Who do you blame for a possible government shutdown?


  • Colleen Crow - 6 years ago

    He promised to protect the Dreamers and has gone back on his word. He has made it clear to me that he is a racist when it comes to women and anyone who is not like him, rich,male and white.

  • Your Name - 6 years ago

    We see what you did there in separating Republican Donald Trump from the Republicans so you’d split up the poll votes to make it appear the majority blames Democrats.

  • Micheehm - 6 years ago

    Do you know how many industries would collapse if Dreamers were booted out? They came here as KIDS and this is the only country they know. Most endeavor to be a part of educated, skilled professions. Heck, Trump himself wanted protections for them until the loony tune RWNJs bent his ear! Trumpty dumpty and the reject repukes (who have total control of congress and the White House) have no clue how to run the country, and the deep red bible-beating "Christian" rubes in this country can't seem to get enough!

  • Coneigh - 6 years ago

    So...some nonpartisan facts:

    The President is a Republican.
    The House is controlled by Republicans.
    The Senate is controlled by Republicans.
    The party in control determines what bills come to the floor for a vote.

    The Children's Health Insurance Program expired in September 2017.
    The Republican House and Senate never brought a bill to the floor to vote on extending it. Not once.

    President Trump, via executive order, revoked DACA protections several months ago. He gave Congress a deadline to fix the problem that he created completely on his own.
    Congress failed to come up with a solution to the President's unprovoked actions.

    Congress, which is run by Republicans, failed to address DACA, failed to address CHIP, and failed to address the budget, leaving essential government personnel, including the military, forced to function under months of a CR - continuing resolution.

    The President, who is a Republican, failed to outline ANY type of position on... well, anything... besides tax cuts for rich folks and corporations and The Wall.

    Today is the one year anniversary of Donald J. Trump's inauguration. It is also the first time in American history that the government has shut down (which it likely will) when one party has controlled all branches of government simultaneously.

    No crazy pills. Just facts.

    Trump also previously said on Fox & Friends in 2013 that a shut down is a reflection of a failed president. Trump is the head of the snake. This is his fault. This is his failure, again.

  • RC Human - 6 years ago

    Shutdowns are the fault of the majority party. Always. Without fail.

  • Charles Johnson - 6 years ago

    Democrats putting illegal immigrants ahead of the American citizens they were elected to represent. It’s the US government not a World government.

  • Joan - 6 years ago

    Narcisstic Trump and his cowardly republican posse is to blame... can’t wait until his son in law and others have to take the blame and fall for his dealings with Russia.. just wait.. people will be “locked up” and Trump will go down as one of our worst and most crooked presidents of all times. Just sitting back and watching this shit shoe as it slowly plays out and this manchild tweets crazy things everyday. America is a laughing stock right now because of him...

  • Paul Gooden - 6 years ago

    Why do we need to give these people anything they should not be here trying to change our country and make like the one they just came from look at the problems California are having and it not getting any beter we need to roll back 60 year's was not as many problems then

  • Jl graves - 6 years ago

    Fox news has brainwashed all of these people, don't believe them! Fox is ran by Murdoch and he is a illegal alien.

  • Colden Haulfield - 6 years ago

    Seems to me all these unskilled, welfare recepient Americans feel threatened that someone is going to come in and show them up. As a white working class male, I can say with 100% confidence that I would rather have a migrant working beside me than some lazy Mountain Dew guzzling, meth head white boy. There are far more important topics affecting the livelihood of the lower-middle class than immigration. Some of you need to turn off Fox News and start thinking for yourselves.
    Also, you really think immigrants come to the United States to receive free Heath care?! Have you lost your minds? I had to go to Mexico to receive dental work that I couldn't afford in Tennessee. It was cheaper for me to fly to Mexico and get the work done than for me to have it done in my own city.

  • SK - 6 years ago

    The Democrats broke a federal law when they supported Obama's illegal DACA program that he made and knowingly ignored the federal immigrations laws and jyst made up his own. DACA was never vited on by Congress and it was not legally approved so it us not a legal law. And the only people that Democrats have been working for are illegals, alleged refugees and criminals but since the Democrats are criminals who have gotten away with breaking Federal laws and committing treason, they think that they are above the law but they are not. And every single Democrat who supports DACA, giving illegals free nedical, drivers licenses, Social Security belonging to American citizens, and federal tax emptions, should be arrested and put in federal prison for knowingly breaking federal laws and than acting they are so innocent. Well we the American citizens can see exactly where your loyalties lie and it is only with the illegals, Muslims, and criminals and the only thing you want from American citizens is their votes snd their money. The Democrats gave the American citizens nothing duting their 8 year reign and even the ACA was not about giving American citizens medical insurance but it was all about giving illegsls free medical while making American citizens oay for it.

  • Jim Yokley - 6 years ago

    Democrats are to blame they were in office for 8 years to take care of the illegals in this country so don't blame Trump blame the people who voted him in office and I'm glad he's doing a good job

  • Paul Gooden - 6 years ago

    Can't see why they want to support these people over the American people when they should not be here and those that harbor them are protecting criminals. we must protect our borders and stop the invasion. I thinking the number of those so called dreamer's is closer to 3.6 million then 800,000.

  • Shellyb - 6 years ago

    Lurch you don't know what you're talking about. They don't have enough votes without democrats. If dems cared about children and vets as much as they do illegals, they wouldn't be doing this. Senate needs 60 votes. It's simple math. They need 9 democrats who actually care.

  • Dan Bray - 6 years ago

    We do not want a bunch of unskilled, welfare recipients imported so the democrats can pad their electorate. They care more about ILLEGALS than Americans. They are traitors and will be exposed.

  • Lurch Marley - 6 years ago

    Republican in the white house
    Republicans have Senate majority
    Republicans have Congress majority
    Democrats.... to blame? HOW????

  • WakeUp - 6 years ago

    How are the Democrats to blame when the Republicans are in control? Wake up and realize that even the Republican party is divided on this issue. If they all wanted it, this would pass! Thank God for those who don't just "go along with the program"! And don't believe all the scare tactics being used either

  • Betsy - 6 years ago

    What horrible things to say about your fellow citizens on both sides. No wonder our world is a mess.

  • Blue Angel - 6 years ago

    This is all on the dang Liberals!! The Democrats care More about Illegal Immigrants staying in Our Country than All of Our US Citizens!! I’m SICK of it!!! And as for You, Blame Trump, We LOVE Our State of Tennessee and Please feel Free to stay Far Away from here!! Heck, you’re probably an SJW, Illegal Immigrant that’s Already on Our Social Welfare System, Killing Our Country!!! SMH

  • NotSurprised - 6 years ago

    Fox News has done their work here, rubes have been fully engaged.

  • ApacheWarHelicopter - 6 years ago

    Deport the Benors and put your current population and citizens first before trying to circlejerk freedom and free shit to every person in the world we can only take in so
    Many before the bubble bursts other countries have to get out the third world and do something for their own people we can’t save everyone sorry truth is harsh

  • Blame Trump - 6 years ago

    Why does News 2 always start a political war??? Please shut this site down!!!!

  • Blame Trump - 6 years ago

    The majority voted Democrats which isn't a surprise. Tennessee is a Republican State. Hate Tennessee and the Residents.

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