Should schools be required to display the motto "In God We Trust"?


  • J - 6 years ago

    Absolutely not. Schools are a place of facts and knowledge, not religious beliefs. I am an atheist raised by a Christian family and went to a majority Muslim school. Imagine being a Muslim going to a majority Christian school and being subject to alienation by a sign saying "In god we trust." What's happening here is not a matter of national pride. If it was about pride, then our actual national motto would be something like, "'MURICA!" What is happening here is a fear move. Polls show younger generations either being unaffiliated with a religion or just not caring about religion. For the older generations that use religion as a reason to push laws, rules, and agendas, seeing such a decline in religious people is scary. They want to put the phrase in schools in hopes that they can brainwash future generations into caring more about religion.

    The phrase doesn't belong on or in our schools, on our currency, or in our government. I hope you all have a great lives. Whether you believe in any religion or not, we are humans first, and should support each other in any way we can, and not try to force our beliefs down the throats of others.

  • QuarkSpark - 6 years ago

    Schools are for learning validated, supported information. Not religion.

    Rick's comment below clearly illustrates why we need to have a secular education. His selfish attitude and uncaring affect for other's is a shining example of the poisonous ideologies instilled by religion.


  • In God We Trust - 6 years ago

    I have found in my life that those who hate God have misplaced anger from the loss of a loved one or have been wrong and when no one is Handy they blame God. I am sorry for you!

  • Alexa - 6 years ago

    Not only no but HELL NO! The United States of America does not have a national religion. We are also not a nation run by “the church.” Religion has no place in our schools or on our money. It is a clear violation of the separation of church and state.

  • Jan - 6 years ago

    In this age of headlines and memes, here's one more example of overemphasis on a phrase on a plaque. What are the kids supposed to do after reading that? Religious teaching needs to be done in context, preferably provided by the family, following their own beliefs. Including those who don't believe in God.

  • #MeToo - 6 years ago

    Praise satan

  • Donald J. Trump - 6 years ago

    In God we Trust is ok, but Im fine with you just calling me Mr. President, losers!

  • Samuel - 6 years ago

    I propose something more relevent Teach kids what to do with money at an early age as opposed to actually imitating the back of what a dollar says. Teach kids how to save, stress the importance of work, and in doing so society would be improved. Religion can be good, but in a public school system it isnt the place for it. Teach kids how to be more moral. Ok, thats fine but me personally think morality starts when people can support themselves.

  • Stephen - 6 years ago

    Of all the problems and issues to address in this state, this is where their priorities are? No. We don’t need “in god we trust”displayed in our schools. It does zero good to better our state, it’s pointless, and worst of all a was of time and tax dollars. Sometimes I really really hate living in the “Bible Belt”.

  • Randy Reed - 6 years ago

    Our constitution provides protection for all views of faith. Many have fought and died for the freedom to practice the religion of ones choice. This undermines this precious freedom and is unamerican unpatriotic and oppressive. If I want my religious and political views I should respect another’s views. This includes those who do not believe in God. Rather than imposing divisive policies may we promote inclusive,affirmative and positive policies.

  • Ashley - 6 years ago

    Why force people about religion. If you want to know God go to church stop pushing your agenda on other people who may not want it . Need to focus on actually teaching them.

  • Russian bot - 6 years ago

    Sounds like something the Russian Orthodox Church would propose for Russia. Oh, I forgot we are inching closer to this with trump/Putin in charge along with the so called Christians, what a laugh! The Republican god is the almighty trump and the dollar.

  • IEATBUBBLES - 6 years ago

    Sure! Let's require our already underfunded schools to waste resources and time on this garbage!
    Then everytime the stupid letters get vandalized, we can waste even more resources and time to fix them!

  • Flying Spaghetti Monster - 6 years ago

    Schools should be focused on getting our youth into colleges not shoving any agenda or religion down these kids throats. If I want to learn about god I’ll go to church. School should be a neutral ground unless you go to a religious private school public federally funded schools have no business teaching any religion .

  • JoSixPak - 6 years ago

    Public schools students cannot read it anyways. They are too busy gangbangin and birthin dem babies.

  • Pasta - 6 years ago

    In flying spaghetti god we trust ! Give us your poor your forgotten your misunderstood we do not discriminate ! We welcome all races and choices !

  • Rick - 6 years ago

    Ofcourse they should! I know that their is freedom of religion in this country but lets be real! The only religion is really the Christian religion. All others or the lack there of is wrong! There for it dont matter what no athiest thinks, it dont matter what no muslim thinks or no jews either. We are christians people and it should be displayed.

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