Do you think marches impact lawmakers' decisions


  • Jerry - 6 years ago

    Denver, a true Commiecrat with his version of gun owners. Little bitch ass tae kwan do expert with his fantasy of taking down the Duke and Clint Eastwood and disarming them. You see the Denvers of this world are like other Democrat communists, if Denver doesn't like guns then no one should have a gun. In Denvers world those that carry firearms will always lose. When someone kicks in 65 year old Granny's door at midnight she is supposed to run to the phone, dial 911, and the good guys in the white hats will rush in to save her. Granny isn't running to the phone, Granny is grabbing her 44 magnum. When a 70 year old is driving along and gets into their bump and rob situation, pistol whipped and shot , I can see them grabbing that cell phone while the thugs pummel their old ass. Oh wait they get shot because the criminals cant have guns and we all know criminals obey the law.In Denver's world women are at the mercy of anyone wishing them harm unless she is Tae Kwan do trained and kicks their ass. Doesn't matter that she is 5" 3" and 100 lbs that Tae Kwan do gonna take down those criminals. It is stupid little shits like Denver walking and strutting around with their macho attitude of I gonna kick me some ass coz I gots me some tae kwan do. Live on in your fantasy world Denver while the rest of us Americans take responsibility for our own safety. Cant you just picture Denver in front of his mirror admiring his kicks and flips and fantasizing about kicking a gun owners ass. LOL

  • IEATBUBBLES - 6 years ago

    That's what's up @Denver!
    You speak truth.
    I thank you!

  • Gina - 6 years ago

    The only way our children will be safe at schools, is to make every school like the airports.1 way in thru metal detectors. All other doors remain unaccessable from outside. THAT IS THE ONLY WAY.

  • Blue Wave Tennessee! - 6 years ago

    You got it! Keep fighting the good fight. You sir, give me hope for the future. I do not agree with everything you speak of. However, I feel your heart is in the right place. I also want to say this in regards to this topic. I disagree with almost everything the spy from Russia stands for aka Trump, but I want to thank him for accomplishing one thing that our party couldnt get done. He has made big retailers pull the assault weapons from their store and has brought a discussion up to ban 18-20 year olds access. It is a start. I am going to write something I never thought I would write. Thank you President Trump! You still suck, but you did a great thing with this. Next stop banning assault weapons and limiting ammo mags.

  • Rite Side - 6 years ago

    All the Liberals crying and whining about banning the guns because the FBI didn't do their job because under the previous administration it was called harassment and profiling. Maybe we should ban food stamps for people that go to Kroger and other stores and buy nothing but junk food for their fat ass kids that we have to pay insurance for.

  • Denver - 6 years ago

    Call me Mr. Fix It if you will. Ban guns and shooting drops way down. Some things are more important than you getting your jollies off looking at yerself in the mirror with a big ol’ sexy side piece just danglin’ there from yer hip. Fantasizing about getting to be that hero you so badly want to be. Idolizing your favorite cowboys like John Wayne and Clint Eastwood wishing someone would just dare and try you. You are the type who wishes,hopes, and prays to a false god somebody breaks in and you, yourself, makes it onto wkrn so you can go down to the local bar and shoot the shit with all your friends, get the girl, and ride into the sunset talking about that time you got to use that side piece. Thats fiction. In the real world. Somebody rushes in takes your guns(more likely while you are not home) and runs off in under five minutes with them loaded into the back of their thumping sedan. Or worse if someone is home. Hopefully you never experiance an event like Vegas, but if you do what can you with your Glock do? Answer:Nothing! You cant do a damn thing because in a situation like that you got thousands of people running everywhere, trampling, screaming, crying and if you are crazy enough to have your gun out and a cop sees you. He will order you to drop it and hopefully you can hear him from all the commotion because guess what? Those cops want to go home to their families. It will be loud and crazy and he will be scared too and might have a shaky hand. Then chaos erupts and hopefully you are never in this situation. You are right I am proudly a democrat! I wish congress would vote to repeal the second amendment. Its useless today except for fantasy’s. Train to fight! That will give you more uses than just one. You’ll look better, feel better, move faster, smarter, and can take care of business. It takes a man to stand toe to toe. It takes a nine year old girl to pull a trigger.

