

    it helps with depression PTSD all the people against it have perfect lives with no feelings for anyone but them selves.Try living with the memory's of death of children involved being blown up. or taking care of people living in disgusting and deplorable conditions. It is also helpful with people who deal with there own mortality. The loss of family and friends some people deal with it using alcohol or pills who become dependent of it. I am pro medical treatment

  • Melissa - 6 years ago

    I have degenerative disk disease and major depression. If they would pass for at least medical purposes, it would help all of us out. No opioid addiction! How simple!?

  • Tyris - 6 years ago

    I’ve has depression for many years also including insomnia, I’ve tries pills I’ve tried therapy I’ve tried just about everything for it. But the one thing I have found that works extremely well is cannabis, it makes me happy, energetic wanting to get out of the house and do things. Helps me sleep at night with feeling relaxed and well rested the morning after. MaKing it legal in Tennessee would be a great idea. There are so many other things people do to try to help but I ends up killing them, like drinking alcohol and taking pills. Cannabis has never been reported of having any fatalities. I can assure that medical marijuana will be a great thing in Tennessee

  • Terry - 7 years ago

    I have suffered for most of my life with Lyme disease. No appetite, severe pain, no energy, anxiety, I can keep going. Cannabis is the only thing I've found to help me. In a country where the government doesn't acknowledge the presence of my disease in the full scale of it, it would be nice to not have to worry about the legality of what I have to do to try to feel better. It is not fair to restrict our citizens from the help that so many desperately need. Additionally, the money stimulated by the legalization of cannabis would create and influx of tax dollars that could be used in any area the government chooses (schools, public works, law enforcement.) It is the right thing to do for the citizens of this great state whom wake up in the morning begging to God to stop feeling so miserable.

  • Joshua - 7 years ago

    It helps with my trigamenal neuralgia so yeah i would use it.

  • Pastor Purty Burton - 7 years ago

    Potheads!! Youins gonna burn in heyall

  • Carolyn - 7 years ago

    I have seizure disorder. The meds I have taken most of my life for that condition have given me severe osteoporosis. I need a knee replacement, but my bone density is poor. I am speaking for others with seizure disorders when I say that they need a choice which can be prescribed legally, a choice that will not doom them to the same complications that my meds have caused to my bones. I have heard from others that have seizure disorder that the cannabis oil without THC does not do what cannabis with THC does to relieve symptoms.

  • Darlene Tanner - 7 years ago

    I deal daily with many health problems. I know first hand that it is my first, best choice for most of them, from chronic pain, to anxiety, to sleep problems, muscle spasms, and appetite problems, to name a few. I used it recreational as well. I have been victimized by the Dr. Jeckle/Mr. Hides that Alcohol creates in some of the best people I've ever known. NEVER, NEVER EVER seen this happen when pot is used. One final thought, not only is it not addictive, it also doesn't cause more problems than it helps. Sadly most chemical medicines are far worse than the problem that they are treating. MY BODY, MY CHOICE!!!

  • Tom - 7 years ago

    I'm a distance bicycle rider, and have problems in states where my cannabis isn't legal. The FDA needs to recognize its medicinal/therapeutic values, so I can cross all state lines without breaking federal laws.

  • Charles - 7 years ago

    The FDA needs to get off their backside and get the data from Israel...after all the American taxpayers shell out $30 billion a year to the country and marijuana is legal there for recreational use, as well as free medical care and education.


  • Charles - 7 years ago

    The FDA needs to get off their backside and get the data from Israel...after all the American taxpayers shell out $30 billion a year to the country and marijuana is legal there for recreational use, as well as free medical care and education.


  • Charles - 7 years ago

    The FDA needs to get off their backside and get the data from Israel...after all the American taxpayers shell out $30 billion a year to the country and marijuana is legal there for recreational use, as well as free medical care and education.


  • Malisa - 7 years ago

    I wish your question had been worded as: If medical marijuana is legalized in Tennessee would you use it if it helped a medical condition you were diagnosed with?
    Safe Access, education, and strain availability is all very important. There are so many strains and some make people lazy and worthless. Some help people be productive, There are many ways other than just smoking it as well.

  • Hannah - 7 years ago

    Cannabis cures! It could take the place of so many prescription drugs that are KILLING people.

