Would you consider shifting your work hours to help reduce Nashville traffic problems?


  • Joel - 6 years ago

    Better solution would be for the city to incentivize companies to offer employees ability to work-from-home 2 days a week. Most companies have employees who can perform their job from home at least part of the time. These 2 days will vary by company and employee needs, making the overall effect much less traffic throughout the week.

  • PropagandaRules - 6 years ago

    Day after day we get this propaganda foisted upon us that we need the $10 BILLION dollar boondoggle. Article after article, poll after poll telling us we need to ride a bus in a hole in the ground. Did u pass up a job because of traffic? How long does it take to get to work? On and on it goes putting out the false narrative that drop your drawers Megan has the answer. Believe me if the initial cost was $5 Billion, which has now been revised to $10 billion, the final cost is most likely will be $50 BILLION!!! Keep up the brainwashing because the sheeple need to be herded into the right thought process.

  • JoSixPak - 6 years ago

    And, it was a GREAT idea to remove lanes for cars and add bike lanes. I see one or two riders per day across Church Street, and the rush hour backup has doubled. All in the name of political correctness.

    Now, the next progressive move: tax the bejesus out of Davidson County residents so the gov't can waste a trillion dollars on insider transit deals. Maybe Megan Berry can afford to pay her boitoi quadruple overtime, too!

  • JoSixPak - 6 years ago

    Everyone needs to calm down. Our honorable and devoted mayor is adding another ten trillion dollars to our taxes so we all can have flying cars by 2050.

  • Kristi - 6 years ago

    Your short survey does not allow for extenuating circumstances. NO, I would not consider changing my work schedule, but I would if I could. My hours are set in stone by my employer, and there is no way to change it. That being said, if the mass transit were better, I'd use it in a heartbeat. I've been in cities with amazing mass transit, places where I didn't even need a car. I'd love to see that here.

  • Vicki - 6 years ago

    If more people would ride the bus or train it would help the traffic greatly. There are bus runs from every major area from the normal MTA buses to the nice RTA buses. And I hear the train is really a great ride. Every bus seats anywhere from 45-56 riders. That is the amount of cars with each bus off the road. More people wanting to ride mean more buses to be obtained and if they get special light changing equipment and special lanes of the interstate you could see a convoy of them from every direction.

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