Do you approve of the job President Trump is doing?


  • Donnie Bryan - 6 years ago


    He's a bigot and a traitor. Unfit, vile, racist, rude, self-centered liar.

  • Obama and Christians - 6 years ago

    Let me tell you what I meant to say earlier. I believe Barrack Obama is a christian who believes in good christian values. He worships the christian god as he has said in the past but to clarify we are a multi religious nation as it should be. As clearly stated in the constitution. I was clearly listening to the bullshit propaganda that fox news said and got confused about reality. I started to sound like a typical Trump inbred supporter. Im sorry and hope I can clear that up. In reality, I love Obama as I said earlier.

  • BobTwelvePack - 6 years ago

    In other news when are the nude photos of drop your drawers Megan going to be available.

    The woman has to wear two watches because her butt is in two different time zones.

  • FakeNewsStrikesAgain - 6 years ago

    I read headline today at one of the left wing rags that states:


    That was a bald faced LIE. That is NOT what the Supreme Court said. The Supreme Court sent the case back to the lower courts and said they would wait on the Appeals Court ruling before deciding if they would even take the case.

    The Supreme Court did not rule on the case at all but in order to try to demean Trump that is the headline they used. The communist party (democrat) cannot state what they stand for because the American people would overwhelmingly reject it. They use fake headlines such as this and the brainwashing of youth to spread their lies and unfortunately millions of Americans fall for this garbage.

  • Obama and Christians - 6 years ago

    I tell you what I dislike about Trump. He says God bless America. He said it was okay to say "merry Christmas" Melania has said prayers in public. This is against the Constitution that says freedom from religion and Trump is trying to spread his version of religion in America.

    At least Obama had the sense to avoid this issue. When he spoke at Notre Dame/Georgetown and other religious institutions he made them cover up the 10 commandments, statues of Mary and other religious symbols. I realize he didn't cover up religious symbols while speaking in Islamic countries but that was because he didn't have the power to do that in Islamic nations.

    We have atheists, Satan worshippers, wiccans, Muslims, and all sorts of people who don't like Jesus and they shouldn't have to be offended by Trump and his wife.

    As Obama said: We're no longer a Christian nation, we are a Hindu, Muslim, Buddhist and nation of nonbelievers. How could anyone disagree with that?

  • @VehementlyDisagree - 6 years ago

    Micki Nicole - 2 hours ago

    I vehemently disagree with everything this man stands for.
    Micki Nicole
    Please give us details of "EXACTLY" what this man stands for that you disagree with? There are numerous comments on here giving "details" of the socialist/communist (DEMOCRAT) party. These comments are easily verified thru videos or documents obtained under the Freedom of Information Act comrade. You have made a statement now defend it. Google away COMRADE!!

    I can help if you like: You are opposed to tax cuts? You favor ILLEGALS roaming our streets? You love Obamacare which has caused prices to skyrocket and insurance companies refusing to participate? You hate the oil pipeline from Canada and favor bringing it in on those nasty climate change destroying railroads? You favor chain migration? You hate conservatives and prefer the communists of the Obama/Hillary administrations?

    Please please oh genius of the communist party do tell us of what you disagree with?? I am on the edge of my seat waiting in eager anticipation what you disagree with.

  • Yeah Democrats are anti american - 6 years ago

    Yes, I agree with everything you just said Communists. Dont forget that Killery allegedly killed two people. OCOMMIE wire tapped Trump illegally prior to the election. That whole nsa phone spying thing was set up by none other than OBummer himself (muslim born in Kenya) I dont think anybody can say for sure but Killery and Obummer had an affair. I read that somewhere anyway, but who knows nothing would surprise my ass anymore with all these liars on the left. No sense in arguing with a liberal they dont think logic, they only care about things that fit their agenda. They argue about things like social security setting america up to fail in the name of helping others. They want minimum wage increase so people can allegedly support their families. Healthcare for all the poor children whose parents should have got a better job before they had them if they couldnt support a family but thats totally cool because they dont know anything about abstinence. They want drugs to be legal in the name of freedom. Never mind all the thefts, rapes, and murders that occur while smoking pot and the biggest thing they argue against our right to protect ourselves against these marijuana smokers with our guns. They want to rewrite the constitution to include better regulations so mentally ill people cant get ahold of them. Like that will work. Ill tell you this much. Criminals and mentally ill people will steal those weapons, high on dope, pissing next to our wives, sisters and girlfriends peepinng on them. We cant let that shit happen! Now and forever TRUMP 2020

