Which costume do you like best?


  • kyle6982 - 13 years ago

    im a fan of lynda carter because of that costume, she looks gorgeous in that old outfit. The new one is very common and junk! Wonder Woman - goddess of beauty, strength, truth, etc. and the old outfit symbolizes all of that! Whoever replaces lynda carter will never make justification with the new outfit. lynda carter is very very beautiful, im always excited when she spins and changed into wonder woman. i also think the turning/spinning shouldn't be changed...the excitement we feel everytime she spins is perfect! the jacket eeewwwweee! Show some skin! design another outfit for wonder woman! whoever wears the old wonder woman costume will surely be remembered, too like LYNDA CARTER! and ratings will be high! a woman's confidence to wear the old costume is all we are waiting for!

  • youknowwho - 13 years ago

    i like how all the people who like the new one actually have points based off facts and the people who like the old can only say "America" "terrorism is bad" Obama's ruining America" like there actually making a valid point.

  • Paul Schewene - 13 years ago

    They can take the 'new' Wonder Woman costume, and stick it in their ear.

    Wonder Woman without the stars, is apple pie without the apples.

  • Anthony - 14 years ago

    Lynda Carters 1940 and 1970s costume is way better. I like some of the fan art that shows the costume upated with leather and metal. I would like to see the eagle come back though, never liked the WW Mc Donalds golden arches. Talk about crap!!!

  • Charlie - 14 years ago

    The new costume makes her look like the modern day sluts we see on tv everyday! Wonder Woman is SUPPOSED to look like a woman, not a "butch". Leave the costume alone and leave the trashiness to Madonna or Paris!

  • SUPERWOMAN - 14 years ago


  • Kate Sandoval - 14 years ago

    WHAT!? The only thing the new costume is missing is a veil! This is AMERICA people! Please do not try to change mine next!

  • Kenneth Clark - 14 years ago

    I personally don't like the new look, it makes her look more like a cheap hooker than a superhero. By seeing the results of this survey, the new comic will probably bomb. DC comics should listen, but it will take loosing money and fans for that to happen.

  • Me - 14 years ago

    I like how the vast majority of the people voting and commenting probably haven't picked up a comic book in their lives. Wonder Woman has been stale as shit for years and almost everyone who regularly reads comics pretty much understands that she needs something new about her. Also I think the morons arguing about patriotism (which is apparently important) neglect to think that Wonder Woman, unlike Superman (a guy who, though was an Illegal Alien, came to the country as a child and dedicated himself to helping people), Wonder Woman grew up on an island rules by women with no contact from the outside world for years till a random American pilot washed up on shore. Her patriotic costume was just a propaganda ploy to make her seem patriotic (given the time was 1941 and America would soon be in the war). Her being covered in American symbols makes no sense whatsoever, it just reflected writers of a long ago age. Batman is completely sans any American symbols and people don't complain about that. Apparently everything in America needs to be covered in red white and blue and be waving a flag for it to be good even if that makes no sense. Everything in America needs to be easily propaganda, used to sell products. Much like Glenn Beck.

  • George - 14 years ago

    I also kind of love the fact people here base their argument on "Linda Carter was hot" while saying the new costume looks trashy. I love that for two reason:
    1. Linda Carter is the actress that portrayed WW on screen. She's not WW. Do try and look at the whole thing in the context of the character being a comic book character and not some half remembered childhood fantasy.
    2. Yup, it's more hot and less trashy to walk around like old WW did. Yup.

    Me, I think they could do away with the jacket. Other than that, there's red there, there's blue, there's stars. I don't get why everyone's so worked up that the costume has the same element without being tastelessly OBVIOUS.

  • George - 14 years ago

    Someone said: "The new Wonder Woman has a more European look."
    I hate to break it to you people but the character IS European. Isn't she supposed to be an Amazon that's closely connected to Greek mythology?

    And I don't understand why people use the argument "she's trashy now" when before she was basically fighting in her panties and an oversized bra.

  • kathleen astbury - 14 years ago

    After reading the same article in the Toronto Sun,I had made several suggestions on another site,as I will on this one. When people see Wonder Woman,they also see the American Flag,that is what she wears and stands for,but at the sametime there are mixed emtions.

