What's your position on medical marijuana?


  • Mike L. Wallace Jr. - 6 years ago

    Of those in the middle how many are still ignorant ? Of those that Strongly Oppose how many are invested into ventures that profit from marijuana remaining illegal or work for corporations so invested ?

  • Stephanie - 6 years ago

    Soccer mom sounds like you need to hit a joint I'm fully for this my 10 year old is on adhd meds let me mind you is legal Meth and once they pass this my son will be on hemp instead of the legal version of Meth. Pot has alot of bonuses AMD helps out with alot of medical problems . Girl you need to sit down and think about people that really need this I've never known some one to kill some one driving g high on pot but what about the drunk drivers and the pill heads that kill every day ??? Js #legalizemarijuana

  • JoSixPak - 6 years ago


    You must be high. The Roman empire fell due to lack of productivity and focus accompanied by incredible depravity, debauchery, and alcoholism.

    Sound familiar? Kind of what is happening in western culture.

  • Lisa - 6 years ago

    Weed isn't a drug u get addicted to but the opioids & drinking u sure can.

  • Lisa - 6 years ago

    No someone smoking weed isn't the lowest of the low. Weed never killed anyone but opioids sure to.So does drinking.Get ur facts straight on weed!! Think ur so perfect!

  • BDKGY - 6 years ago

    I don't do polls, but I do weed and smoke tubestakes. Holla back.

  • Moose - 6 years ago

    The Roman empire fell largely due to Over expansion and lacking military to protect its large empire with increased barbarian raides it was destined to fail. Legalizing marijuana isnt quite the same thing, but in answering your question I will give you a big HELL to the YES I wanna get high without fear of prosecution. Look man, Its not nobody’s business what I wants to puts into mines own body.

  • Mat - 6 years ago

    Jim Sherritt, like J said, check out Rick Simpson Oil. Unfortunately it's illegal here, but I'd rather be illegally alive than legally dead.

  • JoSixPak - 6 years ago

    The real question is: do you want to get high without fear of arrest? Seems the overwhelming answer is yes....we all want to get high.

    Worked for Rome. Let’s repeat.

  • James - 6 years ago

    Hey soccer mom smoke a joint and chill out. Your kids are more likely to be involved in an auto accident from a distracted driver than someone taking medical marijuana.

  • J - 6 years ago

    Jim Sherritt look up Rick Simpson Oil.

  • Jim sherritt - 6 years ago

    I have stage 4 cancer. There are times I need something for my pain. I have stuff for that, I don’t abuse my meds. As a young person I did smoke weed,I haven’t done that for years. I was not addicted to pot, all that was for fun. Seem like all the folks who are against this medication never tried it when they were young. I’m now 73 year old and I’m going to die in pain from this cancer. I would like to go in peace,not choak to death in pain.please pass this for those of us who will benefit from this. Thank you... dead man walking !

  • J - 6 years ago

    Soccer Mom do your research! MEDICAL Marijuana can do a lot for people, so much as save lives!

  • Linda - 6 years ago

    medical marijuana is cannabidiol isolate (CBD oil) suspended in hemp oil or other carriers. The marijuana plant produces many products, one being the CBD oil, which has less than 0.3% of THC ( the component in the marijuana plant that results in the high). The recreational marijuana is 10% or high to produce the high feeling. CBD oil has benefits : relieves anxiety, reduces blood sugar levels, inhibits cancer cell growth and reduces chronic pain and inflammation. We all need to research and educate ourselves to the medical marijuana and benefits. This substance was used in the USA until the 1950s.
    There are so many medications that have side effects that have been approved for use, we need to consider the many benefits of medical marijuana.

  • Jeff Levy - 6 years ago

    At this very moment there are literally TONS of marijuana for sale here in Tennessee, and there is no oversight whatsoever. Minors can buy all they want, no taxes are paid, and there is no quality control. Prohibition never worked, and it never will! When it’s illegal all you have is a giant unregulated criminal enterprise!

  • G - 6 years ago

    I am in favor of recreational marijuana legalization. Big Pharma, the corrections dept. both have big big big stakes to keep this illegal. Big Pharma knows it is inevitable so they are trying to make the plant illegal but the thc legal in pill form and just like sheep the tennessee senators are all cool with it, and before you say it, Yes I want to get high, and watch netflix. Dont worry I have no plans to assault or rob you. I havent my whole life, and dont plan to start now.

  • Soccer mom - 6 years ago

    *drinks Caffeinated beverage* marijuana is a druuuuuug! Think of the children ! *takes prescribed oxycottin aka legal heroin* you guys just want to get high ! *takes a Xanax* my babies can’t dare be on the roads with those stoner drivers ! Ugh ! Stoners the lowest of the low !

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