Should parents of juvenile offenders by held accountable for their crimes? 


  • Frank Schlernitzauer - 6 years ago

    This poll, its results show how far we have come from a Biblical world view as the LORD in His Law forbids a child being held accountable for parents sins/crimes or a parent a childs sin/crime. It is ominous really to consider as a parent you can be punished imprisoned for your childs acts!

  • Poor Foreigners do it and Americans can’t - 6 years ago

    I’m really tired of the parents that are all talk and no action nor determination. I talk to my kids, really?! It takes more than talking. Sometimes it takes trying different methods. There are all kinds of services, assistance and organizations to help. If you have tried everything then maybe your kid deserves military school or jail or something. But I’m pretty sure that if we had better parenting, legal system and schooling then we would have fewer problems and it would be those rare occasions we have kids causing life altering bad decisions. It’s getting worse and out of control then we have adults that do nothing to fix it.
    People talk about not having enough money or working to much. I like listening to the older generations. Older generations that didn’t get paid a lot and really struggled but seem to make things work for the best. I like hearing stories during my travels how people in Africa walked for miles to other villages just to get an education then come to America legally and become successful. I like hearing stories of people from other countries that lived in poverty and had parents that pushed them and gave them rules and displince then they come to America legally and made a better life. I like hearing the stories of how people struggled to come to America legally then they got here and worked multiple jobs at one time while going to college then becoming successful. I like how people in Africa will complain about how people in America have all these great opportunities and abuse it or waste it or complain about how they can’t make it, they are like really?!
    How come we have people from very poor countries that struggle and made long journeys then got here then struggled but followed the rules and made sure their kids were properly raised and they become successful then we have people living in America with all kinds of charities, churches, organizations, schools with counseling or other services, programs and online help or other helpful services but can’t manage to raise their kids and become successful. How come we have so many in America that complain and have excuses when we have foreigners from small starving villages that can do it. Really?!
    America, while I love this country and have fought for our country and hope the best for our country. I grew up poor in the city and turned my life around. I love all races and genders and other things. I still have to admit through just tracking the news or reading studies or following research that it’s the same problems over and over. Everyone has become afraid to call things what they are and call it like you see it or your judged. Its sad just because you can’t say hey your a criminal and stop or we need to fix this area because it’s has problems then your judged and nothin gets fixed. Its profiling or something just protecting those people that need theirs lives fixed. It’s got to many loopholes and low standards for people to get away with criminal behaviors. We lower standards or make changes to create a system for people to be lazy or make excuses still move along in life without having to be told to re due it until you get it right or find something else. We don’t fix problems but find ways to adapt to them. Americans just talk about what needs to be fixed or make a big deal out of things that aren’t really important anymore because it makes them feel like they are part of something but Americans don’t try to do anything about it. I just hate how we have all these excuses and lower are standards while we see our education getting worse, while we have other countries performing better or we have to import foreigners to do jobs because we don’t have enough Americans trying and complaining. Anyone can get an education and get student loan and struggle to make it in America and we people from other countries as proof. Instead people have excuses and we responsible allowing our country to lower standards.

