Are lawmakers doing enough to make our schools safer?


  • Gloria Hines - 6 years ago

    Put metal detectors in schools.they can not cost more than your children.gun laws will not stop them because they get them off the street

  • T.A. - 6 years ago

    This country has a ton of problems. It is sad that this has became normal. I hate to say it, but I wonder when the next will happen. Whether he is a white nationalist, an islamic terrorist, a guy who thinks he is the joker, a racist black dude seeking revenge shooting up a church in response for the racist white dude shooting up a blsck church, a seemingly normal middle aged rich guy who didnt send any signal to anyone shooting up a concert, a guy targeting an elementary school, or one of the many random shootings going on every day. It is very apparent this has gotten out of hand. Nobody wants to fix the issue. Especially around here. The president, the nra, the prayers, the christians all do nothing ever. It is sickening. It wont get better because as a society we truly do not care unless it hits home. I mean sure, most of us dont like seeing or hearing about it, but we love our boom sticks. Guns dont kill people, people kill people and on and on it goes. People have been doing alot of killing lately, huh? What is the answer? Anybody? Cant take our guns away because only criminals will have them. Well, you have had them this whole time and it is proven time and time and time again you cant do nothing before tons of people die. People are the problem. The whole shebang is a dirty one.

  • Truth B Told - 6 years ago

    @Lynn... He was adopted!! Obviously he took the name from his adoptive parents.

  • JoSixPak - 6 years ago

    Educate your children at home. Liberals have destroyed public education, and liberals have made schools a collection of sitting ducks quacking until the next nutcase mows them down.

  • JoSixPak - 6 years ago

    Double your pleasure with double mint gum.

  • Jim - 6 years ago

    More gun control laws will not stop these events from occurring. People need to get involved. When you see a person regressing into suspect behavior make sure to report this information. Gun control laws only affect law abiding people. Criminals and the mentally ill operate under different logics and mentalities than the main stream public. Quit turning a blind eye to what others are doing. Report suspect behavior to get them help before they act. Otherwise arm and train the teachers and staff at the schools so at least they can intervene on behalf of the innocent children we are losing.

  • Jim - 6 years ago

    More gun control laws will not stop these events from occurring. People need to get involved. When you see a person regressing into suspect behavior make sure to report this information. Gun control laws only affect law abiding people. Criminals and the mentally ill operate under different logics and mentalities than the main stream public. Quit turning a blind eye to what others are doing. Report suspect behavior to get them help before they. Otherwise arm and train the teachers and staff at the schools so at least they can intervene on behalf of the innocent children we are losing.

  • Lynn - 6 years ago

    Same old shit. Also someone please explain to me how a guy with the last name cruz is a white nationalist?

  • Lynn - 6 years ago

    Same old shit. Also someone please explain to me how a guy with the last name cruz is a white nationalist?

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