Would you buy GM stock?


  • Steve - 14 years ago

    NO !!! I would not buy GM stock or a GM vehicle under any circumstance I can think of. I held stock in the corp when they illegally declared bankruptcy and declared outstanding stock shares worthless. So I lost money that way. Then their union buddy NObama gave them more of my money in the form of a taxpayer funded bailout. I'm furious at GM and NObama.

  • Jim Peterson - 14 years ago

    1. The debt has been erased by stealing the stockholders ownership on one hand and then taking $50billion of their tax money and giving it to GM on the other!
    2. The entities that created the debt are still there and now own the portion of the company that used to belong to the shareholders. The Unions, Canada and the US Government are running things now...
    3. Why would I buy a Chevy Volt for $41k when I can get 3 Hyundai Elantras (27-34mpg) for the same price?
    4. They are already floating bonds to raise more cash to try to meet their obligations to the Union Retirees Fund!
    5. Maybe good for day-trading or a short sale but long term..... no way!!!

  • David - 14 years ago

    Never. The tentacles of the Obama Administration are now to entrapped within General Motors. I personally doubt GM will ever again be a sovereign company. Obama orchestrated the demise of how many divisions of GM? Of course the Chavez crowd approves of huge Federal Government seizure of Private industry. They are the same crowd that wants Washington to convene its "Death Panels" on the elderly and infirmed. If GM had been allowed to enter bankruptcy, reorganize, they could have thrown off the evil of the UAW. GM - - Never !

  • Dave - 14 years ago

    NO! The illegal bankruptcy terms of GM, where bondholders' legal claims were given to the unions was unethical, illegal, and immoral. Why would I support such a company and the boorish administration which bullied and sacked the legitimate owners of GM.

  • It's not a company, it's a union in disguise - 14 years ago

    American car manufacturers are controlled by the unions. Investing in GM, Ford or Chrysler, is just an investment in the union. Until they, if they ever do, control their health care and pension costs, I consider them to be way too high risks to invest in, no matter how much money they seem to make.

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