Sorry for triple posting, but I have one more thing. There should definitely be female OC's since there are females in the fandom (I am an example) and Discord should be an option. Especially if I can't play matchmaker with him and Pinkie. I only clicked "romancing a male character" really for the purpose of Discord, because he is one of my favorites. If Princess Luna is a character, it should be the Season 1 Luna, everyone likes her better. Maybe Zecora too.
Zombie Pony - 13 years ago
Also, dating ponies is a touchy subject, and sometimes it's unclear where the line can be drawn. I think if there is a R34 version, it should be humanized ponies only. Although it would still probably stir up controversy.
Zombie Pony - 13 years ago
I want to be able to ship characters or play as an existing character. Also, the song "Love is in Bloom" should be in there somewhere. OOOH AND CHRYSALIS! Yes Chrysalis must be a date-able character! I've always loved dating sims, and pony ships are super adorable. If you have a pony creator or something, make a rule against Alicorns.
Observer1231 - 13 years ago
well, I guess a rule 34 version would make sense when you think about it. Sure rule 34 gives a bad rep but it does widen the variety and bulk the fandom. And besides, the core to romance is sex anyway. Why do you have such feelings? It the instinctive bond that you share with someone that makes you want to share a moment of intimacy. When you think about every part of it, it all comes out to be something sexual in premise and principal. So I guess allowing an adult version wouldn't be all that bad. It would certainly make things just a little more realistic and true to how it's message, in a sorts.
Yup - 13 years ago
@ Timstuff
I agree with that, plus the dialog would be more lulz with a random human walking around a magical realm of horses.
Now that you drag the idea into the light it would be amusing to have antagonists as options. (Even though Trixie is technically for some reason considered an antagonist.)
A humanized version is a bad idea... if all the ponies are human then it's no longer a 'my little pony dating sim' it would be a pony look-alike dating sim.
Summer - 13 years ago
@Scotty D N0, you are definitely not the only one. The brony fandom just has a lot of strange folks.
I really don't want to see a r34 version made, as I'm quite against the r34 fandom, but if that's what people want, that's what people want. To add to this, what Timstuff said. Exactly.
I'd like to see a version of the game in which you can play as a mare, being able to romance both sexes as I think it would be fair for those pegasisters that like the same sex. I'd like to see the same with colts as well, because you never know who could be in our fandom.
As for a humanized version, I wouldn't support that. I'd probably rather play the pony version; I like the ponies more as ponies. Human in Equestria doesn't sound bad, though, but I would personally rather just, as a human, connect with the ponies on a friendly level instead of anything romantic.
I'd love to see Trixie in-game, as well as other background characters. Maybe Big Macintosh, Braeburn, Derpy Hooves, Cheerilee, Vinyl, Dr. Whooves, Bon Bon, Berry Punch, Octavia, and others. Also, what if there was an option to connect with other antagonists? (Discord, Flim and Flam, Gilda, Chrysalis)
Now that I have given my input, I must say that I very much look forward to the creation of this game as it sounds wonderful.
Scotty D - 13 years ago
25% for clop version?!?!.... Am I the only one who just wants to date the ponies but not boink them?
Dirt - 13 years ago
Am I the only one who wants Princess Celestia?
Ellodie - 13 years ago
No, you aren't the only one.
Lazarus - 13 years ago
Personally, I just don't see not having a r34 version as an option. It is a dating sim after all, I mean what's the point if there isn't a reward for your effort?
I'm surprised that Human in Equestria isn't already part of the game. It seems like if the goal is for the player to really connect with the characters and feel like a part of the world, it would make it feel more like the characters are talking to you if your "avatar" is a human. It would be easy to do two versions-- it would just require a few additional / alternate pieces of dialogue to establish how the characters feel about meeting (and being romanced by) a human. Dating sims are pure fanservice in terms of the first-person narrative, so you might as well go all the way.
Can't say I'm very fond of the idea of a Rule 34 version. It should be kept fairly PG-13, and even though I'd be OK with some "saucy" imagery being in there, it should be kept tame with no graphic sexuality or anatomy being depicted.
sam - 13 years ago
Id like to see some CMC romance options...
Bloom - 13 years ago
You're not the only one. I am attracted to pretty much all of the mane six mares. But all in quite variant ways. So yes, I'd very much like to see a filly option.
989FOX989 - 13 years ago
I'd be okay with 18+ if the sex scenes don't show anything explicit. Also this needs Derpy Hooves as an option, so much.
Anonymous - 13 years ago
Princess Luna please!
Seth G. - 13 years ago
How about at the beginning of the game, you choose your gender. This will change pony reactions. (Obviously changing the he/she and stuff)
Flutterguy - 13 years ago
I am looking forward to this.
Anyone have an exact date or month when we will be seeing this game up and running?I just saw 'This fall'. Just curious.
