If a vote were held today, would you approve legalizing medical marijuana?


  • Ima Epileptic - 6 years ago

    As my name stated, I have epilepsy and marijuana is the ONLY thing that keeps my seizures at bay without making me a zombie. I had to quit high school because I couldn't think because of all of the pharmaceutical medicines the doctors were shoving at me.
    I am addicticted to one of those medicines now and cannot come off of it because I've been taking it for over 30 years.
    I do smoke marijuana and have for over 30 years and I've never od'd, caused an accident, gone on a crime spree, etc...
    Please vote yes to legalize marijuana for the many ways it can be beneficial to Tennesseans.

  • Christienne Miller - 6 years ago

    Many people are ignorant of what medical marijuana does to improve health.

    Instead of pain killers that constipate cancer patients and those with chronic diseases, medical marijuana works. My grandmother has Rheumatoid Arthritis and colon cancer. I used to cook her food with marijuana in it. She was able to cut down on her pain medications.

    From a financial standpoint - wouldn't you want it regulated and taxed? People will get marijuana anyway, why not make it safer than what you get on the street?

  • Zak Michon - 6 years ago

    Look as somebody who used to self medicate I believe that we need medical marijuana in Tennessee. Not only for that thought but let's take a look at some of the patients that actually needed veterans cancer patients mental disorders. My fiance is on dialysis 10 she can not eat unless she smokes and it's sad because I know medical marijuana here in Tennessee could really help her and it could help me as well especially with my mental issues and I've been jailed because of the fact that I used to self medicate now I'm trying to make a different path by doing what the doctor say but all my medications do is make me feel like a zombie and make me want to stay in bed all day. When normally if it was socially acceptable like it should be me and my fiance could smoke a little bit and carry on throughout our day be able to be happy can take our dogs for a walk, but it's sad when my fiance can't even get out of bed from a dialysis day because she's hurting and so sick to her stomach that she literally gets weak. Now I'm not here to tell a whole story but I welcome people ask about it. if news to take the time to read this comment I hope they contact me just so that me and my fiance could tell our story because what we've been through would make anybody suffer emotionally physically and mentally yep we still stand through everything and try to progress forward so with that I do believe 110% that medical marijuana should be legal in Tennessee.

  • All 4 It - 6 years ago

    People..Really? There are comments on here that are so foul that I cannot even wrap my mind around what kind of person would actually post that.
    In addition, how about that spelling and grammar? It would appear that there is truth in the recent WKRN story that TN is one of the most uneducated states.
    This is a public forum/comment section for comments that are actually relevant to the question at hand and nobody wants to know or cares what somebody sucked.

  • Lawrence - 6 years ago

    dhou how did it take their lives?

  • Jeff Sessions - 6 years ago

    I ate the marijuana once and it
    Made me
    Gay and confused .

  • Soccer Mom - 6 years ago

    *pops a Xanax* *drives soccer Mom van* can’t drive for shit. *stops to get daily caffeine infused soda* *smells teenagers smoking reefer* YOU DRUg addicts !!! Think of muh babies !! *goes home drinks wine*

  • Mat - 6 years ago

    We seem to have some "jokers" below. Here's the DEA's official word on marijuana deaths:

    "No death from overdose of marijuana has been reported."


    Marijuana has been used medicinally by cultures around the world for at least 5,000 years, and in all that time, all over the entire planet, there has never been a single marijuana overdose death. Not a single one, ever.

    Meanwhile, opioid overdose killed 60,000 people last year. Overdosing on caffeine and even *tap water* kills a few people a year. But there has never been a marijuana overdose death.

  • I don’t eat bacon - 6 years ago

    Police want to rob you off your cash properly and cars . Lazy ass dirty cops who can’t catch real
    Criminals . Unless you’re part of a violent cartel organization policing for profit is corrupt and abused fuck the police braaaaah.

  • dhou - 6 years ago

    Disregard my previous comment. My dead family members were meth heads and Dianne black gave me $40 to but some crack if I said t was pot that killed them.
    The CDC will tell you right now that NO ONE HAS EVER DIES FROM MARIJUANA. The NTSB doesn't even keep track of marijuana related traffic accidents because they have NEVER ATTRIBUTED A SINGLE CRASH to marijuana.
    I feel terrible for what I said. I should have just sucked a cock for my fix like I usually do.

  • Bitch Please - 6 years ago

    Legal or illegal, I know what works. You want pill head zombies running the streets, that's your business. Doctors, politicians, and police unions are bought and paid for with pharmaceutical money. Why not make it completely legal, recreational and otherwise, tax it, and make that money. Every study done proves that legalized pot lowers addiction rates, traffic fatalities, dui, and violent crime rates.
    I'm not even going to get into the myriad of health benefits.
    The gateway drug argument is bullshit. Even the head if the dea under Obama said as much.
    People need to be asking why the government wants you drunk and on pills.
    They will break down your door, traumatize your kids, kill your dog, and taze your ass to protect you from a plant.
    If that ain't some bullshit, I don't know what is.
    Tennessee is 20 years behind the rest of the world because if a bunch of crooked ass politicians padding their pockets. Fuck that!

  • dhou - 6 years ago

    Marijuana took the lives of my son, my brother, and 2 cousins. I smell it in the stores, restaurants, at the hospital, even at the high school. Would never approve of legalizing it.

  • Princely - 6 years ago

    It is a brain altering drug, gateways into other drug use is proven by research. We have enough recreational drug use in alcohol with its problem, not to mention nicotines.

  • Good Christian Boy - 6 years ago

    Yeah illegal or legal I’m still gonna continue to use cannabis as an alternative to opioids and benzos. Why would I use pharmas pills when I can use a plant that grows out the mud. Hmmm... follow the money fuck the politicians fuck the police unions your country is bought and paid.

  • Shelby Herndon - 6 years ago

    People need access to medical marijuana! Other states have access so why doesn’t TN? The opportunity for bringing in tax dollars is an untapped resource. People will use marijuana one way or another. Stop wasting our resources trying to arrest these people, and allow TN citizens to have access! It is no secret that lawmakers are against marijuana due to Big Pharma and the tobacco industry, both of which kill people daily. Lawmakers should do the work of the people, not these big corporations.

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