  • Tinman - 6 years ago

    Attention grabbing is what the marches are all about. The Democraps are running with it and want a socialist country. Stupidity, can’t say it enough. Now is the time to support the nra if you haven’t already. This tide pod eating generation ..... need to say more?

  • Denver is a Democrat - 6 years ago

    You are as stupid as they come. Take guns away and there will be no guns? I guess we have no drugs in this nation do we idiot? No one drives drunk do they? Ask the Germans what happened when Hitler took their guns? They were marched to the ovens. Law enforcement protects no one lunatic, law enforcement shows up AFTER a crime has been committed. Don't like guns? Head to Cuba, Venezuela, Red China, or North Korea to name a few places that have governments like you want then eat you daily beans and rice that the government ALLOWS you to eat. Of course arrogant fools like you prefer to turn this nation into those where people have a bullet put in their head for stating their opinion. You are wasting oxygen on this planet.

  • Denver - 6 years ago

    You people are idiots! If guns were illegal, gun violence drops greatly! The second amendment only applies to muskets, morons! Its true, Its damn true! You guys need to wake up and smell the bacon in the morning. If you take guns away, guns go away. Make schools gun free and outlaw guns, where does the guns come from? Only law enforcement should have a gun to protect our children. You guys should know this. Im all about taking your guns away. I vote take them tomorrow! Throw them into a big fire and piss into the ashes. Evil killing machines need to be taken. Lets not mince words. Guns=death. Guns=need to be destroyed. Want protection? Take your fat greasy lard fried chicken eating ass to a tai kwon do studio and learn to fight like a man. Not shoot like a little bitch. F your guns Cowboy!

  • This is not about guns - 6 years ago

    This is not about gun laws, this is about whether we are government property or whether we are a free willed people with unalienable rights. Unalienable rights that we are born with that allows us Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Unalienable meaning those rights cannot be transferred or taken away by government. This is about disarming the American people and our unalienable right to self defense. This is about a one world global government, with global rules and a global currency. If we ever allow the government to disarm us the battle for freedom is lost. Look at the globalists now using children to push their agenda. Obama accomplished much destruction with his $10 Trillion dollar debt making our currency basically worthless and pushing us closer to a world currency such as the Euro. Absolutely astonishing watching people march to have their unalienable rights removed and placing their welfare into the hands of these crooked politicians and communist Democrat party. I will die on my feet before ever living on my knees boot licking some damned communist Democrat.

  • Edwin - 6 years ago

    You are one more brainwashed government sheep. Tell me what democrats want to do to protect our children? I am on the edge of my seat waiting on the Democrat answer. It is the damned Democrats that refuse to protect our children. They send them into buildings completely unprotected and when a nut goes into the UNPROTECTED building and kills children the Democrats scream gun control, NRA and any other idiotic slogan they can think of. Democrats are COMMUNISTS. Of course you are too damned stupid to look at Obamas mentor Frank Marshall Davis, Valerie Jarrett, David Axelrod Van Jones, and other members of the Democrat administration and their hardcore communist connections. What do you think Fast and Furious and Eric Holder was about you dimwit? Why did we have an ammo shortage when Obama sold our ammo brass to Red China. Why is it the DEMOCRATS constantly vote against the 2nd amendment, for gun control and other disarm the people laws? you do not have a clue as to what the Commiecrat party is Get to the next DNC convention and Boo God with the rest of your comrades.

  • Ronnie - 6 years ago

    Its all a sham, saw more "anti gun " adults in the crowd than should have been. Kids don't understand that guns don't kill anyone, people kill. Take away guns, everyday citizens will become criminals. Still no such thing as an assault rifle. Standard infantry weapon for now, but so was the cap and ball back in the day. Ar-15 is nothing more than a hunting rifle. Its what a deranged idiot does that is the problem. Want to ban something? Ban idiots!!

