How Many Times Has Your Xbox 360 Gone Down With a RRoD?


  • fishing - 14 years ago

    Wow!!! What a dissappointment. He is a fantastic gulfer but must lack a lot of integrity and smarts. Did he really think he was the celebrity that Wouldn't get caught!!!! He should do everything possible to take care of his children now. The embarassment and pain he has caused them is immeasurable.

  • fishing - 14 years ago

    pues la de big bang de las que salen ahi pero nada como Heroes !

  • steam shower - 14 years ago

    Yeah I got the rrod of three times and I can't wait for the xbox 360 slim to launch.

  • sellers low price - 14 years ago

    ....and in addition to that, they wanted me to buy a box and pay for the shipping to them. I was told they "don't send out the box or pay for shipping to them anymore" Which prompted me to ask why I should have to pay to ship it when its something that is their fault. After this I was put on hold and when she came back, I was told they would ship me the box and pay for shipping, so don't let them scam you! I just want me Elite back :(

  • cheapdigitalpiano - 14 years ago

    2 it good

  • buybestsale - 14 years ago

    1 ok

  • trendbabystroller - 14 years ago

    3 it ok

  • BabyMonitorScreen - 14 years ago

    1 sure

  • Cheaplumix - 14 years ago

    i think 1

  • bestbuycheaphoobersale - 14 years ago


  • trendbabystroller - 14 years ago


  • oteller tatil - 14 years ago

    When I sent mine in for RRoD I was given back an xbox that was about 10 times louder than my old one, which had worked fine for about 2 years.

  • jsd21hb - 14 years ago

    i bought a used one off ebay last year about the same time and got a red ring about a month ago. i fixed it. and now its back again. we will see if it is fixed for another month. cross your fingers for me.

  • roystern - 14 years ago

    i want my xbox back 4 christmas v_v although i have had it 4 ages it still shudnt do this WHY MICROSOFT WHYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • RROD Hunter GHOST - 15 years ago

    I have had 375 RROD aprox... Of course on many Xbox's, I have dedicated my ENTIRE professional amateur career to repair RROD's, I started with friends actually ( I have always been the techie guy from the circle ) so one day a friend say " I was playing perfect dark and suddenly I got red light... Can you check it out for me?"... YEAR 2005... So of course I did, just to void his warranty and see the guts of the damn thing... Put the crap back together and IT WORKED, i though i was a fucking genius, so started learning more about the thing... So far I have repaired 375 Xbox's and with 0 help of Micrapsoft... I actually AM in love when I see the red blinking light winking its immense beauty at me...

    BTW ratio of permanent fix with !COMPELTE! service on RROD problem is of 85%, and 35% of success with X-Clamp...

  • n00by - 15 years ago

    i bought my 360 in 2006 for xmas XD for me, 10 months later RRoD appear, sent to repair and got it 3 weeks later, 2 months ago was the same thing and only took 2 weeks to come back, lol was in repairs less than an hour, i know they send me another lol

  • xbox systems - 15 years ago

    My Xbox system has broken 2 times in 8 months.

  • R0YALRAMPAGE - 15 years ago

    mine has broken 5 times nd the day i got my most recent one bk half hour l8er i got rrod again!

  • Darren - 15 years ago

    OK I know that this is a late comment but my xbox has just broken down and it has been gone for just under a week. On the UPS tracking system it says that the xbox is in Germany on the 24th of december (and im guessing that they are saying that the xbox is in repairs), although on the xbox website it says that microsoft are still waiting for the device at the repairs centre. Has anyone else experienced this.

  • Tim - 15 years ago

    Lol First Red Rings ever however its kind of funny i bought it on the 15 last year and it broke on the 15 right at 5:00 and i had about 2:00 before my warrenty expired. Good thing it craped out that day!

  • Hunter - 16 years ago

    I got red ring, i was sad as crap, i sent it in and it should be back soon they said it has been shiped and im guessing ittl be back tues or wed =) this is my first 360. it lasted since last christmas

  • Rob - 16 years ago

    Got the red ring the other night. Fixed it though.... This would be the 2ed 360. Both had red rings

  • roddy - 16 years ago

    oh, and it cost me nothing. much unlike what i've heard here and pretty much everywhere else.

  • Roddy - 16 years ago

    I had one RROD. called support on Sunday, got it back by Friday same week. It did get serviced in the same city, though (Toronto).

  • Byronicman - 16 years ago

    "Now that's sarcasm."

  • Byronicman - 16 years ago

    Yes Preston, maybe I called the wrong number and the clever person on the other end had a scheme all worked out. Maybe they knew I was going to call a wrong number (theirs) and already had the Xbox chime ready for me when they picked up. Then they used their automated phone service that they must have had lying around at home for just such an occasion, since they were so fast to implement it during my call and as a bonus they made it suspiciously similar to the Xbox automated service right down to the voice and questions.
    Then after sitting through so many voice activated questions, that sneaky trickster on the other line greeted me personally and had the forethought to break into my house earlier in the day and write down my personal registration information and my Xbox serial number and have it at the ready for my call, then proceeded to lead me on further in the charade by telling me that I had to get my own shipping box and pay for the shipping to them.

    That is one incredibly smart huskster if I may say so. If you are out there amazing reverse crank-caller, I tip my hat to you sir or madam, for that was one truly elaborate ruse.