  • CommunistsInUSA - 6 years ago

    @ socialists/communist(democrats)
    You left out Valerie Jarrett, Obamas COMMUNIST BRAIN. When Obama left White House Jarrett movbed into Washington D.C. home with Obama and Michelle. Valerie Jarrett born in Iran, father Dr James
    Bowman member of communist party. Father-in-law Vernon Jarrett, member of communist party. Vernon worked with Frank Marshall Davis, Obama's mentor, in Chicago. David Axelrod, father was member of communist party. Jay Carney, White House spokesman for Obama, being interviewed at his home not realizing the photos showed Russian propaganda posters on walls in his home.

    Hillary selling 20% of American Uranium to Russia. She then gets $144 MILLION donated to her foundation from Russian entities. Bill her hubby then gets $500 thousand dollars for 20 minute speech in Russia. Hillary states Uranium never left America, another LIE, since it went to Canada and then to Russia and has now been traced to North Korea, Iran and Syria. Siblings of ABC, CBS, CNN heads employed by Obama administration. Saleha Mahmood Abedin, Huma Abedins mother, who has written numerous articles on the Islamazation of America and telling Hillary not to speak of womens rights while in Saudi Arabia.

    As you say, the corruption is endless. The Russians are involved in our political system alright but it sure isn't Trump with the Russians, the facts clearly show what party is communist.

    Now read the comments by the communist fools comments telling us Trump is the problem and refusing to discuss and admit the truth of who the communists are. As Obama told the Russian when he thought his microphone was turned off " I will have more flexibility after the election comrade"

    And our Pravda national/local media talks about Trump controversies while sweeping the TRUTH under the rug.

  • Rockman - 6 years ago

    The reason Liberals hate Trump is because they know he will try to cut down on entitlements which means less money that the Democrats can skim off of working taxpayers. I get up early and work hard everyday because millions of people nsed ms to. Maybe Trump will give me a break!!!

  • Socialists/Communists(Democrats) - 6 years ago

    Lets look at the 8 years of Ocommie to find out why Comrade Hillary lost.

    Obama mentor Frank Marshall Davis, member of communist party. Obama Mother and Grandparents. Admitted Marxists.

    Obama preacher said we don't say "God bless America, we say God damn America"

    Obama is a Christian but the most beautiful sound he ever heard was the morning call to Muslim prayer. Has ANYONE on earth EVER heard a Christian make that statement?

    In Obama 1st speech overseas to Egypt he makes the statement that "if an ill wind blows, I stand with Islam" talk about definition of a TRAITOR

    When passing Obamacare he was asked if he wanted Republicans to come along and vote for the Obamacare he smirked and said they could come along but they would have to ride in the Back of the Bus. Talk about racism!!

    Then he said he had been to all 57 states which people laughed at. What people and the media ignored is that Obamas schooling was in Indonesia, his school record listed him as Muslim, and there are 57 counties that make up the Nation of Islam.

    He lied and stated we could keep our doctor and keep our insurance PERIOD knowing full well that no policy in America was written to cover Obamcare. John Gruber who wrote the Obamacare program stted they counted on the STUPIDITY of the Democrat voter and lies to get Ocommiecare passed. I could go on and on and on and on with this Marxist but lets look at his administration.

