Do you approve of teachers and employees carrying firearms in school? 


  • IEATBUBBLES - 6 years ago

    Just another thought on this madness...
    Wouldn't it be swell if our neighborhood Tad Cummins-types (aka perverts working in schools) had guns to further intimidate their victims?

  • WhereIsSchoolMoney - 6 years ago

    IEatBubbles The school data is available for all to see. Rather than ranting about a social worker maybe you can transfer your daughter to a poorer school so that she can see her social worker. I know what a "social worker" is but would like to hear your definition. The MNPS budget is approx. $900 million dollars for about 90.000 students or about $10,000 per student. There are about 10,000 employees so that is 1 employee for every 9 students. Over 12% of the students are 2nd language students. Does the term illegal alien ring a bell? There is a portion of your money. Trump is doing his best to stop this insanity but the DEMOCRATS insist on letting these illegals in at every vote taken. There are about 145 schools in Nashville of which about 15 are charter schools. Over 71% are economically disadvantaged and receive government assistance (keep in mind what those illegals are costing comrade). The racial breakdown is 46% black, 33% white, 17% Hispanic (keep those illegals in mind comrade) and 4% Asian. Over 60% of the teachers have Masters Degrees and the average salary is over $50,000.

    You see Bubbles this is where the money goes. Everywhere you turn it is going to illegals, transit and socialist programs. This data is readily available and the more one looks at what our taxes are funding the more one realizes the incompetence of government. Keep voting Democrat and watch those schools deteriorate further but hey they may hire enough "social workers" to satisfy you some day.

  • JaniceD - 6 years ago

    Where is all the money that could help the schools? Well that money is being used to build football stadiums for billionaire owners. It is being used for arenas for hockey teams. It is being used for overtime for drop your drawers Megan to pay overtime for her lover after hours and to travel with. You posted you favored the $10 BILLION DOLLAR boondoggle mass transit system . You then said it only costs 10 cents a day to pay for that fiasco until someone showed you it would take over 400 years to repay it at 10 cents a day. Want to know where the money is going? Look in the mirror and ask what $10 BILLION could do for the schools.

  • "ChickenPoopCowards" - 6 years ago

    Where are the chicken poop cowards IEATBUBBLES? Are you so stupid that you do not know that guns are not allowed in schools because they are GUN FRRE ZONES? I would wager my last penny that you vote socialist/communist (DEMOCRAT) if you vote at all! There are reasons the children are being slaughtered and that is because there is no one to fight back against these murderers when they start their mass killings. Maybe it is because we took the Bible out of the school and now teach the 5 pillars of Islam. Could it be because if you use corporal punishment on a child you will end up in jail? Maybe it is because you cannot even take a Christmas card to school but they want 3 bathrooms for those who are confused about their gender. Could it be because if you even raise your voice you have emotionally damaged and traumatized that child for life?

    I am in my 70's and we used to be a CAN DO Society but no longer. From reading these posts one would think that TEACHERS are incapable of walking and chewing gun at the same time. They are so incompetent that I have no idea how they even became teachers. The problem is going to be to find teachers who aren't socialists themselves. The data shows that the overwhelming majority of teachers vote Democrat so they most assuredly are not capable of carrying ASSAULT-Type, Military Style weapons as this left wing rag likes to call them.

    Now when they start posting jobs for armed security at schools watch the thousands of patriotic citizens come streaming out of the woodwork willing to protect our children. Of course they will be Republicans because the communists want us disarmed so that may cause people to scream at the sky because we all know Republican/Conservatives are more evil than the gun itself.

    It amazes me how people like IEATCHICKENPOOP post their ignorance for the world to see in these forums. Just remember IEatChikenPoop that schools are GUN FREES ZONES so you do not embarrass yourself again by asking where are the gun owners.

  • IEATBUBBLES - 6 years ago

    The proposal of arming teachers is heartbreaking and scary.
    If our government has all this available money for such an ongoing costly and ludicrous idea, where has it been all this time in regards to adequate funding and resources for our schools?
    Do you know that my daughter's school just recently dropped their only social worker, because not enough students at the school qualified for Tenncare?
    Have you all seen the conditions of some our metro school buildings?
    Are you aware that some even have lead in the drinking water and poor heating and cooling systems?
    Teachers aren't given the resources to properly teach as it is, and our schools need so much.
    One thing that they do NOT need, is overworked and underrepresented human beings bringing guns into the classroom with our children.
    We need many more councilors and a reliable armed SRO officer at every school.
    Why aren't all these "good guys" who are obsessed with guns taking jobs to protect our most vulnerable?
    My guess is that they are chickenshít cowards like Scot Peterson who only care about themselves and toy-collecting.

  • GunLaws - 6 years ago

    Something isn't right about our background checks and gun laws. I have a friend who has a concealed carry permit. He cannot buy ammunition however. When he was 18 he stole a car which is a felony. The court gave him 5 years, put him on probation, and told him his record would be expunged if he stayed out of trouble. He is now 65 years old, never been in trouble of any kind since then. Married with children and a law abiding, tax paying citizen. Something is amiss however when the Federal background check clears him, but the state of TN will not let him buy ammo.

