Should the legal age for buying all firearms be 21?


  • Erik Lewis - 6 years ago

    Forget not the men and women that protect our rights Day in Day Out enlist in the United States military as young as 17

  • Jim - 6 years ago

    If you’re old enough to be drafted and handed an M16 in combat you should be old enough to purchase a firearm.

  • Bill - 6 years ago

    @eddieg I agree that the 2016 election was bullshit nobody wants socialist sanders, or Crooked killery, but you dont need to allow yourself to be fooled. Trump is a liberal. He has always been a liberal. He is attacking our second amendment right now. The idiots on the left just are too stupid to see it and are in effect arguing against their own agendas. Trump is shit too.

  • localboy - 6 years ago

    Wow...never let it be said that Russia's basement-dwelling 12 year olds can't figure out how to post multiple times to the WKRN website. Thanks for all the pseudo-righty comments, comrades!

  • JoSixPak - 6 years ago

    I am mad. My lifesize nude of Megan Boner kept falling off of my ceiling last night.

  • James - 6 years ago

    How is someone in the age of majority gonna be allowed to vote, smoke cigarettes, make pornography, buy lottery tickets. Sign up for the military (or selective service for that matter,) and get shipped off to war, but you don’t want to give that same person their second amendment right until they turn 21?

  • EddieG - 6 years ago

    Bill, take a chill pill. When we have the choice between a criminal named Hillary, a Socialist Bernie Sanders or Trump, I will go with Trump every time. I will NEVER vote for a socialist/communist (DEMOCRAT) as long as I am able to make it to the voting booth.

  • Bill - 6 years ago

    Trump has fooled you all. He should be the new liberal hero. He will pass gun reform

  • Bill - 6 years ago

    God damn Trump is a traitor. He supports and endorses the age increase on weapons. Complete bullshit. Remember this republicans. He is a wolf in sheeps clothing. Beware!

  • Phoebe Klemz - 6 years ago

    My 19 year old nephew is serving in our military. It makes no sense. California gun laws nationwide

  • Esu - 6 years ago

    all schools need metal detectors. Never trust these teachers with guns when they bully and mistreat students!

  • cecil davis - 6 years ago

    If u raise the age for buying rifles to 21 then ur infringing on young hunters

  • Justthefaxpleez - 6 years ago

    Don't be surprised if your local ABC affiliate doesn't doctor the poll results. ABC is nothing but a bunch of liars.

  • Justthefaxpleez - 6 years ago

    Don't be surprised if you're local ABC affiliate doesn't doctor the poll results. ABC is nothing but a bunch of liars.

  • Darby Wing - 6 years ago

    As others have already said, if you plan to restrict gun ownership to those 21 years of age or older, you must logically restrict voting, and service in the armed service, as well as jury membership, and operating motor vehicles. There were approximately 33,000 motor vehicle deaths in the U.S.A every year for the past 5 years. Save the children, ban motor vehicles. If you were to restrict voting to 21 and over, the Dems would throw a fit. Much of their votes come from the ignorant, irrational, deceivable youth and from the recently deceased.

  • Chelsea Pugh - 6 years ago

    Hey Josixpackkk!
    A troll like you zoomed in on a picture of her holding a purse, then Photoshopped a random naked lady and a purse.
    Do we not have deadlier issues to worry about?
    Or are you a bottom feeder???

  • Steve - 6 years ago

    Would the minimum age for military service will also be increased to 21?

    I enlisted in the Army at age 17 and was an E-2 in the 101st with AA wings before I turned 18. I may have not been able to grow a beard at the time, but I was more mature than your average 30 year-old liberal is today.

    Preserving Liberty has a cost. Our founders knew it. Some of you should try traveling the world and see what life is like with a boot on your throat. Perhaps then you will see the pathetic irony of begging the government to make the citizenry powerless against tyranny.

  • JoSixPak - 6 years ago

    In other news, does anybody wanna swap pics of Megan Boner?

  • DaProf - 6 years ago

    Well, only if we move the age of Majority to 21 for voting, serving in the Armed forces, entering into binding contracts, buying cigarettes, etc..

    Otherwise, no.