    Eric Holder running guns to Mexican drug cartels under the Fast and Furious program. Refused to turn documents over to Congress and was in contempt of Congress when he resigned. Ram Emanuel and his Never let a good crisis go to waste. Obama and his solar energy programs giving billions to Democrat donors which took the money, filed bankruptcy like Solyndra. Lois Learner at the IRS taking the 5th amendment rather than telling how the IRS was used to shut up the conservative PAC committes. Huma Abedin, Hillary assistant, member of Muslim Brotherhood. Classified docs on her home computer and that of her disgraced husband Weiner. Obama planting over 160 members of Muslim Brotherhood throughout our government where they remain today. Loretta Lynch meeting with Bill Clinton on the tarmac while Hillary was under investigation. Susan Rice looking the parents of dead people in the eye and stating Benghazi was caused by a video. Hillary and the DNC paying for a fake Russian dossier to get Trump impeached. Comey finding Hillary innocent 3 months before the investigation ended and before he interviewed Hillary. Hillary allowed to testify without being under Oath of perjury. Clapper, Brenna, and other FBI officials lying under oath and after being caught refusing to answer further questions.

    The corruption is/was endless. They do not allow enough room in these comments to list them all. Now the LIARS, FOOLS, SOCIALISTS/COMMUNISTS on here are trying to ridicule TRUMP? These people are traitors to this nation.

  • Jane - 6 years ago


  • Love - 6 years ago

    Trump is a narcissistic sociopath that has "illusions of grandeur" (this is actually a mental illness trait -look it up). Read the definitions of all of these terms & it describes Trump exactly. Mentally ill.
    So self-absorbed that he turns a conversation about Florida school shooting into talking about himself, Russian investigation, & his false bravery!
    Hard to believe that Americans believe his lies. Do the research & know his history. Cruel. Wake up America & stop making our country look so ignorant to the world.

  • DemoRats = Commies - 6 years ago

    All yall Trump haters are insane. Yall probably dont even work anywhere. Mr. Laughing his ass off, guess what I am too making all this money baby. Trump 2020 thats what I am talking about. He is making America great again and kicking russias ass. Yall socialist demorat ass who collects his food stamps who probably has three baby mommas dont understand that. I am now and forever 100% behind my guy Trump. MAGA Now and Always!

  • David and Melissa - 6 years ago

    Worst President I have ever seen in my 60 years on this planet. What a disgrace. What a shame.

  • Mallory - 6 years ago

    I have been a Conservative Republican my entire life until this man... he is a disgrace and if you are TRULY a Christ follower you would not support him. His is soulless.

  • James - 6 years ago

    Trump allowed Russia to ruin our sacred democracy. You MAGA people are in sheer denial. If President Obama had been accused of even a small percentage of the things that Trump has DONE the entire South would have burned until he was impeached. Wake up!!!!!

  • Micki Nicole - 6 years ago

    I vehemently disagree with everything this man stands for.

    (Cut to every Trump supporter quickly Googles what vehemently means).

  • WhereIsTheTruth - 6 years ago

    @Truth Hurts There is no Truth in your comment comrade. Lets look at the Truth

    Yes he has insulted the WORLD by telling them AMERICA will no longer PAY to spread their New World Order and bring in the Muslims agenda. The reason he was elected is because he was not a politician like the rest of the swamp.

    Then you talk about the corporations lowering the pay of the workers because of TRUMP. You are a LIAR. Wages are going up for the first time in over 15 years comrade, bonuses being handed out, lowest unemployment rate since records have been kept. LIES/PROPAGANDA is all you communists have. BTW how do you lower taxes on people who pay no taxes?

    Then you spout more lies about government programs being gutted such as infrastructure when TRUMP is trying to pass a TRILLION DOLLARS infrastructure bill. You talk about medicare being gutted when it was Ocommie who cut $10 BILLION from the Medicare program and said it would come from the savings due to Obamacare. Obama then made a commercial showing Republicans pushing old people in wheel chairs over the cliff after cutting their MEDICARE!! Either you are so stupid you do not know what you are endorsing or you are a blatant LIAR who loves the Keep your doctor lies from that Marxist muslim You talk about Trump helping corporations when it was Hillary who refused to release her documents regarding speeches she made to corporations and money she received.