    We also have Federal Firearms laws that have very tough sentences for felons committing crimes with a weapon. The states are absolutely way too lenient on these criminals. I think I read that in the last 10 years not one time has the Federal Govt pressed charges against any felon using a firearm to commit another felony.

    Crime is big business. Bail bondsman, jails, police, jailers, judges, attorneys, jail concession sales, phone calls, to name just a few of the people and money involved with this crime industry. I HONESTLY believe that the powers that be do not want these criminals off the streets. Turn them loose and EVERYBODY makes more money. Lock them up long term and the industry suffers.

  • ProtectTheChildren - 6 years ago

    Teachers is a generic term when it comes to being armed to protect the student. There are teachers who are more than capable of being armed and able to defend the students. Whether that is 1% or 10% of the teachers who fall into this category is debatable. I think this may be a partial solution but not what is going to solve the problem of protecting our children because there are just too many schools where none of the teachers would qualify or even want to be armed. The coach at Parkland who used his body to shield the students would be an example. Was he a veteran? Would he have qualified? He was shot 5 times according to news reports, could he have stopped the massacre with a weapon?

    Metal detectors? Do you think at 10 in the morning when some nut walks into a school with a weapon a metal detector is going to stop him? Or, is there going to be someone just standing at that metal detector all day? Just yesterday in Memphis two women walked into a cafeteria door and attacked a student. They did it with their fists instead of with a weapon fortunately. See I have read reports of schools having metal detectors and students passing in weapons thru open windows. During after school events they have taken in the weapons and hidden them at the school so they are available the next day.

    This will have to be an all encompassing security system. Cameras, teachers, and metal detectors are certainly deterrents but more will have to be done.

  • GetSmartAmerica - 6 years ago

    TSA style security no entry points metal
    Detectors . No open campus . Only LEO or security officials should be permitted. Do you really trust teachers to properly secure a firearm in a building of teenagers ?

  • D House - 6 years ago

    I wouldn't trust ANY of my kid's teachers with a gun! MNPS has ALOT of teachers/admin/other staff that are so mean and abusive to our students, physically and mentally, already. All schools should get METAL DETECTORS first. Don't let the guns in.

  • Lillian Prater - 6 years ago

    I feel there needs to be armed security in every school. That being said I do not think it should be teachers. Teachers should be able to teach. As bad as it sounds. some (not all) can not control themselves with students like it is (you see and hear it on the news all the time) Heaven forbid that they had a gun. Maybe selected people who are really evaluated and trained first and then re evaluated every so often. This is my humble opinion. Thank you.

  • Carlton Crutchfield - 6 years ago

    As a Criminal Court Officer for 30 years(armed) and gone thru the kind of training that would be required in an active shooter situation, I can tell you teachers would not have the background, time for training, or more importantly the mindset required to be both a nurturing teacher AND a potential killer( because that’s what you have to be willing to do) as armed security in any school. The potential for error goes through the roof when you get that adrenaline dump and tunnel vision. This is NOT what teachers sign up for, and I’m speaking as a member of a family with three generations of teachers that I have watched and admired all my life.

  • Stuart - 6 years ago

    Let’s use some common sense. This is getting out of control. No I do not believe teachers and employees at the schools should carry fire arms. The government and the states need to step up and step up NOW, and change the laws to protect the children and people in general. The laws are currently too relaxed and not working.

  • Margie D. Hale - 6 years ago

    Yes! Whatever it takes to protect children. We have to act now. Guns do not kill people. People do. We cannot disarm America!

  • Ora Fulton - 6 years ago

    I feel we need more trained & armed people in our schools. BUT! They should be will to be put through continued evaluation, say every 6 months to a year. If I were a teacher I wld want to be armed.

  • Paul baker - 6 years ago

    I could understand if a person were physically able to pass the test and be able to secure a handgun carry permit. But not just anybody is set out to fire a gun at another person. Regardless of the circumstances. As a security coordinator for the largest armored car company in the world I was required to be armed at all times. Fortunately I was never called upon to have to fire my weapon at a human being. I now have my carry permit and will keep it in force.
    I do not favor all out gun control. I do however do not believe weapons designed for military or police enforcement should be accessible to general public parties. AK’s etc are designed to kill people. Not rabbits or deer.

  • Teresa Brooks - 6 years ago

    Teachers want to teach, not shoot guns!!!! We need great SROs and more than one per school. Some schools don't even have that every day. Our kids deserve the same protection that you would see at a sporting event or concert these days. Schools don't have to be soft targets. Give them the protection they need and fix the gun laws. Our kids are our future. They need to be safe and they deserve a classroom with a teacher in it that can actually focus on their real job of teaching, not being a weapon carrier that would possibly end up in shooting someone. Do we really think that they want that kind of responsibility???

  • Amg - 6 years ago

    Unfortunately, we live in very difficult and violent times. In my opinion, any employee for any company should be allowed to carry if you have a valid license to do so.

  • JoSixPak - 6 years ago

    Just send Megan Boner's security to every school; he'll work overtime.

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