Should the state of Tennessee expand wine, liquor sales to Sunday?


  • DonelsonGirl - 6 years ago

    Yes! I’m from Atlanta and we had the discussion several times and voted as many times. They finally approved it and it’s so much more convenient when i visit home and need a bottle on Sunday. Without selling in Sunday the bootleggers are just making illegal money because people are gonna find a way to get what they want. I never understood why they would sell beer and not wine on Sundays anyway just like I was shocked when I first moved here and they sold beer in stores and not wine, now they sell both but no wine on Sunday’s??? That’s the craziest thing I ever heard of...

  • JD - 6 years ago

    No! As an owner of a liquor store all it does is add cost of employment and other expenses. Big box stores already got the wine in the grocery which has put several individual business owners out of business or cut their profits tremendously. You don’t create new drinkers you just spread 6 days of sales over 7. It’s nice to provide employees the one day a week guaranteed To be off to spend with their families. Another knock to small business.

  • Boaty McBoatface - 6 years ago

    Mr. Tennessee Pants: threatening to kill someone must be a direct result of all that calming pot that you smoke. Kudos.

    Again, you are so right: the drug trade hasn't hurt a soul in our global and loving world. Give or take 23,000 Mexicans in 2017, but who cares, you want to get high, right? Plus, they are disposable brown people anyways.

    Just be intellectually honest for once: you just want to get high, and don't give a rat's fart about the collateral damage. I would still disagree, but at least would respect you for not being a dnamn liar.

  • Heather Hayes - 6 years ago

    The only people wanting to restrict liquor sales on Sundays are those who think they should be able to impose their religious beliefs on the rest of us. Coincidentally, those are the same people who are always shouting about how people should take responsibility for their own actions, and "no big government." Oh I forgot no big government unless it's to tell me when I can drink, whom I can go to bed with, whom I can marry, and how I should worship.

  • A Tennessee Citizen - 6 years ago

    You are a funny man, Boatface. Very funny! The heroin you mention, from your posts it sounds as if you need something to help calm you down in which case I would be all for it.

    People could get help if they wanted/needed it.

    To the point of free cell service, well now. I didnt ever suggest people getting anything for free from anyone. I believe in personal financial responsibility.

    And to the point about my wife/daughter well, Boatface that would be hurting someone else. Wouldnt it smart guy?

    I also believe in the second amendment, just fyi and the right to protect people I love in the event of something like what you described, but I would only want to neitralize a threat that you posed. I would never want to kill anyone ever.

  • Boaty McBoatface - 6 years ago

    Mr. Tennessee Citizen: you are absolutely, 100% correct. We all should be free to do anything we want. I want free heroin from Metro, free cellular and cable service from the Feds, and the freedom to forcibly doink your wife whenever I want. The, I move on to your daughter and mother, just for kicks and giggles.

    It's all about freedom, right? Thanks for pointing out that nothing is wrong as long as you like it. Good call.

  • A Tennessee citizen - 6 years ago

    Well Mr. Mcboatface, whether you are right or wrong. I, personally have not read about these facts you speak of. I will, however give you the benefit of the doubt and say you are right, but whether you are or not is irrelevant.

    Why? It is very very very simple for a freedom loving patriot as myself. I believe in a country where we are free to choose (within reason, not hurting anyone else in any way) to do what we want. That is the idealogy of living in the land of the free right? Being free?

    You argue that legalizing pot will make everyone turn into crack heads tomorrow. Hence, the harder drug use is skyrocketing. Guess what, you, me or anyone else can stop that from happening. If a person truly dedicated and committed wants to shoot heroin or smoke em a lil’ meth. More likely than not, they will find a way. Pssst. I’ll bet you more of them than not also drink a little liqour too.

    The gateway drug argument is not much of an argument and has not been proven. For one thing, it makes no sense for someone who enjoys the calming effects of marijuana to go shoot up speed. Too totally different feelings. Speed is just that. It speeds you up. Weed calms and relaxes.

    As far as education and productivity going down. Come on, Mr. McBoatface, I work full time and know several who do as well. Also, I bet if you took a look around your neck of the woods you would find several educated people who smoke ever so often. I know some people who wouldnt have made it through college without it, or atleast thats what they tell me anyway.

    Mr.McBoatface if you are against it. Im sorry you are missing out, but respect your right to not buy it WHEN not if it becomes legal. I am against beer personally, and guess what I dont buy it. I dont speak about making it illegal because its not my choice. Thats the beauty of the concept of living in the USA, a FREE country. As long as you dont hurt anyone else, make choices that help or hurt yourself. We already encourage personal responsibility with finances, whether or not you get fat or not, whether or not you want to drink a beer. What is it about this little green plan that grows from the ground like tomatoes that has everyone like yourself so scared?

  • Boaty McBoatface - 6 years ago

    To all the potheads commenting: go smoke your dope in a state where it is legal. The stats on the collateral damage are already piling up—education and productivity are plummeting. Harder drug use is skyrocketing.

    All because people just want to get high. Sign of a depraved and crumbling society.

  • Lifetime Nashvillian - 6 years ago

    I also believe that if we are going to sell beer on Sundays, then we might as well sell it all. However, I believe we should also legalize marijuana. The tax dollars raised alone would completely pay for updating our transit issues along with building and updating our schools. Just look how much tax revenue stares of Colorado, Washington and Oregon have done.
    There is a big difference in alcohol and marijuana. A person cannot overdose on marijuana not get violent, where with alcohol both are extremely possible if not probable. I really think the state of Tennessee needs to get onboard with the legalization of marijuana. It's extremely helpful and a natural medicine to so many people just in medicinal ways.

  • Frances Leftwich - 6 years ago

    It's about time. We all know it is about politics and not religion. Even if it was about religion, Sunday is not the Lord's day to all worshipers. The Bible says the seventh day is the sabbath, if I can count that means Saturday. Preventing sale of wine on certain days is just ludicrous. What if you have extra company and need another bottle of wine on Sunday?? You could have bought an extra one on Saturday (the Lord's Day to many) I have often thought this silly rule is discriminatory to other religions. I hope this passes.

  • A Tennessee citizen - 6 years ago

    Im all about freedom of choice. I would vote YES if the elected officials fighting for this also supports marijuana legalization. It seems like a no brainer to me. Liquor/wine/beer creates an atmosphere where people act impulsively, often violent. Why cant we the people of Tennessee smoke a joint to relax and feel better?

    If your answer is that marijuana can make you violent, too ( never has myself, I want to eat cheetos and watch netflix ) then why instead of saying YES to marijuana are you being a hypocrite and allowing less restrictions on these drinks which has been proven time and time again to make people violent.

    What I want to see happen is simple. Treat people the way a free society should be treated. Allow them the freedom to make decisions in a free country.

    If you support marijuana being illegal, then logically you should also support prohibition and we see how that turned out.


  • Brent - 6 years ago

    There is no difference in selling beer on Sunday after 12 if you going sell one may as well sell all 3

  • Buster higgins - 6 years ago

    Sunday is the lords day.

  • George & Cheryl Harwood - 6 years ago

    Does this include surrounding counties?

  • Boaty McBoatface - 6 years ago

    Yes, I need to get hammered before heading to Nissan Stadium to watch the Titans take a knee in favor of the hatred of the police and the military.

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