    Then you start on that idiotic climate change agenda and Trump dismantling that agency. The EPA is still there comrade. It is still relying on false data and doctored data that leaves out the month of December in their findings to prove that the world is getting warmer and now they are having to admit the world is in FACT getting colder. You are aware that polls show the majority of Americans do not believe in climate change? Only brain dead idiots like you, DeCaprio/Gore, believe that garbage. ABC did an hour documentary in 2000 that stated by 2016 all of Manhattan would have water over 6 inches deep. Where is it?

    Trumps policies favor the corporations?? Obamas money came from the corporations!!! Then you start AGAIN about the end of the Human Race!! Corporations give us jobs whereas the government gives us welfare. Corporations are Trickle Down, I have no clue how welfare Trickles up? Maybe you can enlighten us unless we are all extinct before you can type your reply.

    You must work for WKRN or CNN for all the propaganda and lies you posted.

  • Laughing My A$$ Off - 6 years ago

    HAHAHAAHAHHHAHA OMG. I have laughed my ass off at these comments. I can’t pay for entertainment like this. You fools.

    These Trump voters have clearly never opened a book in their entire lives. Chicken analogies and MAGA BS... can’t even spell constitution you nitwits! Hahahahahahah.

    Trump is the single greatest stain on American history. He is a devisive, orange, small handed imbicile who CLEARLY has a micro-penis.. I mean COME ON whoever does that amount of over compensating def has a micro penis.

    That’s all I really have to say about that criminal.

  • john - 6 years ago

    Yep....the South, most dependent on federal assistance, highest poverty, lowest educated and will not vote for anything that will help there cause if it hit them in the head. Some things never change!!!! Keep Voting for TRUMP

  • Kathy - 6 years ago

    It's so sad to see this monster con so man good people. I'm sure the majority of the people who voted for him are not as evil as he is. they just don't seem capable of seeing the evil he's doing to this country and the world. I've never seen such incompetence, lying, and corruption in a presidential administration in my lifetime. this is what happens when people are conned into believing a good woman who has devoted her life to public service for the benefit of all Americans is practically the devil incarnate. they get conned into voting for someone who is the epitome of pure evil. God help us if we don't kick this man to the curb very soon and put people in office who care about all of us and not just their rabid followers. Trump isn't the president of the United States, he's the president of the Nazis and haters. I hope someday soon all the decent people who voted for him see the light.

  • Truth Hurts - 6 years ago

    Trump is a spoiled, petulant child in a man's body, making his decisions based on revenge, anger and greed. He has no political knowledge, and has outraged or insulted most of the world, causing alienation to long-time allies and business relations while making deals with an enemy.

    The latest tax bill was a money grab by Republicans, giving huge tax breaks to the filthy rich and corporations. The corporations already own the politicians, giving them millions in payola and perks, which is why the average person's wishes have ZERO influence on what congress decides. The tax bill will give even more control to the corporations, allowing them to lower the pay and benefits of workers while raising the pay of CEOs, and put even more pressure on congress to serve them.

    To line the pockets of the obscenely rich, many government programs are being. or will be gutted, including infrastructure, schools, environmental protection, medical research, mail delivery, social security, medicare/medicaid, and assistance to the needy. If any of these are to be funded, it will be by the labor of the average worker, as their tax rate has barely changed compared to the huge breaks and empowerment received by the top 1/100 of a %. The megalomaniac Trump has sold out his constituents for profit. He has stolen from the poor and given to the mega-rich. As our wages stagnate or get lower while prices skyrocket for the needs and services controlled by corporations, we will all struggle and fail to make ends meet.