  • Larry - 6 years ago

    Why is it any time someone gets shot it's always the NRA's fault? Not the crack head that pulled the trigger. I'm a LIFE MEMBER OF THE NRA AND PROUD AMERICAN

  • Shell - 6 years ago

    No one is trying to take your guns away. Educate yourselves - supreme court on the second amendment 2008

  • Kathy - 6 years ago

    I had to vote no even though I wish the answer was yes. the hard truth is that until people stop voting in republicans, who care about guns over people, and start voting in Democrats, who want to do something to protect our children, nothing will change. I hope these kids grow up to vote wisely and not be seduced by the greed and hate that is the republican draw. their power is in their votes. Parents, if you love your children more than your guns, you have to vote for the people who care about your children, too. The Democratic party platform specifically supports the Second Amendment. but with rights comes responsibilities. Democrats don't want to take away your guns, they just want to make sure guns don't take away your kids!

  • Nate - 6 years ago

    I am sorry the kids were murdered. It is sickening. I hate anytime anyone dies, but Im Pro NRA all day everyday because its about being free.

  • Frank Frogjuice - 6 years ago

    Snow FLAKES every last one of the Soros paid Brats that want to take our 2nd Amendment away! Trump Pence until January 20th 2025

  • Bryan Hughes - 6 years ago

    Stupid people carrying signs and stupid democrats protesting. Dnt put them on camera. They are just doing anything they can do to get a little fame like the drug heads and shooters. STUPID

  • Bryan Hughes - 6 years ago

    I am so damn sick of hearing about all of this bullshit. YES. it’s TERRIBLE that kids died in these school shootings. If it was my kids. I would lose my mind and would feel like I had no purpose anymore. It’s TERRIBLE. Innocents having to lose their lives nearly everyday to shooting. But look people. Innocent lives are also EVERY day to car accidents especially ones due to drunk drivers. We are rallying against stricter car laws and turning our vehicles in to law enforcement because cars kill people. Hell no we’re not going to do that because we’re all too damn lazy to get up and walk anywhere. If guns and weapons where our means of transportation,our lazy asses wouldn’t want those banned either. Let the kids rest and shut up already. Do we as Americans really believe that there is so much violence because of guns. If you believe that then your stupid as hell. DRUGS are the problems. YOUNG PUNKS that wants a little fame and will do anything to get it is the problem. People going to court and getting slapped on the wrist and quickly realeased on bond is the problem. Get over the whole damn gun situation guys. The problem isn’t guns but the PROBLEM does start with the letter G. It’s call GOVERNMENT

  • Tinman - 6 years ago

    The protesters don’t even deserve media coverage. None . Ignorance. Join the NRA today.

  • JoSixPak - 6 years ago

    Join the NRA today! $30 for one year and you receive a free duffle bag.

    It is not only about guns, it is about freedom and stopping liberal democrats from destroying the greatest civilization mankind has ever known.

    This is no joke, George Soros and these "protesters" wants America to implode, and Democrats want it too.

  • Dan - 6 years ago

    The left wants to use children in their quest to strip us of our rights. That's low even for the democrats.
    How do you think this ends?
    We will never surrender liberty for the sake of your feelings.
    The only result of your attempts to disarm the population will be civil war.
    You know this and choose to use children as cannon fodder.
    If you want a war, fight it yourself you p#ssies.

  • Haywood - 6 years ago

  • JoSixPak - 6 years ago

    Those idiots who march downtown on Saturday were brought to you by the socialist scum buckets George Soros and George Clooney. I hope the nimrods are struck by lightning.

  • Money Talks Idiots Walk with Signs - 6 years ago

    The ONLY THING that impacts a lawmakers decision is money. The thieves do not care whether it comes from a lobbyist or a wealthy contributor. It doesn't even have to go directly to the scab politician, it can go to a family member hired by the lobbyist and the wealthy. It can come from a government grant such as Bredesen received for his Silicon Ranch Solar Company that was funded with our tax dollars of which he is the CEO. It used to amaze me how a politician can make roughly $185000 a year and end up multi-millionaires within 4 years of getting elected. They are blatantly corrupt now. Just look at the Mitch McConnell info that came out this week. And to be bi-partisan look at Hillary getting a $144 million dollar contribution from Russia to her foundation after selling our Uranium to our enemy. As if that wasn't enough they then paid her disloyal hubby $500 thousand for a 20 minute speech. It is in your face corruption.

  • JoSixPak - 6 years ago

    I am impacted and need some prune juice.

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