Daily Poll: Would you give your dog cannabis?


  • Dog Daze - 7 years ago

    Cannabis has long been considered a gateway to harder drugs. Big American pharma would be ecstatic if household pets became their new addicted opioid patients.
    Buy prescription grade American heroin for man's best friends or they'll slip the fentanyl into the doggy bag.

  • Sootah Singh - 7 years ago

    Have gave my dog cbd oils when she was having seizures every day and now she is perfectly fine I was about to put her down. But I tryd cbd oils and she s as healthy as can be

  • Liz - 7 years ago

    I doubt the effects of these products have been tested for effectiveness and safety. If the efficacy of the product could be backed up with more than anecdotal evidence then maybe I would give it to my dog (and only then on the advice of my vet). It seems reckless to self medicate a dog, their physiology is so different than ours.

  • Frank - 7 years ago

    We had a highly arthritic dog that did not do well on the pills that the vet wanted us to use so we tried pot cookies & the dog got around like he was 5 years younger without the side effects he got from the pills the Vet gave him & he lived 2 yrs longer than he would of with the Vet’s treatment

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