Do you know someone who has been addicted to opioids?


  • IEATBUBBLES - 6 years ago

    This is a public health threat we can battle.

  • IEATBUBBLES - 6 years ago


    The junkie is partly to blame.
    But when we've got a pharmaceutical industry that's influencing our government...that is messing with our freedoms.
    If they're making money to write out certain prescriptions, and we take the drugs thinking it will help us live longer, and you kind of wonder if they aren't working with social security which has each of our estimated death years figured,
    and rich people are able to buy a political chair.

    That party is more oft the conservative.
    They want to conserve money by helping their undesirable neighbors live shorter lives, thus less social security...

  • JoSixPak - 6 years ago

    Addiction is a choice. Incurable cancer is an illness.

    Of course, touchy-feeling weirdo mental health "professionals" want to blame anyone other than the addict who gulps the pills.

  • Mentally Ill and alone - 6 years ago

    How many of your so called junkies are able to qualify for health insurance? You need insurance to check into rehab or get mental health services...

  • Anonymous - 6 years ago

    Every addict has a past experience of mental or physical abuse or traumatic experience. Opioids help numb emotional pain. Helping people going emotional devastation will make a gigantic difference in the opioid epidemic.

  • Captianobvious - 6 years ago

    Stop eating pills and realize they are a crutch and are nothing but junk check yourself into a rehab no excuses for junkies

  • Hank - 6 years ago

    Legalize all drugs recreationally. I dont give a crap whether Joe Dirt wants his Lortab’s or Percocet’s. Everyone wants to tell someone else how to live their lives. I dont care if someone wants to eat five cheeseburgers and wash it down with a chocolate shake either. Either they will break the habit or the habit will break them. It doesnt matter to me.

  • Harold M. - 6 years ago

    I agree with your comment. Having said that our stinking government shells out money for every idiotic thing they can get a lobbyist "donation" for. Hell we send wooden pallet loads, Billions, to Iran, our mortal enemy. We send Billions more to Islamic nations. We pay Social security to people from other countries that come here after retirement. Billions and Billions to people in this country illegally, with 2nd language teachers, food stamps, earned income credits, free medical and schooling for their children. We pay taxes to fund abortions with Planned Parenthood which is absolute tyranny and against my beliefs. We fund PBS to spout left wing propaganda. We help fund the ACLU to fight our Constitutional rights. I guess fat people, drug addicts, and alcoholics cant come up with enough money to pay the politicians to fund their behavior. Matter of fact alcoholism is considered a disability which will qualify people for disability payments.

    Hell our money is backed by nothing. It is just a piece of paper that says Federal Reserve Note on it. The Federal Reserve is not Federal, it is a group of PRIVATELY owned banks. They also have no RESERVE. The people of this nation have destroyed themselves by electing these political thieves.

  • Phillip Eatmore Oxyman - 6 years ago

    Me 'n Prince want to chime in; we'll respond when we return from Walgreen's

  • DMcAfee - 6 years ago

    It a shame and a tragedy but that being said, I do not want taxpayers dollars wasted on this issue. Just as you did nothing funneling taxpayer dollars toward the CRACK epidemic, you don't do it with alcoholics, obesity, or any other SELF INFLICTING damaging behavior, the ones who should pay for the cleanup is BIG PHARMA, traffikers (doctors) and dealers, whom have raked in billions off of its addictiveness, and just as the crack epidemic, more imprisonment from the dealers to manufacturers to any lawbreaking possession. People with FREEWILL are abusing opioids. I sympathize but only so far because YOU CANNOT GET ADDICTED TO SOMETHING YOU NEVER TRIED and ABUSED!

  • Jim Levy - 6 years ago

    Would those who ridicule others for an addiction be considered a weak trait? Would it be considered some sort of narcissism, arrogance or sadism? Should they also be removed from the gene pool?

  • Jack Handy - 6 years ago

    Deep thought: if all the people with weak characters succumb to their addictive self-indulgence, doesn't that remove them from the gene pool?

    Isn't that ultimately a good thing?

  • JoSixPak - 6 years ago

    Eating a fentanyl sandwich right now. Back after a short nap.

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