Will schools be any safer a year from now? 


  • Anonymous concerned parent - 6 years ago

    Add metal detectors to all schools instead of waisting money on a wall! They seem to work at courthouses right. Boom problem solved.

  • Luther - 6 years ago

    BTW Bubbles I have saved my own life TWICE with my weapon. I have been carrying for over 35 years and do not leave home without it. There are numerous web sites that list stories and statistics about gun owners protecting themselves and others. Look it up you lazy ass Democrat. The national media certainly isn't going to inform you of this because it shows their agenda is flawed/bogus.

    The NRA magazine lists several stories in their monthly magazine where good guys kill the bad guys. You may want to join the NRA to become more informed on weapons, weapon safety, school programs on safety, and your 2nd Amendment RIGHTS. Your ignorance defies belief. You think out of the millions of gun owners in this nation that none have defended themselves and saved lives with those weapons???
    You are dumber than a rock. Take your baby killing blood money and shove it.

  • Luther - 6 years ago

    Now comes ieatbubbles who has been "PROVEN" a liar numerous times with her socialist/communist Democrat opinion. Even a social worker couldn't help this brainwashed government dolt. Like others she blames anyone and everyone for the killing of school kids except the killer and the government politicians who leave these children helpless in their DEMOCRAT run schools.

    Bubbles has no problem with the DEMOCRAT lobbyists for the baby killer abortionists. No problem with the Democrat anti-gun, kill our children lobbyists. No problem with the Democrat allow the illegal alien criminals to roam out streets. She however thinks those of other opinions should keep their mouths shut and follow her fascist left wing tripe.

    Bubbles who calls gun owners chicken shit for taking NON-EXISTENT jobs at schools. with our guns. Her 10 cents a day bull crap and stupidity about funding the transit plan. After seeing all the communist connections and corruption with the Ocommie administration refuses to admit the FACTS before her eyes. Bubbles is what is wrong with this nation. Others are supposed to take care of Bubbles and her child, pay her way for her incompetence and blame others attitude.

    You cannot help the Bubbles of this world. Being made a fool of bothers Bubbles not a bit she just keeps spouting her government taught propaganda.

  • IEATBUBBLES - 6 years ago

    NRA members essentially kill people every year, even if they're not the one pulling a trigger.
    Your $100 contribution might get you a fannypack and a sticker, but what it does for the NRA is give them money to give to our elected "representatives" to always vote against common-sense gun law reform.
    These politicians accept your blood money, because their powertrip and personal assets are more important than the lives of Americans.
    You can split hairs all you want about gun specifics, but you know good and well that the public should not have access to military-inspired rapid-fire weapons.
    Instead of passive-aggressivedly bullying the poster before you, perhaps you could answer this question...
    How many lives have been saved because of a civilian using one of these weapons?

  • Luther - 6 years ago

    Please explain what an "assault-type" weapon is? It is either an assault weapon or it is not. Do you drive a "race car type' automobile.

    Further you are either a liar or ignorant when you state these weapons can fire off 50 "bullets" compared to a pistol firing 2. A semi-automatic pistol can fire just as fast as a semi-automatic rifle. This reveals your ignorance or lies in this one statement.

    We also do not have a 2nd amendment for hunting. It is to defend ourselves against an oppressive and tyrannical government and overthrow that government if necessary.

    Then comes your NRA rant. Please give us the data on many members of the NRA have murdered school children? Heck tell us how many people any NRA member has killed period? Maybe you can tell us how many people with carry permits have murdered others? No you prefer the socialist/communist Democrat party agenda of leaving these children helpless.

    Then comes your statement about armed teachers and SRO not having a chance in hell against the killer. Being trained in those situations they have a better chance than no one being there at all, wouldn't you agree?

    Donna you seem to have mental issues with stating facts rather than a left wing rant. You may be from a family of hunters, which I sincerely doubt, but you sure as hell do not know anything about weapons, self-defense, Constitutional issues, or the history of governments.

    Have a nice day comrade.

  • Donna - 6 years ago

    I hate to tell you JoSixPack, your name strongly suggests you are overly compensating for your physical "short-comings" stating a name like that, lmao!
    Anyway back to the real story not a fictional observation of ones self, do NOT blame any political party for those children's deaths!! Place the blame were it properly belongs, on the mentally ill piece of crap that shot that school up. Blame the system that allowed this POS mentally ill person to slip through the system of police and mental health officials that should have done their jobs and never allowed him to be free to walk our streets. You talk about SRO's, they had one. He was a coward that stayed outsidec hiding, not doing his job. Told SWAT team members to stay away, passing valuable time while innocent children are being mowed down by a madman with a high powered rifle more bullets than possibly ever needed. After all, he had been reported by numerous people to the police and kicked out of three (3) different schools. He should have been locked up in a mental health facility so he could get the help he needed and the general public would have been protected from his devastation. Do blame the NRA, the politicians that have NRA cash in their pockets no matter what parry they belong to and all individuals that support the legality of assault type weapons and high capacity magazines so a person can fire off fifty (50) plus bullets to a person with a handgun firing off maybe two (2) rounds. Anyone that wants to argue they need these weapons belonging on a war field to "hun," is just fooling themselves that they must be horrible shots. I as a legal gun owner and being from a family of hunters know that none of us would need a weapon like those to hunt deer and the like. Using one of those would take the fun out of "the hunt."
    Do you honestly believe that giving a few teachers a gun and having one (1) SRO that maybe will or won't do his/her job is really going to be able to stand a chance in hell against a madman with an assault style rifle? If you do, I'm sorry! You sir need to find you some mental health care for yourself!

    Bless all of those children at that school and every other school that has been shot up by mentally ill people! School should be a safe place for all along with every place of worship.

  • JoSixPak - 6 years ago

    Armed teachers and SROs plus secure entrances should do the trick. The nutwhacks may make it to the front door but should go no farther.

    We have liberals to thank for these deaths—they are who created gun-free zones where crazy people know that defenseless sitting ducks are waiting to be massacred. Do not blame the NRA, blame liberals.

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