Should The US Drinking Age Be Lowered to 18?


  • Missy - 16 years ago

    That may be his story, but it is the idea of turning 21 which makes teens feel like they are going against the law, alot of teens die from drinking. which in fact by changing the drinking age would be able to lower the drive for drinking under age, most would look at it as " what's another year?" if there were drastic consequences of drinking under age 18. for example not being able to drink at all untill you are 25 and having it printed right on your ID. of coming up with an idea so that if you graduate high school or have a GED you may drink at 18. it would be an incentive for students to have a future for yourself, because most students dont want to just graduate, They want to further themselves.

  • Claire Yerman - 16 years ago

    You shouldn't change the drinking age. It is the way it is for a reason. This is a true story! There was a guy who just tuned 21 so for his birthday from his friends he got 21 shots of an alcoholic beverage. He died even being 21 for having to much alcohol in his body at once.

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