Will legalizing medical cannabis curb the opioid crisis? 


  • Mic - 6 years ago

    Ronnie and Shirley. you're taking a serious shortcut to thinking. The brain has CBD 1. and 2. Receptors for a reason. I work in the medical field as a rehab coordinator. Your statement that "any drug abuser will tell you they started with pot" is one of the most RIDICULOUS, uneducated, and un factual statements ever expressed. Your attempting to spread blind hate and mass ignorance.

  • Tony montana - 6 years ago

    I’m a combat veteran and suffering from ptsd and other medical problems I hope that these people will support the cause

  • Countrygirl - 6 years ago

    I live everyday with pain from having knee replacement to fibromyalgia to needing a hip replacement I have bone spurs on my foot.I have smoked for many years. I refuse to getting hooked on pain killers.As pot being a gateway drug that's just right down lwrong. I have never experienced with harder drugs. I strongly believe it should be legal

  • Marvin Gabbard - 6 years ago

    No one wants to be hooked on pain pills give them the alternative to a non habit forming way to manage it

  • Fuckthepolice - 6 years ago

    Legal or illegal I’m gonna keep smoking fat donkz

  • Kenneth Yost - 6 years ago

    Okay first I would like to address the gateway drug theory. If you ask most addicts they will tell you they started with the worst legal drug available called alcohol. The addicts that did not start with alcohol started with the second worst legal drug opioids from the largest drug dealers which would be doctor's and pharmaceutical company's. They make more money then any Mexican cartel.
    I am a former opioid addict and my addiction started from chronic pain. Most opioid abusers got started in pain management by doctor's including myself. I went from percocet to morphine to 50mg fentanyl then to 75mg fentanyl patches. Now that sounds like a natural progression except this was all in 3 months. These so called doctors managed to have me hooked on fentanyl in three months. When I ran out of patches I would start going into withdrawal. I walked out of pain management and never went back. I bought pills off the street and began using cannabis to ween myself off the drugs. I found out cannabis was a better pain reliever and had none of the side effects of the drugs my doctor pushed me to take. I now live in a legal medical state and use cannabis daily in edible form because smoking does nothing for pain. I even used cannabis to quit smoking cigarettes which is also way worse the cannabis. I would love to see the real murders and criminals put behind bars which consist of doctors, pharmaceutical company's, politicians, alcohol and tobacco company's.

  • RT - 6 years ago

    Marijuana is the only medicine that helps with my depression. I (and my health insurance provider) have spent thousands of dollars on various medications etc. to find anything that would help me. Nothing worked. I often thought about suicide. Marijuana is the reason I am still alive. I know it could help so many people. It is much much safer than alcohol. Also, I know alot of people who are drunk everyday & are on welfare. I know alot of people who smoke marijuana everyday and every single one of them work a full time job. I believe that most of the people who are against it have never even tried it. I know it would save lives. Facts are facts. I was planning my suicide, now I am surviving.

  • Essra - 6 years ago

    Actually, I'd have to say caffeine is the gateway drug since it's the first one everyone becomes addicted to. Both alcohol and nicotine are much more harmful than Marijuana, yet they're legal. Laws aren't about people's health or those two drugs would be illegal. They both kill millions of people as we all know, yet society accepts them. Meanwhile, I've never heard of anyone who has died from using Marijuana, but I do know many that it has helped and is helping in states where medical Marijuana is legal. Relieving suffering should be the first order of business. Compassion should overshadow certain people's cultural bias against the use of medical Marijuana. BTW, if it was legal it could no longer be used as a scapegoat gateway to illegal drugs. Think about it.

  • It's called research. You should Try iT, Mann..
    @least we Cann spell. Ijs.
    Smoke Weed ERrday


    Google, it's not just for porn.

  • Holly - 6 years ago

    As someone living in chronic pain and not wanting to be on pain meds, I am looking forward to the day I can use cannabis instead.

  • Will - 6 years ago

    Weed is not a gateway drug and has proven medicanal uses. The biggest gateway drug ever is alcohol.

  • Shirley - 6 years ago

    I agree with Ronnie. All the drug abuse starts with marijuana!!

  • Ronnie - 6 years ago

    Your fooling yourselves, marijuana has long been known as the "gateway" drug to other substances. Any drug abuser will tell you they started with marijuana. Medical use is very limited, and it is still against federal law.

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