  • Times are changing so should rules - 6 years ago

    Every kid will take their own path in life. However, their paths to choose will depend on their surroundings.
    Parents should be held responsible under different circumstances and/ or certain degrees. I don’t have all the answers or best examples but I feel like a community or committee can vote or come up with something. If a parent is found not trying to get counseling for the child either through the school or other means and the kid is in trouble for certain areas then they should be forced to take their kids to counseling. If the kid is destroying property or stealing then there should be measures to put into community service and counseling.
    I have lived from rags to riches. I find that rich kids with busy parents can get the support or help they need to improve their lives or their lives are set up for success. So, you don’t hear about rich kids all the time on the news.
    Then families that struggle with money and don’t have parents with strong biundaries, rules, high standards or heavy consequences for actions, well, the kids just do what they want because their are no consequences to scare them. There is more of incentive to build relationships with other troubled kids because they are lacking it at home or because of the anxiety of not being accepted. Now a days, kids and adults would rather please their other troubled counterparts, think selfishly or other things because the legal system in America is not that bad. Heck, you will probably get out it in court or you go to jail for a short period and get good meals, fun, exercise, money or education. Actually, sometimes I feel like taking risks and taking chances of abusing the system because in the end, I will just get a vacation and benifits in jail. Hell, it’s smarter these days to make babies and collect government assistance and work under the table or not at all. Depending on your location, you can make more than actually getting a real job. People that run the street, have been getting better at learning street smartness. They know to use anything you can to manipulate or things to get what they want. Use race, use sad stories, use the past, use any excuses and get really good at making people believe you. Then you have people that have never lived on the streets believing them and changing laws or making it possible for them to get away with more. It’s starts with good parenting and if you have kids then your responsible for trying with everything. If you owned let’s say a dog and the dog was going around biting or killing or if you abused the dog then the law comes and punishes you.
    I think parenting is hard and especially if your child is having problems but you had a kid and it’s up to you to try even harder. There is all kinds of services available today and support groups or options. You just have to try and if your not trying then someone should come and put some motivation into you. If you are trying and you can prove that you have taken different steps then I think the state should not punish the parents.
    I really believe it’s just not the parents. It’s the schools, the laws, the legal system. We need to have higher standards, we need strong discipline, we need to create a system that makes people and their family memebers more worried if they are not trying. People don’t need to say let’s ban guns and go vote on it. That’s ridiculous but let’s gather on making it difficult to get weapons or you have to get counselors to check the block then go vote on that. It’s the same for reasonable punishments for kids or their parents. We need townhalls not just for choosing presidents but every month for making changes to the system. Law makers are not going to make changes unless people gather and demand changes with reasonable requests. You don’t see all talk celebrities or politicians living or sending their kids to school with bad kids or schools that allow bad kids. They probably grew up in pretty good areas. They don’t understand!

  • Jacqueline nieves - 6 years ago

    I think us parents should not pay for wat r kids do I talk to my kids about right and wrong and if they do wrong they should pay for it not me cuz I always talk to them

  • Jacqueline nieves - 6 years ago

    I think us parents should not pay for wat r kids do I talk to my kids about right and wrong and if they do wrong they should pay for it not me cuz I always talk to them

  • Yes blame the politicians/teachers - 6 years ago

    Helen Schultz
    I am also old, pushing 70. I have kids and grand kids and this is a different world than we were brought up in. Heck I would get paddling's at school and then a whipping when I got home. Even neighbors would spank other peoples kids for doing wrong. You would be in jail for that today.

    Don't blame the teachers? Teachers now tell kids to dial 911 if you whip them. The police show up and if any marks on the child you will go to jail. The fines will be astronomical. Children services then will call on you constantly to make sure you never put your hands on that child again.

    Don't blame the politicians? The politicians are the ones who enacted these laws.

    Don't blame the judges? The judges see the same teen 15 times in 15 months and do nothing. The juvenile halls are so full that if you wish to incarcerate 10 juveniles then you must release 10 juveniles to make room for them

    In universities they refuse to allow anyone with a viewpoint that is not socialist communist to even speak on campuses. They have safe spaces where freedom of speech is denied. It is so pathetic that university students received counseling because someone wrote Trump on the sidewalk.

    In one sense you are correct it is the parents fault for not voting, or voting for these socialists/communists (democrats) that has caused these societal problems. Just because you are old is no excuse to hide your head in the sand and ignore or be ignorant of what has taken place in this nation.

    Jimmy Carter gave us the FEDERAL Dept. of Education in 1977 and the socialist/communist party knew exactly what they were doing. Get God out of the schools and Marxism in. Indoctrinate and brainwash our children into thinking government is the answer not the parent or church. When you can no longer use corporal punishment you are at a disadvantage and in many states even yelling at a child is considered mental abuse and the authorities will make sure you never do that again. Wake up and smell the coffee.

  • TERESA - 6 years ago

    My son was shot back in Dec. 2018 in Nashville and he was very lucky to survive such trauma. I will be the first to tell you they need to make stiffer laws and charge the young kids as a adult and give them the max on there sentence with no possible parole. As far as the parents being charged no I don't think they should be charged because they have to work and provide for the home. These kids know better and if they do the crime they do the time.

