Are you willing to pay more taxes or fees for extra school security


  • JoSixPak - 6 years ago

    Anytime I hear someone say it is “for the children” I know it is a liberal tax grab.

    These schools cannot manage their enormous budgets as it is.

  • JoSixPak - 6 years ago

    Ask Megan Barry's boytoy if he’d like to make $5 the hard way.

  • No More TAXES - 6 years ago

    You are correct on the way these polls work. It is like "heads I win, tails you lose" and they are worded this way intentionally.

    You hit the nail on the head. Schools are not underfunded, they are over administrated. MPNS have about 90,000 students with a $900 million dollar cost. That is roughly $10,000 per student. They have over 10,000 employees in the MNPS which comes to over one employee for every nine students. These are the numbers readily available to the public. I sure would like to see what each of these employees per 9 students does in the school system. I am positive there is enough lard in the system to pay for the security needed.

    It is like the education system itself. We have a Federal Dept. of Education, a State Dept. of Education, a County Dept. of Education, and in many cases a City Dept. of Education. This is asinine. Just look at Memphis where they have SCS which covers the city schools then every surrounding suburb, Collierville, Germantown, Arlington, etc. has their own Dept.'s of Education.

    We can thank that great socialist Jimmy Carter for the Federal version which immediately exploded into a monstrosity of a bureaucracy within years after being implemented. It was done with the intention of implementing GROUP THINK into our children. Socialist/Communist concepts, remove God, replace with government agenda. It has been wildly successful.

    I am all for school security but am adamantly opposed to higher taxes for these bureaucrats.

  • Bill - 6 years ago

    This is a bit of a Hobson's choice poll. One must either be willing to pay more in taxes or forego security? No, I don't think so. If we trimmed two useless bureaucrats for every trained and armed security guard, we'd have plenty of money left over for the doors, detectors, etc. to provide adequate security and still save the school districts money.
    It should be evident by now that our schools' failures in security or performance or anywhere else they might be failing is not due to under-funding. It is due to over-administrating.
    This poorly designed poll will give you poor results. Many said no, not because they were against added security, but because they were merely against raising taxes to pay for it.

  • Brenda Davis - 6 years ago

    I agree with the other comments, however, why don't they use part of the lottery monies to help secure the schools.

  • Brenda Davis - 6 years ago

    I agree with the other comments, however, why don't they use part of the lottery monies to help secure the schools.

  • Michael - 6 years ago

    Take the money that the Nashville mayor used for her affair with her head of “security” and apply it to school security.

  • Costs could vary Greatly - 6 years ago

    How about enforcing immigration laws and using the money saved from that criminal enterprise to pay for the security?

    I guess Nashville would be like most cities in regard to cost. There are about 145 schools in MNPS system. If the city were to put 5 SRO's or other security officers in each school that would total 725 new employees. At an estimated cost of $60,000 per year for each officer that would come to about $45 million dollars. The current school budget is about $900 million a year. That would be a 5% increase in costs to the city school system. ($60,000 would equal a salary of about $40,000 per employee with the other $20,000 used for health/liability insurance, matching SS, and other costs to the school system)

    IMHO this would be fantastic as the officers would also be used to cut down on drug use and other illegal activities taking place in our schools. There would most likely be numerous other costs involved such as cameras, metal detectors, and other things needed to lockdown entry/exit points.

    At least we are talking about it. Costs could be cut with only two SRO's or increased tremendously if 10 SRO's. What is a child's life worth? What is a safe environment worth? What is keeping drugs and bullying out of schools worth?

  • Kellie - 6 years ago

    You can not ask for more security and then say no you aren’t willing to pay for. The lives of our children are worth far more than any dollar could ever get you.

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