Who would you endorse for Governor?


  • M Gibbs - 16 years ago

    Put aside all the stupid rhetoric that both sides have promoted. The Times endorsed Rossi for the right reasons. In the Democratic controlled environment that we will have in Olympia, we need a Republican in the Governor's office who is not beholden to the same special interests that his Dem counterparts are & can stand up & say so at budget time. Rossi is that guy & he's not the slime ball that his & Gregoire's campaign adds make out to be.

  • John Knutson - 16 years ago

    Rossi's apparent shame of the Republican label as evidenced by his preference for the Grand Old Party Party should have been enough to prevent an endorsement by any discerning editorial board.

  • Hank - 16 years ago

    I agree with the Times Editorial Board that Rossi is a viable candidate. I understand and agree with the desire to change the people who become entrenched in government jobs. I disagree that getting Gregoire out of office will benefit the state. She builds coalitions and gets people to work together who couldn't or wouldn't prior to her involvement. The best example of this is tort reform with the doctors and lawyers. It was a divisive issue in this state until our Governor became involved and helped negotiate a compromise. It's not that this single issue has changed a great deal for us as citizens, it's that the ability to solve big problems like this is rare. Ultimately, the ability of a leader to get rid of problems like this allows them to attack and deal with bigger, more important issues. So, the endorsement of Rossi rides on one issue: the budget. You endorse Rossi because you believe he will stand up to special interests like unions and the controlling party in the legislature. I agree, he would do that, and perhaps better than Gregoire (although she dealt effectively with a deficit her first year). At what cost? My estimation is that Dino Rossi won't govern as well as Chris Gregoire has and will. She actually did something about transportation issues in our state instead of talking about it, taking an unpopular position in the process. Ultimately, that's why the majority of newspapers in the state endorsed her for a second term: she governs effectively. I have to admit I'm amazed that the Times hung its opinion on "change is good". If Rossi is elected, he might govern effectively as well. We don't know the answer to that. I do know that effective leaders are rare. Gregoire displays the qualities I look for in a leader: vision, integrity, communication skills, courage, conviction and compassion. I don't know if Dino possesses all of these traits or not....yet. If he gets elected, I hope the Editorial Board, and the rest of us, "get lucky" with their prediction for his ability as a governor. The price for that gamble is too high for me.

  • Josie Nutter - 16 years ago

    A man who compares my access to birth control to his access to his favorite sports drink will NEVER get MY vote. That sort of backwards thinking is not appreciated in a potential representative of our government.

  • John - 16 years ago

    The most important issue to me is transportation, above anything else. It has been for many, many years. Gary Locke did nothing about it. So far, it looks like Christine Gregoire hasn't done much either, despite high hopes I had for her to do something about this when she got elected.

    What I find so disappointing and downright irresponsible is how four ferry boats were run until they essentially had to be condemned before they were taken out, and replacements considered for them. How irresponsible is that? Good governance calls for leaders to forecast and plan for these things, and have replacements ready to deploy when the existing ferries run through the course of their service life. Same goes for the 520 bridge and viaduct. The viaduct in particular is important to me, because it is a part of a state highway and a very, very important North-South arterial. Allow the viaduct to be replaced with nothing simply enriches waterfront property owners and really kills commerce here in Seattle. This is also highly irresponsible. I have not seen Christine Gregoire take any leadership position on these issues.

    Based on these observations, I have no qualms voting for Barack Obama for President and Dino Rossi for the Governor of Washington State. It's pretty crystal clear to me that all the Democratic leadership wants to do here is to run the clock on things. Don't know if they're enriching themselves in the process or not - that would be pure speculation on my part, but leaders here should be reminded that leadership and using political capital is an essential part of governing this State.

  • Shawn - 16 years ago

    Uhhh...Ian...you might want to check your facts. The Spokesman-Review has endorsed Gregoire! Don't believe me? Check for yourself: http://www.spokesmanreview.com/tools/story_pf.asp?ID=265141

    Here's a snippet...
    "Re-elect Gregoire
    Our View: Governor's term shows more pluses than minuses

    October 19, 2008

    Round 2 of Rossi vs. Gregoire differs from Round 1 in a conspicuous way. This year, one candidate has a gubernatorial record to run on – and defend.

    Gov. Chris Gregoire's administration has some shortcomings. It has spent more freely than it should, one reason being its failure to get a handle on overly generous health care benefits for state employees.

    Also, her Department of Ecology has proved unable to resolve Spokane River cleanup issues after two years of earnest collaboration by stakeholders (including Inland Empire Paper Co., which is owned by Cowles Co., owner of The Spokesman-Review). We also think Gregoire's climate-change initiatives are overly aggressive for a state that already has a carbon footprint that other states would envy.

    But her rival, former state Sen. Dino Rossi has drawbacks, too, such as his irresponsible transportation funding plan that would pull hundreds of millions of dollars out of the state general fund at a time when the nationwide economic tailspin has aggravated the state's projected $3.2 billion revenue shortfall.


    Like many statewide politicians, Gregoire pledged to govern on behalf of "one Washington." Unlike so many predecessors, she has backed it up with action.

    She has demonstrated an understanding that nurturing civic enterprises and government initiatives in Spokane and elsewhere in Eastern Washington contributes to state prosperity just as it does in the Puget Sound area. Spokane's Fox Theater, the Intercollegiate School of Nursing, the North-South Corridor, an expanded medical school taking root this year in Spokane – all are beneficiaries of Gregoire's one-Washington commitment.