    Trump is arm in arm with Big Oil, the biggest money-making machine in the world! This is why he has dismantled the Environmental Agency, reversed any ecological protection that was in place, shut down programs meant to pursue renewable energy, pushed for more drilling, and wants to open up National Parks to be ravaged by oil companies for profit. He denies Climate Change is happening and even refuses to let anyone mention it despite 97% of climate scientists providing proof of the damage pollution is causing to the environment. Many of these scientists believe we are in a critical stage and are close to the POINT OF NO RETURN, when the heating of the Earth will be IRREVERSIBLE and will cause the end of most of the life on the planet including the HUMAN RACE. To deny the evidence and the voices of so many educated scientists for his own personal gain is dangerous, selfish, short-sighted, and is the worst thing he could do to serve the American public.

    Trump's actions so far have betrayed his constituents, put all political and monetary power in the hands of the mega-rich and super-companies, and put Americans on the path of becoming indentured slaves. His policies may lead to the dissolution and collapse of this country as we know it, and may even lead to the extinction of the human race. Yet most of us are too focused on a $100 tax break to see the big picture!

  • Proud Redneck - 6 years ago

    I am a proud as hell redneck right here in the deep south, and I believe he is doing a mighty fine job. I agree with President Trump on many issues. Women are over the top and spew their venom towards the male in this time of feminism and can not be trusted. All these lying women coming up with these stories trying to say Trump did this and that is bull. They are probably whores wanting a paycheck and demo rats believe them because its anti trump but ask them about ol rapey bill clinton and they will tell you different.

    Secondly, Mexicants are stealing our work and doing drugs and crime in our cities corrupting our culture with their brown pride spanish speaking anti white rhetoric. They are illegal and deserve to be deported. Pay for the wall Hombre.

    Thirdly, aint no damn russian going to help a freedom loving american patriot like Trump. Thats propaganda.

    Our taxes are lower, wages are higher, people are getting jobs. Its truly great. MAGA now get these baby daddys off food stamps and back to work, we will be set.

  • Rite side - 6 years ago

    Let's talk about all the Democrat and liberal run cities in the United States that are broke can't pay their own bills.

  • Not a Demented Liberal Anymore - 6 years ago

    President Trump is doing a Fine Job & he could do much more IF the Democrats would Stop Blocking him on Anything & Everything he’s trying to do for OUR Country!! I have voted since the day I turned 18 & I have Always Voted “Democrat”, Until Trump!!! The Democratic Party actually began losing me years ago, but President Trump brought back my confidence & love for America!! I will NEVER vote for another Democrat/Liberal as long as I live, that’s for sure! The Democratic Party is NOT like it used to be. They have become a whiny, crybaby bunch of Over the Top Progressive thinking Socialists that spew Hatred, Racism & March & Protest at Anything they don’t agree with!! Smh

  • Bobby - 6 years ago

    Anyone wishing harm to a president is a complete idiot. I'm speaking to the black and proud and by the way you are not a Republican. Stock market is going straight up wages are going up and bonuses are going out to employees. We have been stagnated for the last 8 years by regulations that make it hard for businesses to expand and hire new employees that's exactly what's happening now. President Trump is not perfect and the same can be said about President Obama. Just keep watching CNN and MSNBC and you'll stay in the dark good luck.

  • Anne Holley - 6 years ago

    Love reading all these MAGA comments. Of course , you will see one or two anti-Trump, anti-American comments. TRUMP 2020!!

  • be real - 6 years ago

    Anyone who thinks the current president is doing a fine job; must be blind, don’t know any better, ignorant, Republican, and must likely a racist. Please the world is laughing a the bozo you all have running this country, never been so disappointed at humanity till the day the Russians had to help a clown become the president of this nation

  • Terra - 6 years ago

    I actually watched the whole discussion with President Trump and our states governors. I truly believe most people commenting are basing their opinions on what the main stream media shows. I wish wsmv had showed Texas governor's comment along with others. Every state and community is uniquely different in "culture". I, along with many many other people, male and female, are getting so discouraged by certain people always bring "race" into every single topic being discussed. The KJV Holy Bible should be an example. Never have I found that GOD mentions anything about race except one..the "human race". His Word does teach quite a bit about "culture". I believe there are many good people with different skin colors. I also believe there are many bad people with different skin colors.
    God Bless and lets please use common sense.

