Should the FCC vote to eliminate Net Neutrality?


  • JF - 6 years ago

    Anyone who is voting yes on this has no idea what they're even voting for. Do some research before blindly following - this is not good for ANY citizen of the United States... unless you happen to be the CEO of Comcast, Time Warner, or Verizon.

  • Kat Altamura - 6 years ago

    Net Neutrality being eliminated would be nothing but harmful to everyone that uses the internet.

    Imagine if you will: You want to watch Netflix. So you pay Comcast for a high-speed internet connection. Then you pay Netflix around $11/month for their HD service. But now Comcast tells you no, you can't get to without also paying more money to Comcast again, because they have their own streaming service and don't want you to use the competition. You've already PAID for your connection, and you've PAID for Netflix. But now you need to PAY to USE your connection to GET to Netflix. It's only another way for enormous, wealthy, greedy ISPs to get even more money from you.

    It WILL NOT invest into new infrastructure or anything like that. That stuff is coming already. That's not something that eliminating Net Neutrality will help speed up. Anyone that tells you that is probably someone (ie. a Comcast CEO or FCC Chairman) that will benefit financially from the elimination of Net Neutrality.

    There is nothing to stop this from becoming a slippery slope and turning into a snowball and further into an avalanche. What's to stop ISPs from preventing you from seeing the real news? And not what THEY want you to see? I have heard that in China, where telecommunications is heavily regulated and monitored, if you are in a chatroom and send a message to someone else that says something negative about the Chinese government, the recipient will never even see your message, because the government blocked it. Who's to say that can't happen here in the USA?

    The ISPs don't currently throttle your internet to certain sites/apps, or block you from accessing all the websites you want to, because of Net Neutrality. Net Neutrality means that if I pay for my internet connection, I receive my internet connection. Not part of it, not what THEY want me to have, not a "package" which only includes certain websites, no, I get to the INTERNET. Why would an average person want to do away with that? If you are not a CEO of Comcast, or the Chairman of the FCC, or someone else who is literally going to be RECEIVING money gained from eliminating the Net Neutrality act, then you are clearly someone who is either misinformed, uninformed, doesn't know what any of this means, or just don't care.

    Trust me, when you have to pay to access websites the way you pay to download individual tracks off iTunes, you'll QUICKLY realize how important Net Neutrality is to EVERYONE...


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