    I really do not have a problem with some of the chages to her outfit,the only really problem there is,is that she will not be wearing the american flag,her leggings,her boots,the jacket,and the spurs. She is Wonder Woman,dump the jacket,and the spurs,why? because she rides a plane,and not just any plane an invisble one,and not a horse,unless you are planning on giving her an invisble horse. The leggings have to change,you can not even tell where the boots end and the leggings being,it is all too dark,and WW is not a dark character.

    If you must keep the leggins at least color them blue and have the stars go down on the side of her legs,and her boots that is up to you,but NO spurs,and NO jacket. Right there you have the best of both worlds,you have new WW, and we have our old WW. Wonder Woman..and the Power she pocesses!!!!!! she is fighting for our rights with the ole RED,WHITE AND BLUE!!! People will identify WW better with my new suggestions,they will say that is WW.

    That is all I have to say.

    Yours Truly,


  • testr - 14 years ago

    You know what? How about some of you bleating old fools actually go and ask the people who read comic books what they think?


    Because while not everybody is in love with it, there's plenty of people who are either completely on board or at least appreciate the changes. And more than a few who like the costume but dislike the other changes, such as her backstory - but you wouldn't know about that bit, would you? Nooo. Let's focus on, and blow out of proportion, some imagined patriotism measurement based on her pants. You could at least PRETEND to be upset about the changes to her origin - if you even knew it - so as not to look so ridiculously reactionary or uninformed about something that you've never even been involved in.

  • testr - 14 years ago

    BTW, I love this. The plain insanity of the fact that she's being called MORE "trashy" because she has MORE clothes on.

    She can actually walk down the street now without looking like a hooker or a stripper. Without the constant possibility of a wardrobe malfunction. Without everything being ready to burst out of everything else? THAT ACTUALLY MAKES HER TRASHY?!?

    What the hell is wrong with the world?

  • testr - 14 years ago

    Trust Fox News ("Fair and Balanced" my ass) to litter an article with deliberately provocative words, such as "patriotic".

    She's not any less or more patriotic because of her costume. Any more than you're more or less patriotic because you wear a red or blue tie, dress or tshirt. Utter ridiculousness. And regardless, she's not even FROM the USA. She's an Amazon. Do any of you even know where exactly she comes from? And to the morons going on about Superman as well, do you have any actual concept that the USA is not the only country on the planet? That these superheroes, particularly the immigrants like Clark Kent and Dianna Prince, might actually want to help everybody, not just those in only one country?

    That's the sick part about all the backlash - it's not actually about changing tradition, it's about "they gold-dern removed the flag!" Which makes it painfully apparent that most of the people who have opinions about this sort of thing are NOT the people for whom the comic book is intended. The people who are complaining are just seeing she has different pants on and since there used to be stars on there, then it must be anti-American, anti patriotic, and just plum wrong. Yessiree.

    WW's old-style outfit is just plain inappropriate. She was created at a different time, when the world was a different place. It's not political correctness to just clean her up and show her a little respect. How many of you would want your daughters going out in a getup like that for Halloween?

    This is a great outfit. It homages the past, but also opens the door for new types of stories, which would not be possible with her running around looking like a stripper. Or Madonna.

  • joshkw - 14 years ago

    Yo there HM, We all know WW is/was an Amazonian. She was fighting crime & protecting Americans & should be MORE than welcome in America. SHE IS the kind of immigrant America should be welcoming!

    INSTEAD our government has the welcome matt out for illegal immigrants that cause crimes, which causes a continual rise in the cost to protect Americans. The overall cost they inflict on America sucks tax dollars into an empty black whole! Who is better for America? Why The Chick with the stars on her tummy of course!

  • joshkw - 14 years ago

    Keep the old suit for sure! But the patriotic tone of that suit is 'evil' to a growing number of 'worldly people'. That is of course until their country gets invaded or has a disaster. Then they call the most giving & patriotic country, the USA! That's the only time our flag & way of life doesn't 'offend people'. They'd complain about "In God We Trust" on our money too, but they spend it so fast they hardly notice it.

