Should students be punished for participating in national walkout this week?


  • IEATBUBBLES - 6 years ago

    I didn't vote on this one.
    I think the walkout was scheduled enough in advance, that schools had time to prepare.
    I think most let students know their plans for any disciplinary actions.
    I think the students who truly believe in the movement would gladly sit in detention if it meant preventing even one more death.

  • Dotherightthing - 6 years ago

    Why don't students protest texting while driving and drugs- both kill more teenagers than guns!!! Demorats using students as political pawns is disgusting!!

  • Protests Are Useless - 6 years ago

    We can question our political leaders all we want but it does no good. They are liars and thieves. I have called and written letters long before there was an internet. I have emailed after the internet. They do not reply to questions other than some standard form of thanking you for contacting our office. Unless you are a lobbyist or have enough money to contribute heavily to their campaigns you are as useless as a grub worm. Does anyone, and I mean ANYONE, actually think Paul Ryan or Nancy Pelosi, Mitch McConnell or Charles Schumer actually vote or propose legislation on what is best for the American taxpayer? Hell no they don't, they vote on what a lobbyist or political donor thinks it best for them.

    It is like people saying they are independents. No such thing. You either caucus with Republicans or Democrats and the overwhelming majority of the time independents vote with Democrats. Bernie Sanders is an independent for heavens sake. Our political two party system is broken and corrupt to the core. March around with your signs and slogans all you want and all you will get is some exercise.

  • Lisa Puc - 6 years ago

    We need to teach our children that it is not only their right to question our political leaders as Americans, but our DUTY to question our political leaders!!!

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