  • Charles - 6 years ago


  • Rite side - 6 years ago

    I haven't Republican also I do not completely with agree with some of his policies I do believe the country is headed in a better Direction than it was and giving everything away. If you look around everyone is hiring now so an excuse that you can't find a job and get off the system is b*******. And as far as Megan Barry the queen bee how come Karl Dean hasn't come out to her defense I guess he must have hit it also.

  • Daisey Duke - 6 years ago

    I am a proud American and vote in every election. I voted for President Trump because he is Not a Yes Man! He is non-traditional politician and I do wish he would stop that stupid Tweeting!!! But all in all we are going in the right direction. Let's all work together instead of fighting every issue.

  • Black and Proud - 6 years ago


  • JoSixPak - 6 years ago

    On another note, is Megan Boner still our mayor?

    If so, why?

  • John - 6 years ago

    I think that President Trump is doing a great job. If the Crappy Democrats, and some Republicans would leave him alone, and let him do his job, he'll get the Great America back on track. We live in the Greatest Country in the World. I feel that we've got a Great Leader, and that he's doing a Fantastic Job. The news media needs to leave him alone. Obama was the Worst President that this Country has ever seen, and all He did, was drag us down to the bottom of the barrel. It's going to take a few years to clean up his mess. GO TRUMP !!!!!!

  • Ted - 6 years ago

    Trump is a great great president. He has brought our country back from the great divide under President Obama. He no longer attempts the failed diplomacy of trying to care what anybody but we as americans truly care about. Whether you are black, white, brown, or yellow doesnt matter. You are all shit if you do not work and better the country and Trump says all disabled who cant work dont deserve anything. Im 100% Trump. He loves women so what? So did Bill Clinton.

  • Snicker Licker - 6 years ago

    Daddy is the best president !

  • Anthony Jones - 6 years ago

    LOVING MY "CRUMBS!" All other presidents promised tax reform...this one actually did it.
    Yet the liberals, also enjoying their "crumbs," still think he's not doing a good job.
    Mental Illness consumes you all!

  • Will - 6 years ago

    Trump 2020 baby! He will deport all the illegals back to their rightful shithole countries. He will make us all rich, and America will be made great again. I hate the mexicans all of them stealing our damn jobs and shit. TRUMP!!!!

  • Rite side - 6 years ago

    He's doing a much better job of getting things done then Megan Barry.... At least Trump doesn't want to play the victim like the left side of the room does.... She's too busy showing everyone that busted football between her legs.

  • JoSixPak - 6 years ago

    God bless President Trump. He has exposed the left as nutjobs, punched RINOs in the nose, and has used common sense to reverse 8 years of Hussein’s communist acts. MAGA!

  • MAGA - 6 years ago

    Controversy? You mean the absolute lies, half truths, and innuendo spewed by the socialist/communist (democrat) media? How many retractions have been made? Where is Brian Ross? A so-called Russian dossier paid for by Hillary and the DNC? Hillary being given questions before the debates by the media? Just what controversy are you speaking of? Trump has zero support from the commiecrats, zero support from the media and maybe 60% support from his own party. He TRIED to repeal that boondoggle called Obamacare, swamp creatures refused. He is TRYING to stop the ILLEGAL ALIENS, the swamp creatures are refusing. He revived the coal industry, built the pipeline, has halted numerous Obama executive orders, has given us a tax cut and the new taxes will allow for large deductions at the end of this year. Stopped the TPP, th Paris Climate accord, and is trying to revise NAFTA to keep our jobs here.

    He is under investigation by the criminals who helped INVENT the charges in the dossier.

    My problem is he doesn't get rid of the swamp creatures. Jeff Sessions WORTHLESS. FBI Wray WORTHLESS. Endorses Romney? Are you kidding me? Why haven't we heard who the politicians are who sexually harassed and assaulted women and used tax dollars to pay them off. This country is corrupt to the core.

    The only controversy is how many times will the national print and tv media have to retract and revise their lies?

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