    Of course the costume change is for political reasons! Just like 'Blue Helmeted/UN - we don't fight at night' GI Joe. Blue helmets watched rockets, arms & bunkers being built just off the border they were guarding. Do ya' really think GI Joe would have just SAT there Watching? Hell No!

    For years many have laughed that a New world Order has been forming for years. Bit by bit countries have lost their way & Sovereignty. Lookie how well that EU thingie has worked out. They aren't seperate Sovereign countries anymore, they are a 'Union' flushing down the toilet together because some countries didn't pull their weight.

    What Wonder Woman & Superman represented to us as kids Does NOT fit a worldly vision. Do ya' really think Superman would put up with all the crap our corrupt government is doing to America & her people? Hell No! A Sovereign, Patriotic nation does not fit into an open border, 'We Are The World' point of view. So get rid of all traces of its past. Everybody gets a trophy! There are NO winners & NO losers because we're all the same, aka MARXISM!

    Dear Wonder Woman, if they try to disrobe you or take your braclets, call in "All the Super Heros" & Kick Their Butts back to Europe, China, Russia or wherever they came from! Don't let ANYONE turn America into something else. Want a worldly Super Hero? INVENT A NEW ONE! Put that skanky looking slut in a sleezy bar where she belongs & let Wonder Woman do her job patriotically!

  • Bev - 14 years ago

    The original Wonder Woman was an AMERICAN symbol, she was not a Global Wonder Woman. She should remain the way she was. I am sick of all this globalization of everything, can't anything be American anymore without it looking like it is something we are ashamed of?!!!!

  • Bob - 14 years ago

    Looks like some of Obama's change is to kill off the American icons.

  • jar - 14 years ago

    Does this surprise anyone? We can thank the anti American liberal Democrats for this. Have you noticed anyone that trashes patriotism, Christianity and anything moraly good is a Democrat.

  • Garzilla - 14 years ago

    I do like the more patriotic outfit but the new one is not bad. Different artist have stylized characters over the years. An update would have been better instead of a whole new outfit. If you really want to see what a alternate superman costume would look like search the phrase "Superman Redson". He gets his power from the our yellow sun but he was born under a red sun. What if his ship didn't crash land in America?

  • DemsGotNoMem - 14 years ago

    Is this another unimportant distraction while Obama puts the finishing touches on the dismantling of America? Look over here at this Oil Spill. Look at this Vice President. Look at this dead King of Pop.
    Look at this racist cop who arrested this irrational College professor. look over here at these evil Capitalist Banks, Oil Companies, Auto Makers....(ignore those tea party protestors and everyone else who DARES to disagree with this radical, Idealogue while he robs us in PLAIN SIGHT!!

  • Mimi Hubba - 14 years ago

    A cross between Spiderman and a belly dancer??? I LOVE it! Actually, I hate it - the new costume, that is. In the mid-1950's, my brother and I collected WW comic books (we were in elementary school) and Mom heard from one of her June Cleaver friends that the comics were "immoral!" She tossed them all, and I 'm still upset. After all, if we still had them, our retirement portfolios would be in better shape. Anyway, if Mom thought the OLD WW was naughty, I "wonder" what she'd think of her new getup!

  • DemsGotNoMem - 14 years ago

    It's a simple question- No need for all of the unrelated opinions, people!
    Sure, the costume needed an update from the Betty Grablesque WW2 era STYLE.
    Update the STYLE, not the design.
    They updated Superman.
    They updated Batman.
    They updated Chef Boyardee, Betty Crocker, and the Columbia Pictures lady ~
    They are still recognizable, this new Wonder Woman is not.
    She looks like a whole new character for Obamas' new great Americans : Jenine Garafalo, Machmouhad Achmadinijabberwocky, Putin, Kim Jong Ill, Philipe Caulderon, Hugo Chavez, and Bill Ayers.

  • chrisxx - 14 years ago

    What???? Didn't we learn ANYTHING when Coke "improved" it's hundred year old successful formula by changing it to "Classic Coke?" Improving Wonder Woman would be extreme lamery and suckery!

  • Robert Brown - 14 years ago

    Agree with Amber's post (6/30 - 3:19 PM). Wonder Woman stands for freedom, independence and self reliance. She is beautiful, strong, and fights against tyranny, crime, and oppression. The 'new version' unfortunately reflects the trashiness of our modern culture. This 'new' version of Wonder Woman looks more like a gangster's moll than one of the good guys.

