Final vid game poll.. Thx u fockers so much 4 excl. entries. Keep in mind most ppl will shorten to 'joyride'... what do you wanna see on cover art/ste
vote for the one that you'd be able to seriously look a US Marine in the eyes and tell him that you served honorably because you played the game.. Yes, it's *that* deep and raw. so deep put your ass to sleep
Joyride Universe
if you dont feel strongly either way then just vote for both, or close this browser window now!!!!!!
to clarify this is a vote between whether to have the word 'The' in the title or not. all the rest of this shit is not title options unless they get overwhelming votes
The Joyride Universe
the two actual voting options that will affect anything are "Joyride Universe" and "*The* Joyride Universe" small point i know but details are everything in this life.. pick the one you'd want to tell your kids about
might fail in execution, might be a clusterfuck project, but no matter what it will be Huge Huge huge..
400+ pages of writing so far.. massive project... but needs to sound cool.. pick the right title.. dont steer ur wrong God bless
think about seeing the title on the steam store or telling a friend about this game