    The evil actions of one or even a few does not diminish the Rights of the millions of others. There were millions of people who turned 18 over the years and we had no issue with them.

    Quit punishing the millions of decent citizens for the actions of one or two evil miscreants. That needs to stop.

    The data is pretty clear. Why is it so hard for some people to understand? Is it just willful ignorance or a self-inflicted blindness?

  • Daryl Noonan - 6 years ago

    So are they going to raise the minimum age for Military service to 21? Old enough to carry a belt fed machine gun for your country, and potentially die but can't buy a rifle.

    We definitely need to change the voting age too. You can't be trusted to buy a rifle, but hey we will let you vote which has more far reaching implications.

    And finally we need to change the Legal age for abortion. You can't be trusted to be responsible buying a rifle, but we will trust you to make life and death decisions for an unborn child.

  • Clncatfish - 6 years ago

    With the knowledge that the human brain does not complete development until mid 20ties. Voting right and right to purchase firearms should be 24. Join the service or honorable service discharge. Right to vote and firearms purchase start.

  • "Assault-Type" LOL - 6 years ago

    Gotta love the way these communist-type news sites word their questions. They call it an "ASSSAULT TYPE" weapon. It is either an Assault weapon or it Is not an Assault weapon. There is no such thing as an "Assault Type' weapon. Good grief can it be any more obvious what the goal is with these loaded questions and innuendo coming from these news stations.

  • ArmedGuardsInSchools - 6 years ago

    These polls are a perfect example of how the left wing media drives the conversation in this country. Instead of talking about fences around the schools, armed guards in the schools, ways to make the schools more secure, we are talking about guns again. This is about protecting our children in the schools, it is not about what a gun looks like, mental illness, what the killer is thinking, IT IS ABOUT HOW TO PROTECT OUR CHILDREN and stop these murders.

    WKRN STAFF how about a poll on whether we should have armed guards in our school? How about a conversation whether the guards should be trained teachers, military vets, retired police officers or the National Guard. Ain't gonna happen is it WKRN? You have to push your socialist/communist anti-gun agenda at all costs and the children be damned.

  • Dick - 6 years ago

    Remind me again, how old was the vegas shooter, the theater shooter in colorado, or the shooter at the elementary school?

    If 18 makes an adult, and they have rights to vote, enlist in the military etc. then an 18 year old has the right to own a gun and drink a beer.

  • Joan E.Jones - 6 years ago

    Please tell our viewers, assult rifles should be taken off the market. Send them to our solder boys & women in our defense of our country! No human needs a gun like this to protect themselves. therefore this will not harm our rights to own a gun for self-defense. ( Not a Asault Rifle, remove them from sales in all gun shops & gun shows!!)

  • Mark Hemphill. - 6 years ago

    If the kids today had enough common sense, then I would have said no. But today's generation from what I've seen doesn't.

  • Mike swope - 6 years ago

    Guns don’t kill people people kill people let’s figure out how to protect our kids not punish people trying to protect them selfs these liberals have lost their minds

  • Bobo - 6 years ago

    I will make a deal. I would agree to raise the age of long gun purchase to 21....***IF***... we raise the voting age to 21.
    Too many dumbfuggs are too intellectually immature to make intellegent voting decisions.

    By the way, they so called youth advocates going to Tallahassee and DC??? These are the same idiots that eat Tide pods. I'm having a hard time with the credibility of anything they speak.

    One more thing....kiddies...."oh if it only saves one more life, new gun control measures"

    What about saving 900,000 lives of unborn babies every year?

    Hypocrisy at its finest.

  • ProtectTheChildren - 6 years ago

    Why is WKRN, an ABC affiliate, doing all these polls on guns? Because of the school shooting in Florida and the murder of innocent school children. Instead of focusing on ways to stop these shootings the media immediately focuses on the gun. This is the socialist/communist (democrat) agenda. They couldn't care less about the children, this is a crisis that will not go to waste. To hell with protecting the children, we will use this tragedy to get more gun laws. It is absolutely sickening to watch the propaganda of our national media while the schools continues to be war zones. Who is protecting our children while the attend their schools should be the question.

    Where are the polls and articles on how to protect our children. I am sick of this left wing garbage being spewed by WKRN.

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