  • Dana Krumm - 14 years ago


  • GrammaBev - 14 years ago

    Hey! I'm 70 years old and I don't want to change... neither should Wonder Woman. She was my heroine 60 years ago.

  • Alan - 14 years ago

    Emily Deschanel in her halloween Wonder Woman costume is my favorite!!

  • Josette - 14 years ago

    The new one looks trashy... wait until they change Superman, he will be black for sure! I wonder if he will be able to plug the hole in the Golf...

  • Schweinmorder - 14 years ago

    Trashing the traditional Wonder Woman costume in favor of tasteless streetwalker getup is simply a deceptively trivial cog in game plan by which new world order power-elite wannabes would like to condense the rest of us into a universally submissive proletariat. Their strategy involves a relentless stream of propaganda messages transmitted by news reports, government reports, historical revision, junk science, radio, television, talk show segments, current affairs segments, advertising, public service spots, and the "new media". The traditional tools of the propagandist such as movies, performing arts, visual arts, fliers, leaflets, pamphlets, posters, billboards, and rumors are likewise skillfully deployed. Repetition unfailingly reduces resistance allowing the intensity of the messages to be ramped up imperceptibly. This facilitates a gradual erosion of customs, traditions, values, beliefs, social norms. Ultimately, lingering traces of any notion of the sacred worth to the individual will be extinguished. Only then is the mission accomplished and the stage set for universal subjugation.

    Wake up people!

  • April - 14 years ago

    Why mess with it! Shame on the artist!

  • Jafro - 14 years ago

    I will not be watching this movie. Even if it were Megan Fox with no costume, changing my childhood memories and expectations about what and who Wonder Woman is totally ruins the engrained image my childish mind's eye. I didn't like directors re-tooling classic movies a decade ago, and this is even worse because rather than an artistic interpretation, this is clearly politically motivated even if it's for "marketing" reasons. THEY SOLD OUT!

    That artist's rendition on the right is certainly no Linda Carter. Cripes, it looks like spiderman's evil illegitimate daughter.

  • RM - 14 years ago

    The new one looks like a cross between spiderman and a belly-dancer. My family WILL NOT watch the new one.

  • Matt - 14 years ago

    Next thing you know Captain America will changed into Captain United Nations. This is a stupid change.

  • Susan - 14 years ago

    The new one looks like a slut. Wonder Woman has Magic bracelets not gloves and she did not have red nail polish as far as I know. Do we wonder why our littler girls want to dress they way they do when this is what is presented as a heroine.

  • Tony Barrett - 14 years ago

    Sorry folks, the chage over is a nust. our President tells us we msut adapt the more global look as we can't show or be strong with vritue.

    The new hood-like (all she needed was a ballcap side ways) downtrodden, big business crushed look is it.

    Just more Hope as the Change is coming.

  • acrossthebow - 14 years ago

    Typical Hollywood political correct B.S.

  • Patriot - 14 years ago

    WHY!?!?! Why is American pride going down the toilet? I am an American and I am not ashamed of it. WW was an American creation, partly out of patriotism. I can only imagine the disaster "they" could make out of Captain America. Don't believe the state run media America is still a great country not because of our government but because of individuals with a can do attitude!
    Plus Linda Carter in that WW outfit was just plain hot!

  • Sandman - 14 years ago

    A lady and a tramp is about right. Why does the new Wonder Woman look like a shut?

  • Doug - 14 years ago

    @Personally, I think Wonder Woman is all of the women who raise children, go to work, maintain a household and all with or without a husband to support them.

    Posted by Jean on June 30th 2010, 4:05pm

    Jean, get a life and get over yourself. Feminism is a dead religion littered with the bodies of millions of aborted babies.

  • Jeff - 14 years ago

    This is silly. A global economy, a new world order, global this, global that. Where's our identity going? If you want a global character, create one and leave our Wonder Woman alone. If sales are dropping and you just want to give her a new look, then do so. Only don't strip her of the very fabric from which she was made.