    As for not ever hearing about someone being told to ship back their Xbox at their expense, I'm glad I was the one to open your eyes to a whole new world of possibilities outside of you and your friends.

  • djdj - 16 years ago

    We have 4 XBOX 360s in my house (two are mine, one is my brother's, the last one belongs to a roommate), with one of them being from launch, and none have experienced the RROD. I have also purchased 360s for a sister and my parents, and neither of those has had a problem. My next youngest sister and her husband got one for Christmas last year, and it hasn't had a problem either. Based on those numbers, it seems unlikely that even the majority of the 360s out there have had the problem.

  • mentalpyro - 16 years ago

    My box is currently at MS for the 2nd RROD failure in two years. I just hope they don't send me another refurb with the same design flaw. Funny thing is that the "UPS store" guy (he knew the weight and cost of the box by heart) he said that he ships 5 TO 10 broken XBoxes A DAY! I thought it would have slowed down by now. Also this is one of 10 stores in Austin, not that big of a city. Ask your local UPS Store how many they ship back to MS repair centers.

  • AceNorton - 16 years ago

    My Elite 11-15-07, with the 65nm CPU, has worked perfectly for the past year, with almost day play. Here's hoping it keeps on tickin.

  • DevilMan - 16 years ago

    Yes ive got Best Buy warranty extended too just in case lol

  • DevilMan - 16 years ago

    My 360 made 10-18-05 has never had RROD but DVD drive sounds like a jet engine. I love my 360 will never give it up. I think its the way u take care of it and how ventilated it is whether u get RROD or not.

  • Casey - 16 years ago

    I have had my xbox fry 7 times. Each time I have had them warantee out by BestBuy.

  • Rome - 16 years ago

    Happened to me once, then I did the "penny trick" and it hasn't happened to me since. Doesn't overheat anymore.

  • Nigel - 16 years ago

    Crazy. At the time I answered, precisely 68% of respondants have had at least one RROD.

    Luckily, I got to pick 0, and I've owned one pro, and one elite, which is still working fine.

  • Jammer - 16 years ago

    My Elite was purchased in May 2007 and used sparingly, and it just RRoD'd last weekend. I thought maybe I'd been spared but apparently not. A friend of mine has had at least four of them.

  • Cam J - 16 years ago

    Twice in 3 years. The first time they made me pay $200 to get it fixed. But after so many people had problems they refunded the money a few months later. So they gave us a new one. Worked fine until about 2 months ago. So we got it back again but refurbished this time..... we'll see how long this one lasts....

  • Cory N - 16 years ago

    When I sent mine in for RRoD I was given back an xbox that was about 10 times louder than my old one, which had worked fine for about 2 years.

  • Kyle McElroy - 16 years ago

    My 360 red rings Every.Single.Day. It red rings 7-8 times in a row and then turns on normally, no problems- every time I try to turn it on. Anyone else seen similar behavior and know what's up? It's frustrating me to no end.

  • bruce - 16 years ago

    i had mine rrod 7 months after i got it, sent for repairs first time got it back it rrod again, second time came back did did not play for 3 weeks fired it up did not work, third time they sent me a different unit worked for a bit then died out with some weird yellow bar on half of the screen. after that they refused to fix it since i had 3 repairs in less than 3 months. called the bbb on them they gave me a voucher to get a brand new one from retail after hours of claim diputes after all that sold the brand new one that was not a refurb and got a ps3. missed the live and all the games but never regreted selling the 3shitty but kinda missed some games but the ps3 library is growing with good games and all the 3rd party games look fine on ps3. not a real halo fan i preferr to shoot people than the covenent

  • preston - 16 years ago

    Well, I've never heard of anyone being told to purchase their own packaging and shipping service. I've gone down twice, and two of my pals have had the RROD. None of us have ever had to pay to ship our 'boxes back.

    Maybe Byronicman called the wrong number and someone just thought to themselves, "this guy has no idea who he is calling. I should try to make some money off of him."

  • Mij - 16 years ago

    I've sent back 4 xboxes. The first one lasted close to two years. The second one was shipped to be in replacement of the first. That one was broken when it arrived. They claimed it was refurbished, and it turned on, with no RROD, but the CD try wouldn't open. That doesn't work either... Then I sent that one back and recieved another one. That would lasted 3 months, but it wasn't 3 months of play. I purchased a PS3 after the issues with my first 2 xboxes. Once I started using the xbox again it lasted about 2 weeks. Sent it back AGAIN!!!!!!!! Xbox is the WORST designed SYSTEM EVER!!!! If the games and internet were up to snuff on the PS3 I'd NEVER purchase anything from Microsoft ever again!

  • Byronicman - 16 years ago

    ....and in addition to that, they wanted me to buy a box and pay for the shipping to them. I was told they "don't send out the box or pay for shipping to them anymore" Which prompted me to ask why I should have to pay to ship it when its something that is their fault. After this I was put on hold and when she came back, I was told they would ship me the box and pay for shipping, so don't let them scam you! I just want me Elite back :(

  • Byronicman - 16 years ago

    My 360 has only died once, and after being told it would be returned in 2-3 weeks its been gone for repairs for over a month and when I called the other day I was told it would be another 2 weeks minimum before they get to it because they are back logged with so many repairs....

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