Would you have donated if you had known that the ASPCA pays their CEO Edwin Sayre An AVERAGE of $500,000.00 A YEAR PLUS?


  • esd2000 - 13 years ago

    I didn't because I could never find out what their CEO or others made. Knowing that, I'm glad I didn't. Instead I care for about 9 stray cats in our community. That costs us about 20 bucks a month or so. I know where every penny of that goes. It's about what I can afford being retired on a fixed income. We also have a Siberian Husky, an adult cat, and 5 stray kittens which we adopted. It adds up.

  • Jana Rade - 13 years ago

    I don't know if this is a fact. But if it is, I find it distasteful to say the least to milk such a group while animals are being euthanized. That is exactly the same reason why people are hesitant to donate to churches and religious fundraisers and others.

  • H. Hunt - 14 years ago

    I personally believe that $500,000.00 a year is a ridiculous amount of money to pay a CEO of a rescue group that relies on donations to operate. If you do the math, Say donors donate $20.00 a month each. It would take 25,000 total donor months @ $20.00 a month to pay this salary.. Is this where you thought your money was going when you were donating? In economic times like these, I think it is truely ridiculous.. There are an average of around a LOW 4,000,000 dogs and cats euthanized in this country each year MOSTLY due to lack of funding.. Some university research suggest that the euthanization rate in this country could be as many as 12million shelter animals each year.... Most rescues don't operate on a $500,000.00 budget.. Most local rescues don't even take in $500.000.00 a year.. Most local rescues have little to no budget at all for employees and many MOST local resuces have to kill extraordinary numbers of dogs just because they don't even have basic necessiities such as food and vaccinations to care for the animals long enough to try to home them.. This is donation money.. Do you think that a rescue group CEO deserves a higher salary than that of the United States president? It IS ridiculous .. How many people do you know that volunteers week after week, year after year doing animal recue and never gets paid a penny.. I have, over the years heard hundreds of people online make statements like "im going to go down and volunteer at the ASPCA.. They get paid NOTHING in most cases. Yet the ASPCA pays their CEO this ridiculous amount of money? You think this is bad.. You should see the stock, realestate and pension fund holdings of these groups... YOU NEED TO TEACH SPAY AND NEUTER AND YOU NEED TO START DONATING LOCALLY TO YOUR OWN RESCUES.. AFTER ALL HOW MANY ANIMALS IN YOUR OF COMMUNITY DO YOU THINK THAT THEY COULD HAVE SAVED WITH $500,000.00 DOLLARS A YEAR... That would build a shelter in most communities...

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