  • dixiebelle - 14 years ago

    MANY years ago when I was young, 10 yrs old or so, Wonder Woman was the comic book I read. (10 cents a copy) That's the Wonder Woman I remember and did not even think about the flag or patriotic concept.
    Just enjoyed her comic books and is still a part of my childhood memories. As another has said in essence, why change something if it's not broken? She was and still is an icon in her OLD not new costume. !!!

  • dixiebelle - 14 years ago

    MANY years ago when I was young, 10 yrs old or so, Wonder Woman was the comic book I read. (10 cents a copy) That's the Wonder Woman I remember and did not even think about the flag or patriotic concept.
    Just enjoyed her comic books and is still a part of my childhood memories. As another has said in essence, why change something if it's not broken? She was and still is an icon in her OLD not new costume. !!!

  • Joyce - 14 years ago

    What was the deal?"CHANGE America" ? Or just throw away ANYTHING we can that's representative of America. Everyday its some ridiculous issue involving this great Democracy that we are slowly sending down the tubes. Has everyone lost their mind? This is the subtle thing that happened in Germany a long ,long time ago for those who remember... Lets just put some baggy pants and a backward had on Rodin or dress up Lady Liberty like Lady G. Oh come on, it'll be fun!!

  • Sandra - 14 years ago

    When will they ever learn. Americans are a class act. We like the classic way of things. Simply don't change what is not broken.

  • 1fastcat - 14 years ago

    No more DC comics for me.
    All they are doing is trashing all of our icons.
    The new costume makes her look like a hoe.
    We have plenty of them already.

  • Pete - 14 years ago

    Can someone please explain the jacket to me? Is it to hamper her movements in a fight? because that is all it will do.
    Go back to the old one. If I still read Comic books, I would stop reading this one.

  • SA - 14 years ago

    I really don't care what nationality WW was, she stood for America. I understand an update but this is total distruction. If this artist is to be the new illiustrator for WW we are in trouble. Maybe we could find a young American that understands what being an American used to mean and should still mean. This new costume is cheap wtih no class to it at all. Maybe they should try again for a more balanced look between the two.

  • settersperch - 14 years ago

    The old one wins hands down. Where Linda Carter filled it to perfection, she would look cheap in the new one.
    There are several actresses today that could fill the old one today and really look great, Charlize Theron, just off the top of my head. She would look like trash in the new one, but I digress, they will all look like trash in the new one. Just my opinion.

  • Joe B - 14 years ago

    Considering what's been taking place in the US for the past year and a half... I'm not suprised that there are people willing to downplay anything related to the United States...

  • Joe Haggerty - 14 years ago

    Instead of desecrating an icon, why not just create a new superhero and call her Super Nova or Global Gal or Mighty Miss or the Crime Fighting Diva.

  • Earl - 14 years ago

    The new on looks like a hoe!

  • Robyn - 14 years ago

    hollywood cant leave anything alone..rather then trying to improve on an outfit or a movie, try coming up with somthing new and fresh. im so sick of everything being, dark, gangster, or vampires!! The new outfit makes her look like a gangster slut, and there is enough of that look in real life!!

  • slokipoki - 14 years ago

    What happened to the proud America? Even our hero's are trashy.

  • Mari - 14 years ago

    Would ya screw with Superman's cape?

  • Gary Davis - 14 years ago

    I'm sorry to see the era of Wonder Woman, as we have known her all our lives, go along the way of the invisible airplane. Whether politically motivated or not, the costume change is still a slap-in-the-face to her loyal, patriotic fans in America. DC Comics will surely feel the loss of readership as she becomes more of a sex object than an American icon, representing all that is right with truth and justice. Word it any way you care, but her costume change sends a clear message that her owners don't care anything about Patriotism and the American Way.

    As far as Lynda Carter's comments go, I know of no Christian who would use the term, "Well by God she's going to wear them. Get over it!" So much for Carter's outspoken "Christian" image. It seems it to will pass into obscurity, just as her career has done, and sadly, the beautiful, original costume of Wonder Woman, as well. So sad...

  • Carol - 14 years ago

    The new one looks too much like an Anime character. Keep the old version of WW patriotism and all. Leave "political correctiveness" out of it.