  • Helen Schultz - 6 years ago

    I'm old. I was reared in a different time. Absolutely, the parents should be held accountable. Every time I hear a report about a new shooting, I wonder why no one ever speaks of the parents and the role they play in the events occurring because of their children. The parents themselves demand that someone do something about the situation as though they played no role in the rearing of their child/children. We continue to hear about better, stronger gun laws (well guns don't shoot people -- people shoot people), about the failure of our government officials to act., etc. The government, the schools, the teachers and even President Trump is being blamed, but nothing is ever said about the parents! No one can legislate common sense, and it is obvious to me that too many people want to play the blame game rather than looking in the mirror. It seems that most people feel It is up to everyone but the parents to bear the brunt of the blame for everything that occurs. What a shame and how very sad that this world has come to this state of affairs. When are the parents going to step up to the plate and begin taking responsibility for the actions of their children?

  • Simpson - 6 years ago

    No because nobody can tell me that a young teen doesnt know right or wrong. I was well aware by the time I was 8 you shouldnt hurt anyone else. Serious crimes like murder, rape, home invasions with a weapon involved etc. These kids know better. If it is a maturity issue, well shit now a days we live in an age where some 40 year olds are not mature. It is a societial problem. When you show things in Hollywood movies, and only report negative news plus you live in a fast paced society where kids are not encouraged to work hard for anything anymore you have big problems. Gangs are flooding streets, drugs are everywhere, girls are sexualised on tv, the hero in movies is typically the anti hero that isnt really that bad just misunderstood having to do what he can to get by. All these factors imprints on young kids minds. Blame society. Blame yourself if you support these things. It isnt only the parents, usually. There are exceptions of course, but those are rare. One exception would be like out in California where those kids were tied to beds all there life and imprisoned for years. In a case like that I would say a kid probably would be the same as a mentally challenged individual and in capable of knowing correct things because his whole life he was mistreated and never taught things. How often do those cases really happen though? In a case like that of course the parents should be held accountable, but again Rare.

  • Penny Parham - 6 years ago

    He** yes. That's where the problem needs to be addressed. At home.

  • LockThemUp - 6 years ago

    Of course the parent should be held responsible. Everyone knows that children are the golden goose in todays welfare society. People only have kids to get free food stamps, checks from the government for each child you have, rent vouchers to get a house/apt for $50 a month, and free medical care. As if this isn't bad enough we let 20 million illegals from every nation on earth come here and they get the exact same government benefits as the citizens who raise these bad kids. The baby momma on crack and the baby daddy no where to be found. JAIL THE PARENT.

    The other part of society that works and raises good children do not have to worry about being held responsible for their children's behavior because they train them to be good kids. Those kids turn out good and are not the problem so those parents do not have to worry at all.

  • JailTheJudges - 6 years ago

    Absolutely not!! I had a son that was so bad I had to install a burglar alarm. It wasn't to keep burglars out but to keep the boy in. If he opened a window or door the alarm went off and he didn't have the alarm code to shut it off. He was in counseling for years. Why should a parent be in jail for auto theft when the 16 year old is the one who committed the crime. The 16 year old gets a slap on the wrist from juvenile court while the parent is held for felony auto theft.

    Why is the parent solely responsible and not the politicians who pass laws to enable them, the courts who do not punish them , the teachers who tell them they cannot be paddled or spanked and to report it to the authorities if your parent whips you. . Especially the courts where you see 16/17 year olds with records 10 feet long and the judge turns them loose again.

    If the parent is to be jailed for the crime we would have half the population in prison.

  • joan shrader - 6 years ago

    a parent can not be with their kids 24/7, Now days BOTH parents have to work and do the best they can but sometimes even with the best of intentions a child can get caught up in with the wrong people and try to go with the crowd

  • Kim Worley - 6 years ago

    Everyone is talking about "gun control". It appears that kid control is what we need. Parents need to be in the kids business. If they can't parent then by all means hold the parent and child accountable.

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