    Her appointment of Spokane attorney Debra Stephens to the state Supreme Court assured an Eastern Washington perspective there while adding a legal mind of the first order to the court, benefiting both this region and the state at large.

    With Gregoire's urging, Eastern Washington farmers will gain water storage capacity to neutralize the impacts of drought. Under her capital budget, Eastern Washington University has opened its first new academic building in 34 years.


    In 2004, we weighed the two candidates and concluded that Rossi was the more promising answer. Having now seen Gregoire in action for four years, we think she has made a convincing case for re-election.


    So, Ian, tell us again how Eastern Washington is being ignored.

  • Randy - 16 years ago

    I have lost all respect for the Times by supporting Dino Rossi. In the future I will not bother wasting my time reviewing your recommendations as they are obviously flawed. Are there relatives of Dino working there?.....

  • Ian - 16 years ago

    It is almost laughable seeing this stuff as a Spokane native. The 520, Puget Sound cleanup, only talking about the 8 of 10 WESTERN Washington papers that endorsed Gregoire and not talking about the 10 of 11 Eastern ones that supported Rossi, including the state's third largest in the Spokesman Review. Are you Seattle folks even aware there is anything east of North Bend? Just a place to go see concerts and get wine, I suppose. It is high time the eastern half of the state is represented. No taxation without representation!!. Vote Rossi!!

  • Darrell Jamieson - 16 years ago

    "Every day I pray that the paper kid will deliver a newspaper to me, but all he brings is the Times!"

    Cathy McMorris-Rogers, Dave Reichart and now Dino Rossi.

    Please join me in cancelling my subscription.

    Darrell Jamieson

  • j'net - 16 years ago

    The utter hypocrisy of endorsing Dino Rossi for governor of this state baffles me. After subscribing to the Seattle Times for over 30 years, I am now canceling my affiliation. Dino Rossi is the same old and tired politician we don't need in our state where it's hard enough to get progressive programs passed. We will just set ourselves back about 30 years under his 'leadership' of partisanship and narrow views. Remember folks, we need taxes for a civil and functional society. He lies in his ads, think of what he'll do when in office. He does not represent most of us in this state. At least you got the presidential endorsement right.

  • Maura T Callahan - 16 years ago

    I find it confusing that you could endorse the only real presidential candidate worthy of running our country (Barak Obama) then turn around and recommend Dino Rossi over Chistine Gregoire to run our state. This is especailly confounding when on the front page of this morning's paper (Sunday, Oct 19) you have an article on how the Republicans are, once again, making false and destorted statements about Gregoire.
    The whole idea of embracing "Change" is that you have to be bold enough to actually do it. How about a retraction from you editors. How about you tell the citizens of Washington State that you made a mistake and that you actually meant to say that you endorsed Chris Gregoire for Governor. We all make mistakes, and I'm sure your reading public will forgive you this lapse in judgement.

  • clarlynn - 16 years ago

    72% of the republicans in Washington state think that George Bush is doing a good job. Those same people believe that Dino Rossi will do just as well.

    I don't think that's the direction Washington should be going in. I think we can do better and that's why I'm voting for Christine Gregoire.

  • John Worthington - 16 years ago

    I hope Gregoire is around when the medical marijuana lawsuit makes it to court. The people will see the so called liberal candidate being involved with undermining the state medical marijuana law and snubbing the will of the people.

    She will be thrown out of office for conspiring to create Ultra Vires medical marijuana laws.

  • valparaiso - 16 years ago

    Who does the Times support?

    A man who wants to remove choice for women.

    A man who wants to diminish access to contraception in general, but especially for women. (Which could result in more abortions, not less, in our state.)

    A man who wants to convince you that he can build a new bridge to replace SR 520 that can be larger than Gregoire's, cost less than Gregoire's, and oh, we won't need tolls. (How long did it take to get our portion of I-90 completed again, after all the legal battles?)

    A man in the pocket of the BIAW, determined to destroy our natural beauty of our region for the sake of pouring a little more concrete. That would be done through eliminating the Urban-Rural Boundry in our counties and ensuring that sprawl is left completely and absolutely unchecked.

    Gregoire is the ONLY one of the two candidates that seems to understand the need both for choice and for ready access to contraception.

    Gregoire is the ONLY person who's been able to get necessary road improvements not only voted on and passed in the state legislature, but who created a roads plan that survived an initiative to defeat it. Not even when the Republicans briefly had the reins there could they accomplish both tasks.

    Gregoire is the ONLY one of the two candidates that has a SR520 replacement plan that fesses' up to what it will cost, what neighborhoods living alongside the bridge will accept, and that is structurally viable.

    We've had eight years of what Rossi will give us at the Federal level already. Do you really want to bring that sort of thing closer to home?

  • Markus - 16 years ago

    I just can't stand Gregoire. Let's get rid of the cronies in Olympia and start out with something fresh, new and non-democrat for a change. For a group that touts to solve all problems, the dems haven't done much for Washington but send us down in the sink hole the past 20 years. They've had control, so they can take the blame!

  • Scout - 16 years ago

    DUH! Dino's the only logical choice.

    Of course, I realize that the majority of Seattle voters have had logic & reason removed from their make-up...but still! It's a "duh".

    What...are you going to let the State get all the way as bad as the state's major football teams before you wake up ?!?

  • Shawn - 16 years ago

    The endorsement made by the Times is absolutely pathetic. It would be downright laughable if it wasn't for the fact that they seem to be serious in endorsing someone so dangerous for the well-being of this state as Rossi is. At least (at the moment I am posting this comment), there are more contributors to this poll who believe Gregoire IS the best candidate and that the Times is just foolish.

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