  • plc - 14 years ago

    Anyone who can not see that this is a political move must be blind. We as Americans are slowly loosing our strengths and the power as an American people. Now they have to go so far as to change a historic comic strip, how sad is that. Wonder Women is an American Icon. The outfi on the original WW was perfect. I guess they just can't stand the American Flag and felt it had to be changed so it " Would'nt affend anyone" PHOIE Well, I for one am affended by the new costume. She looks trashy. And how is she going to fight with all that on anyway.?

  • Jerry - 14 years ago

    First Superman forgets he is for the "American way" then Wonder Woman goes French grunge, what is next batman in flowers? This is now just embarrassing, at least we have the classics before DC was ashamed of America.

  • HM - 14 years ago

    Everyone knows that Wonder Woman isn't American, right? She's SOUTH American (Amazonian). I'm surprised everyone isn't as glad as I am to no longer have a NON-AMERICAN wearing the sacred colors of our flag.

  • Mellony - 14 years ago

    Just more of this stripping away of our American pride, independence and conditioning of our youth to the New World Order.

  • Drew - 14 years ago

    I have just cancelled my subscriptions to all my DC comics. I used to subscribe to superman, batman, and two others but I will no longer support a comic company that has gone political. Good luck DC with your declining sales.

  • ARN - 14 years ago

    I miss the braclets.

  • Greg - 14 years ago

    The new wonder woman looks like a slutty whore,,,,. The original looks like she still is out for justice and the american way...

  • GWW - 14 years ago

    I had the good fortune to briefly meet Linda Carter several years back. She is a model of grace and class and is extremely charming. She is the perfect Wonder Woman. When you already have it perfect why change?

  • Dan - 14 years ago

    I guess I'm the only one that really likes the update that was made. Think about it a little bit...a superhero has so much danger and disaster thrown their way...a one-piece bikini isn't going to do much against massive shrapnel. The new suit, on the other hand, can take a licking and keep on ticking. Not to mention, I understand the patriotic talk from the other comments, but she really isn't American. She was created by an American author and artist, but her comic book roots have her being an Amazon. Honestly, if you ask me, the more appropriate costume would be something with an ancient Greek feel to it. Again, I'm not saying I don't like the old one, and what it stood for, but I think that each author, each artist, has their own vision, and they should be allowed to express it and not be tied down to an original vision created almost 70 years ago.

  • Dale - 14 years ago

    My 60 year-old husband has always talked about how Linda's costumes were designed to look like hands cupping her breasts. He still fantasizes about her....and her costumes.....

  • Larry Palmer - 14 years ago

    The two pictures together should be labeled "The Lady and The Tramp"

  • Keltic - 14 years ago

    I don't mind them updating the costume, but this one looks stupid. Superman, Batman, and all the other male superheroes have went through costume tweaks and updates but this one looks ridiculous! What is the purpose of the jacket? It is a stupid fashion accessory.

  • CynicalOptimist - 14 years ago

    Linda Carter is more "realistic". Not only that, she's hotter.

  • ohioforw - 14 years ago

    Linda Carter is the ultimate woman. In that costume, she is AMAZING! We need more women like her.

  • SCOTT - 14 years ago

    I have Linda in her WW costume on the wall in my office. My wife bought it for me 30 years ago.
    I love them both, and have both on my office wall. I look at their pictures daily.
    My wife passed on 7 years ago, so all I have now are and photos and memories of both.

  • John - 14 years ago

    Removing Wonder Woman from her stars is like putting a hammer and sickle on the shield of Captain America and changing his name to Captain Mother Land. Its just wrong.

  • ArrDee - 14 years ago

    Well, we can split hairs and point out that Wonder Womans' costume HAS changed with time... I believe that her first one was like a knee-length SKIRT or something - and like ankle-boots? Still, what teenage boy in the 70s could then or NOW ever find fault with LINDA CARTER as Wonder Woman? Wow-wee! Anyways... Why this comparison of the Television Wonder Woman vs the Comic/Graphic Novel one? When was WW last DRAWN in her (gasp!) PATRIOTIC outfit? I do realize that AMERICA has become a four-letter word - as has MILITIA, PATRIOT, GUN, and even CONSTITUTION - still, the original story I believe was that WW came to America and fought to defend it against evil. I guess time changes a butt-load more than just a gals' outfit!

