Would you support a school marshal program in Tennessee and Kentucky?


  • Robert - 6 years ago

    Whats the difference between Obama and Trump? Obama talked and talked about setting up regulations to limit your guns. Failed and failed again. Trump got the job done and you all fell for it hook, line, and sinker. Put a traitor in office. Let him give you 600 extra dollers a year (limited time) , slap REPUBLICAN beside his name and you sheep love it as he gives you exactly what you fought so hard against years ago. If Obama would have done this the majority of Tennessee would be rioting talking about impeaching the muslim, kenyan, socialist, communist antichrist but daddy Trump comes in to save the day and its suddenly A-ok. Bah bah Sheep! You are being played like a fiddle. Lets do some thinkin’ shall we? The Vegas shooter was an old guy mid to late forties. The guy who shot up the church in Tennessee was in his mid twenties well above the age of 21, and worked in security. The guy in Texas was ex military also above the age of 21. George Zimmerman was in his thirties. The batman killer in Colorado, yep, he was above 21. Explain to me why 18-20 year olds are being targeted because of Parkland? Sad? Yes. More sad than any other shootings? Nope. Murder is murder. As far as arming teachers? Sure. Ill bite. We should also pass a law allowing private owned companies to not be able to stop people from carrying at work. Statistically you are more likely to be robbed, shot, put in a bad situation at work than shot at a school. Bump stock ban? Well, my opinion is the inaccuracy it adds to a weapon actually could help you. Think about it sheep. Id much rather be shot at (if I had to be, wouldnt want to be) with a weapon with a bump stock than one without. I may be able to run and get away. Trump has fooled you guys and made you love an Obama policy, a democrat policy, a liberal policy. Anyone who agrees with Trump doing this. I shake my head and wonder Are you really that stupid, caught up in this political game? It is a sad sad sad process we have now.

    @Fran The difference is the society we live in today. You used to not think about killing people because you thought about work. You had at least around here more of a family atmosphere. Now you have drugs, selfish entitled kids who are told by a society that glorifies death, crime, drugs, sex and rock/rap whatever that they are worthless. Be angry, tear shit up, rebel against authority thats cool. Thats how you win. Thats how you get the girl. Society is the answer to your question and you cant fix it. Its a lost cause. Its a new age wild west. We should all be strapped. Its only getting worse.

  • David - 6 years ago

    Folk in Texas drag people down the road with their trucks. It don't mean we need to too! All schools should have metal detectors first before even thinking of bringing in the guns. Most of the voters here have no idea of how bad teachers treat their kids.

  • Fran Schlernitzauer - 6 years ago

    Real problem is not being addressed, you see guns do NOT kill people, people kill people- the problem is with people until we get a grip on this fact and understand WHY we will NEVER figure out how to fix things. When I went to school high school kids had guns in gun racks in their trucks on school grounds no big deal nobody EVER imagined a school shooting; the question is why have things change so dramatically from then to today, figure this out, there are good answers too, and we can if we are honest fix things.

  • IEATBUBBLES - 6 years ago

    What was that guy in Dalton, Georgia's name from the other day?
    Randal Davidson?
    I heard he was also a real good boy...bet he'd have had no problem becoming a Marshall until his unfortunate demise last week.
    Hell, he might even have a shot if those systems don't get updated.
    Bring him on up here!
    Sounds like yall would love to have him in our schools!

  • IEATBUBBLES - 6 years ago

    Maybe our system could be awesome like the Texas one!
    They did such a great job keeping Devin Kelley armed!
    All we need is a few computers, a few people to type in information once or twice, and some guys eager to feel powerful...they're all pretty good guys, especially the ones who are active in church!

  • IEATBUBBLES - 6 years ago

    I just hope they'd pick great teachers like Tad Cummins!
    Some people are great at passing background checks!

  • Mark Wright - 6 years ago

    I think this is headed in the right direction. However their weapons should not be “locked up” until needed. They should carry the weapons at all times. Open or concelled doesnt matter.

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