Do you support President Trump’s tariffs?


  • Frank S. - 6 years ago

    Most of US do not understand the Founders envisioned a limited federal gov funded primarily by tariffs as they outlawed a direct federal tax on citizens which was ignored in 1913 to present. When tariffs funded US they also protested American industry from unfair/slave labor practices in communist lands; it worked well too. There is no way to compete economically with a slave labor cost of 1.35 an hour in china vs American workers who earn 15 plus an hour, it can not be done- this is why so much of our industry has went under or out of the country and we are dangerously dependent on foreign goods for basic needs.

  • BA - 6 years ago

    Just another way for Republicans to fleece the middle class

  • BA - 6 years ago

    Just another way for Republicans to fleece the middle class

  • Theodore - 6 years ago

    I will tell you one thing. Trump is the best president since Reagon. He has drained the swamp, and fired Obummer aka Ocommie aka YoMama. We are building walls and kicking ass. We are making money and bringing jobs back. Donald J. Trump is a real genuine man. He is in touch with reality, more so than all the democrats who try and act like they wouldnt have sex with a porn star(allegedly) and cheat on their wife if they could. (You know your snowflake ass would) He is a man who understands that locker room talk happens. Men ( and women) do it ever single day, especially in Hollywood. We are a horny species. God Bless Trump. A real man. He is making Kimberly Jong Un his new biatch. Next will be Vlad (the impaled) Putin.

  • IEATBUBBLES - 6 years ago

    Thanks for writing a 5-paragraph essay about me!!!!

  • Knock-Offs LOL - 6 years ago

    Now wait a minute BUBBLES. First you LIED about Trump hats not being made in America and then you come back with KNOCK-OFFS.

    or knock′-off`,
    an unauthorized, cheap copy of something, esp. fashion clothing

    You just cannot help yourself can you BUBBLES. You do know what UNAUTHORIZED means don't you?
    It is FAKE, just like your arguments.
    When are you going to defend your previous posts about chicken shit gun owners? About your 10 cents a day stupidity? About your Dear Leader Obama and his COMMUNIST connections? It must be a strange world you live in when facts are lies and lies are facts.

    Your global team btw is shafting you, stealing our jobs, and evidently you do not even like meat. Keepa voting for those socialists/communists Democrats comrade and someday you will be like the Venezuelans eating your pets and prostituting your children just to survive. Unless you can find a way to illegally enter another country to take care of you. Your thinking just defies belief.

  • IEATBUBBLES - 6 years ago

    Only the Make America Great Again! caps sold directly from his campaign website were made in the USA.
    The CHEAPER knock-offs gobbled up by your fellow Wal*Mart shoppers from anywhere that they could nab one (like a glowstick and novelty item at a 4th of July celebration), were manufactured in foreign countries.
    Are you calling your fellow bargain-hunting Comrades fake?

  • Who is the COMMIE? - 6 years ago

    And back comes BUBBLES showing her complete stupidity again. She cannot deny her previous idiotic posts so she just makes up more shit. She votes for communists/socialists and then in her best Saul Alinsky manner accuses others of what she is. Obama mentor, Frank Marshal Davis, member of communist party. Obama brain, Valerie Jarrett, born in Iran, father Dr Bowman member of communist party. Valerie Jarrett father-in-law, Vernon Jarrett, member of communist party. Valerie Jarrett paternal relatives all hard core communists. Obama Mother, admitted Marxist. Obama grandparents, who basically raised him in teen years, admitted Marxists. Valerie Jarrett who on television marched out Van Jones an admitted communist. Van Jones who stated capitalism a complete failure and communism is the way to go. This idiot lives in the richest country on the planet and thinks communism is the way to go. Obama appointed Jones to Green Energy department before his videos and communist speeches were revealed and then transferred him when confronted with the proof. Van Jones now employed by CNN (Communist News Network) as commentator. David Axelrod, father a member of communist party. Jay Carney, White House spokesman for Obama until resigning. While doing interview at his house after resignation forgot to remove the Russian propaganda posters from his walls at his home. Carney also employed at CNN. I could go on and on BUBBLES but you get the picture comrade. What happened did it hurt your snowflake brain to get the TRUTH thrown in your face? You have a computer, you can use any search engine to bring up the FBI files and other articles on these communist bastards who infiltrated our government.

    And don't even get me started on that Christian Ocommie saying that the Muslim call to morning prayer is the most beautiful sound on earth. Or his church pastor saying God Damn America. Or his planting over 160 members of the Muslim Brotherhood throughout our government. Or his lies about keeping our doctors and insurance. On and on it goes with you America hating pieces of human waste.

  • IEATBUBBLES - 6 years ago

    Wah wah wah WAH IN CAPS!
    You know I speak the truth, Commie.
    Go ask Mother Russia how many choices you should have.
    Just because you don't play well with others, doesn't mean the rest of our country should be forced to live in isolation from the global team.
    Let's go ask your comrades at Opry Mills whether or not they would be content with the small amount of high-priced items this country could put out.
    Ya'll want to buy shít and eat meat three times a day.
    Not happening without $ or help!

  • Timothy Mena - 6 years ago

    You text eating Libs have to be crying by now!!

  • Bankrupt America? - 6 years ago

    @J Street
    Sorry it is too late for Trump to bankrupt America. Obama already did that with his $10 TRILLION debt. You know Obama, the Muslim form Kenya who ran up more debt than ALL previous presidents combined.