  • WB - 7 years ago

    I may use it in pill form only. ( no smoking, especially in public )

  • Lynn Williamson - 7 years ago

    I suffer with depression, anxiety and have broken both hips and have severe arthritis and trouble sleeping. Pain meds were not working and I have smoked weed many times to help and it does in many ways.and helps withhold many other medical problems.
    Pain pills and drinking kill so many people every day but how often to you here of a joint killing someone? I haven't.
    I hope the star of Tennessee wakes up and makes medical marijuana legal

  • Find another way! - 7 years ago

    We have smart people. There has to be another way. Why do we always give into the easy wrongs over the hard rights.
    - a lot of marijuana causes a lot of problems.
    - a lot of opioids causes a lot of problems.
    I hope one day we can find another way to help people than create ideas that hurt / destroy lives in one way or another.

  • Na - 7 years ago

    I've had a hip replacement and screws in my back. Great natural alternative to opiate problems. No overdoses and much more cost effective for the patient and market.

  • Brittany Sale - 7 years ago

    This would help so many people an also help people to taking so many medications which are killing people

  • Donna - 7 years ago

    not only can cannabis oil cure some cancers, it is also a a lung healer in COPD.. We are dying everyday.. legalize cannabis oil and let us get our life back..I am an old lady, A Christian, not interesting in getting high.. I just want to be able to breathe..and have some quality of life..I can't move to another state, so just dying a lil more everyday

  • D House - 7 years ago

    My health is bad, but the greatest pain I've suffered most was finding out my son smoked weed. For the past 10 yrs he's been nothing but a bum. Can't keep a job, mistreats everyone at his whim, and although he is so beautiful to look at, this lifestyle made him ugly. If he wasn't my son, he wouldn't be welcome in my home! Maybe weed is a natural god given botanical but so is SUGAR! I know hundreds, if not a thousand people who do not ever need sugar!

  • Ron - 7 years ago

    I would not for personal reasons, though I do believe in medical use of marijuana and that more states legalizing it for that purpose will lead to better long term research. If a doctor told me it would cure some greater illness I would take it under consideration.

  • randy ward - 7 years ago

    josixpack your an idiot have another beer an go lay down somewhere...I personally know more than a dozen or so people who could benefit from medical marijuana. most are diabetic, so I'm sure your drunken self wouldn't know anything about diabetic nerve pain keeping you up at night...I don't agree with the recreational use of marijuana but the abuse of it would be far less destructive than the poison these pill pushing pharmaceutical punks are thrusting upon their victims

  • Vickie - 7 years ago

    I’d be on less medication if medical marijuana was here

  • JoSixPak - 7 years ago

    Yes! Then, I will legally be able to be stoned all day! That is what this is about anyways.

  • Shannon Webb - 7 years ago

    You can't have healthcare without THC.

  • Jonathan Spicer - 7 years ago

    I know it helps cancer patients handle chemo,and i know it helps with pain and i`ve used it before to help me sleep. It`s a good medical option.

  • Susan Smithson-Bicknell - 7 years ago

    I agree with Sharon Wilkerson, pain clinics have done nothing but cause addiction and death and promote illegal distribution. I am a multiple candidate for MMJ. I have successfully used cannabis to eliminate addiction to opioids from extensive stays in medical facilities. Cannabis IS non addictive and IS the answer to the opioid epidemic. I am also a multiple candidate for MMJ beginning with cancer, diabetes, hep c, neuropathy, daily pain management,depression, and anxiety. And I am only one of many many Tennesseans who can increase their quality of living and greatly benefit from this medicine. We are patients, not criminals! Please pass this legislation and bring relief to thousands of Tennesseans. It would also be extremely beneficial to follow guidelines from other states and allow patients in remote areas without access to dispensaries the ability to grow their own medicine, especially until the program and dispensaries have begun operation.
    Thank You!

  • Jacob Shroyer - 7 years ago

    I was born in Jackson Mississippi. Raised in Paris Tennessee until kindergarten then grew up until graduation in Clarksville Tennessee. Never had a problem with Medical marijuana law before, until I had part of my skull removed so they could get to a brain tumor. That was causing me to have seizures on the daily. As of the 2016 legislative session the DEA said that not even CBD (the one part that basically every state legalized) was worthy of getting out of the schedule 1 category of substances. So until I can hold at the very least an ounce on me IN PUBLIC, regardless if its being smoked or not, then Tennessee ain't finna see me, they ain't finna hear me, hell the only reason I'm ever going back to Tennessee (unless my epileptic ass can smoke without police or similar repercussions) is to get the shit I had to leave with family when I got the fuck outta hell.

  • Sharon Wilkerson - 7 years ago

    Please to the powers that be, look at what the pain management centers have done to TN it has created pill heads out of good people just wanting some pain relief. I have MS and I have two option living in TN become the next victim of the rising numbers of opioid addicts or smoke marijuana and risk the chance of going to jail. How fair is this to people who just want to be out of pain and function as a normal and productive citizen.Please wont someone please help us that are voiceless.

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