  • Liz - 14 years ago

    To be fair, I don't think this is the original Wonder Woman. It's been a few decades. If you look at the bustier, I'm pretty sure she ended up having a child with Spider Man. Why else would the costume's top so much more closely resemble Spidey's with the webbing, instead of WW? Maybe it was during his black costume days, and that's why so much black in this one. I'd be fine with an UPDATE if that's what it was, instead of a total redo. She's meant to be in patriotic garb - reflecting the colors and symbols of our country. The new outfit looks waay more constricting for when the poor thing is trying to fight. High kicks in pants that tight? Good luck! Not to mention punching in that jacket. Much easier without it the encumbrances, I would think.

    But, I agree with everyone else. They've totally missed the mark on this one. Clearly the artist just doesn't get the whole Americana aspect of her.

  • Burg - 14 years ago

    Why mess with perfection!!!??? Foolish - nothing like have a "strong woman" looks like she should be turning tricks

  • SAM - 14 years ago

    To be fair - put Megan Fox in the new WW costume THEN ask for a vote!!

  • Laura - 14 years ago

    The old one! She was about defending the United States against foreign enemies which is why her uniform bore the stars. Nothing in the new uniform even says anything about the United States. It's just another liberal form of apologizing/ashamed for being American.

    Leave Wonder Woman alone! She is an icon!

  • Bill - 14 years ago

    Is it the new trend to make everything that stands for patriotism look trashy. Sorry but this new "Wonder Woman" looks more like a street corner prostitute.

  • Dee - 14 years ago

    The new look is too much like all the current comic book female characters that Wonder Woman would just blend in instead of stand out like she has all these years. Part of the thing I liked best about Wonder Woman was she was ultra feminine, but could totally kick a bad guy's butt when she needed to.

  • Steve - 14 years ago

    Duh....the OLD one! Do you even have to ask? Wonder Woman was a symbol and reflected all that America is. Not to mention Patriotic (costume included). The new Wonder Woman has a more European look. Less patriotic. Looks more like a symbolization or reflection of what the Nazi believe from the old Wonder Woman episodes.Wonder Woman's Arch enemy.

  • zaptain - 14 years ago

    I want Linda Carter to tie me up with her golden lasso !!! I promise to tell the truth.

  • John - 14 years ago

    Old WW LOOKS like a super heroine. The new WW looks like a dominatrix. What's this tell us about the illustrator?

  • Greg - 14 years ago

    I don't think the costume was changed for any political reason. It's just more Jim Lee's style really. Do I like the look? Not really. However, if her comic is lacking sales (which most comic books are these days) changing her costume wouldn't be a bad idea to bring some interest. Personally I think she is due a change. However, this one, as others have said, looks kind of trashy.Go back to the drawing board, Jim.

  • Light - 14 years ago

    If you will just think about it for a minute or two you might decide exactly what I did. they didn't change her costume for any other reason than it looked too much like the American flag............flat out, as that Garaffalo hag would put it. don't fall for thier excuses, the American flag is sickening to them.

  • Cindy - 14 years ago

    The new one makes her look like a criminal or a vixen. I'm surprised she wasn't changed to look like a porn star. Bottom line is............they probably didn't want Wonder Woman to look partriotic in the red, white, and blue.

  • Jean - 14 years ago

    Personally, I think Wonder Woman is all of the women who raise children, go to work, maintain a household and all with or without a husband to support them.

  • sue - 14 years ago

    The old one of course. She was gorgeous. Even the cartoon character can't match up to her.

  • Cindy - 14 years ago

    ARE YOU KIDDING ME????? Why do people have the need to feel that they have to improve on something until it's ruined! You shouldn't mess with a good thing!

  • Cindy - 14 years ago

    I like the old wonderwoman, the new one just looks like a gangmember. Aren't the good gals/guys suppost to look different than the bad guys?

  • Amber - 14 years ago

    The new Wonder Woman looks like a trashy liberal chick with an attitude.
    The old Wonder Woman looked like a sweet, sincere heroine who is set out to do justice.

  • Vic - 14 years ago

    Can we put Linda Carter in the new WW costume? Now that would be perfection

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