  • Greedy Americans - 6 years ago

    You say Americans are greedy? When I went to work at $1.60 an hour, $64 a week, minimum wage, I couldn't afford a house phone. It only cost $6 per month but I couldn't come up with the $25 deposit required. I guess I was greedy for wanting a phone? I was living in a one bedroom apartment in the ghetto. I guess I was greedy for wanting the American dream of owning my own home. I drove a 15 year old car with Maypop tires. I was greedy as hell for wanting a reliable automobile. Americans want more choices? Well not everyone is a dumbazz like you. I prefer numerous choices for all products and services. I would hate like hell to only have one choice for a phone, only one car made, only one kind of clothing (like Mao (overalls). There are countries where you only have one choice, a government made product, that is cheap, they are called communists. How in hell did you get this stupid? You do not have enough sense to be this dumb on your own. Somebody has brainwashed you. Was it your social worker?

  • J street - 6 years ago

    Trump has bankrupted everything thing he has touched. Why would this be different? He is bankrupting this country and quality of life.

  • Stupidity of Socialists - 6 years ago

    And here comes IEATBUBBLES who constantly makes a fool of herself with her socialist/communist viewpoint.
    IEATBUBBLES who called gun owners chicken shit for not protecting the children and taking jobs at schools with their guns. She is so stupid she does not realize there are no job openings to protect the children and carrying a gun in a school will get you arrested due to her stupidity of voting for those who leave the children completely unprotected. This what you get when dealing with socialists/communists, utter stupidity.

    IEATBUBBLES who stated if everyone just paid 10 cents a day it would pay for the drop your drawers Megan boondoggle transit plan until someone pointed out it would take over 400 years to pay for it at 10 cents a day.

    IEATBUBBLES who doesn't want children protected with guns but complains her daughter lost her SOCIAL WORKER because her school isn't poor enough to qualify for one. This is the utmost stupidity that you get rewarded for being poor and not working.

    IEATBUBBLES who keeps her bigoted view no matter what the facts are. I wonder if she gave her tax cut back to that dumbazz that she is complaining about? No BUBBLES prefers liars and criminals like Ocommie. She hates AMERICA FIRST policies even on a day when 313,000 new jobs were created, when the stock market rallies and pensions and 401k's increase our wealth. There is just no hope for the BUBBLES of this world. They believe the lies of the media rather than their own eyes.

    IEATBUBBLES are the losers in life. No matter their circumstances it is ALWAYS somebody else's fault. She thinks she is entitled to the paychecks of others to fit her lifestyle because she is too damned lazy and stupid to take care of herself.

    BTW TRUMP hats are made in California. The material is imported but the hat is actually made, stitched together, in America. Keep whining BUBBLES, blame others for your problems and in 10 years you will still be where you are now, a loser. However you may end up poor enough to get that SOCIAL WORKER back to teach your child SOCIAL JUSTICE. I think I am going to puke now.

  • John - 6 years ago

    I'm very proud to live in this great country of ours. I'm a retired truck driver, and I've seen a lot of businesses close and move to Mexico, and other countries. We need to keep those jobs here in our country. I've seen litterly hundreds of people lose their jobs because of this. We have finally got a man in the White House that's not afraid of these companies in other countries, that's buying up companies here. President Trump is working hard to make this Country great again. I'm very proud to be an American, and I'm very proud to have a President, like Donald Trump. AMERICA is going to be GREAT again. GO TRUMP GO. He's the best President this Country has seen since Ronald Reagan.

  • IEATBUBBLES - 6 years ago

    America is not self-sufficient enough to satisfy it's greedy inhabitants.
    It's all about more choices, cheaper prices, right around the corner at any given time, and NOW.
    Even that dumazz's Make America Great Again! caps were made elsewhere, because he needed lots of that cheap shít quickly.

  • Tobypine - 6 years ago

    NAFTA has ruined lots of American lives. I moved down here from a county that went from 5% unemployment to 20% in five years after NAFTA passed. The Midwest is bereft of good jobs due to that crap and more leaving all the time. Y’all wonder why there’s so many of us northerners down here. Had to make a living.
    I’m all for tariffs. Why keep giving foreign countries incentive to ship their crap here? We need to make our own stuff again for our own use or we’ll be at foreign mercy before too long cause they’ll own us.

  • Hear that Giant Sucking Sound - 6 years ago

    I would refer everyone to the 1992 Presidential race and Ross Perot's statements on NAFTA:

    We have got to stop sending jobs overseas. It's pretty simple: If you're paying $12, $13, $14 an hour for factory workers and you can move your factory South of the border, pay a dollar an hour for labor,...have no health care—that's the most expensive single element in making a car— have no environmental controls, no pollution controls and no retirement, and you don't care about anything but making money, there will be a giant sucking sound going south.

    ONE HUNDRED PERCENT CORRECT!! The media and the swamp creatures in D.C. ridiculed the man to no end. Here we are over 25 years later and the same damned media and the same damned snakes in D.C. have screwed us royal and will never admit they shipped our jobs to other nations. I do not know how in hell Trump got elected but thank God he did and he is doing his best to help the American people while fighting the socialist democrats, the media and his own damned party.


  • Carl - 6 years ago

    I am very proud to have a string businessman running my country. When I was a child, I remember my family saying for years that a southern wall was a great idea. It seemed like a far fetched idea to get done and then Lo and Behold a man of the people gets elected and it is discussed. The tariffs are putting america first. The Nafta was a terrible idea. Trump is tackling these issues head on. Now I know it isnt popular to say this, but looking at facts America is prospering. Put America first as any and all Presidents should. Go Trump Go! You had my doubts. Now you have my support. Trump2020

  • JoSixPak - 6 years ago

    Boycott the Nashville Business Coalition for attempting to strong-arm candidates to not challenge Briley. Send the NBC to Venezuela where this is common in elections.

  • JoSixPak - 6 years ago

    Dems voted no in this poll just because Trump did it. They actually have no idea why Trump is a brilliant businessman; they just hate him.

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