Why do you think Aries and Scorpio attract each other?


  • Janette - 5 years ago

    An Aries/Scorpio relationship is like no other for both of them. They both stimulate each other’s minds like no other relationship. There passion is intense. They do keep coming back to each other again and again and find it very hard to let go of each other. Fire and Rain .. A hurricane of excitement, fun, mental stimulation and intense emotional sex. Been there done that .. I wanted him forever... 5 year roller coaster .. of so many things, emotions .. friendship. Fights .. anger and lust .. just ended .. all of it. He passed away suddenly.. I’m left heart broken ...

  • Janette - 5 years ago

    An Aries/Scorpio relationship is like no other for both of them. They both stimulate each other’s minds like no other relationship. There passion is intense. They do keep coming back to each other again and again and find it very hard to let go of each other. Fire and Rain .. A hurricane of excitement, fun, mental stimulation and intense emotional sex. Been there done that .. I wanted him forever... 5 year roller coaster .. of so many things, emotions .. friendship. Fights .. anger and lust .. just ended .. all of it. He passed away suddenly.. I’m left heart broken ...

  • Nosheen - 6 years ago

    I think both signs have a deep understanding of each other that they can not find anywhere else. Especially Scorpio understand Aries like no other sign Scorpio has a depth to it and all that Aries lack this with other signs. Scorpions know what they want and the way to get it. They are master manipulators but this attract Aries more . The charisma they carry the loyalty , strength and the way they have power over people , their profound personalities is what Aries want in their partners. Aries loath weakness and hate weak partners, which by no chance scorpios are. They love like no other and can tell you the harsh truth on your face. They both crave for each other and return to each other again and again, but sometimes Scorpio take this wonderful relationship for granted and fail to appreciate Aries who wants to live them with their big egos forever.

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