Sweetflank - 13 years ago
Humanization is too much effort for the demand, I say. Playin' as a female is important, the fandom's full of fillyfiddling. Stating the obvious here, but hey, it feels good to do so. Other than Trixie, the most popular characters include: Gilda, Derpy, Celestia and Big Mac. The other male options are Soarin' and Braeburn. Not Mr. Cake. That'd just be silly.
Personally, I'd love some Cutie-mark Crusador, but, uh, foalfiddling and all isn't that popular. And with the three of 'em, it could get redundant. When it comes to adding more than one or two characters to the game (Trixie, Big Mac), I think it'd be a good idea to save it for an expansion pack of sorts. is our webpage people for anyone still using this survey.
Alex - 14 years ago
Sounds like a good game, my opinions, when you start the game, you can decide if you want a clean version or an 18+ Version and go from there. Sure, put in Trixie, Princess Celestia, Gilda, and play as a female pony (I'm a guy btw) and let them date guys or whoever. That's all I got but I can't wait for the game to come out.
A communist - 14 years ago
WTF is this for, a fan fix a game? Give me a link if it's a game!!!!
Violet - 14 years ago
I'm a girl, but I'm actually attracted to Rarity and Rainbow Dash. Are there any other girls attracted to the mares?? Or am I just the only one?
Random Anonymous Man - 14 years ago
I just though of something but I already hit submit.
My idea is to be able to torture Gilda. I fucking HATE that griffon. >:(
GaPT - 14 years ago
im gonna say this. we need octavia and DJ p0n-3
Dawngaward - 14 years ago
yey trixie :3
Dawngaward - 14 years ago
yey trixie :3
RobbyTheRouge - 14 years ago
I like the options presented, but would it be possible for your actions to influence the relationships of other characters? Like not only trying to get the girl you want but also help another pony with their love life(multiple path routes) such as pairing Rainbow Dash with Big Macintosh while you try to get the Fluttershy ending. I know this would be more work but I just wanted to hear your opinion.
BOB - 14 years ago
need a rule34 so badly
Non humanized rule 34 please ^^ - 14 years ago
@ My Little Pony Love is Magic
Vegeta, What does itt say about the suporters?
Vegeta: ITS OVER 1000!!!!!!
Thank you so much! i feel like the happiest brony alive!
@Non humanized rule 34 please ^^
With over 1000 supporters, it will most likely be made.
asdasasefasd - 14 years ago
Oh this is awesome, I want it to be made... Now...
Non humanized rule 34 please ^^ - 14 years ago
Non humanized rule 34 please! ^^
and i really mean PLEEEEEEEEZ? :3
GaPT - 14 years ago
oh. and maybe add octavia or derpy?
Twilight Otaku - 14 years ago
I'm disgusted by the amount of rule 34 votes. If you do make it, please make it a humanized version. Also please no Trixie.
Derp - 14 years ago
@ Ionnan
Im also not into the rule 34 stuff, but whats the problem???
Im sure they will make a seperate version,
and i dont think those nonbrony's would discover this and think "OMG MLP is a fetish!"
And iff they think that we can just say "NO mlp is not a fetish, only a verry small amount of bronys watch rule 34." and "Sadly rule 34 has no exeptions"
And iff they say "But this poll proves its a fetish!"
You say: "MLP SIM Dating games and shipping isn't made by pervs, but itt attracks a lot of pervs"
By the way: Cmon just let them make those 1,060 people happy!
Wuantine - 14 years ago
This might just be my skewed opinion of the world, but this is a romance game. 34 is an eventual result of romance, isn't it?
Ionnan - 14 years ago
No! No 18+ version! Come on guys this is a fandom not a fetish. Lets not give people the impression that it is.
I noticed that 4 people had voted for that in OTHER, and thought it was a great idea, so I decided to add it. The poll had already received 2750 votes by then, though, but we'll take that into consideration when comparing results.
All different versions will be completely separate, don't worry.
GaPT - 14 years ago
as much as i hate the idea of rule 34, make one so that everyone can be happy... but please put a seperate download or somethin -_-
Anon - 14 years ago
....Are my eyes fooling me or was that Human in Equestria option not originally part of the poll?... I'd have voted for that if it was up originally.
Please not that the percentage of votes won't affect anything, only the numbers. If 900 people want to play a rule 34 version, does it really matter if that's 20% or 80%? Either way, 900 people would be satisfied if we made a rule 34 version.
Of course, if there were more popular options, we would focus on those first.
yoguyz - 14 years ago
Just 24% votes for rule 34?
We need moar votes for rule 34!
Darkwolf - 14 years ago
This would be the best idea (i think):
Non humanized (maybe 1 human/humanized)
Maybe one pony with socks as a reference to the fanfic. and to make the "anon" guy happy that pasted the "SOOCKS" comment.
And Trixie (just dont give her a to big role)
AND FOR THE LOVE OF CELESTIA PLEASE NON HUMANIZED RULE 34!!! (or make a clean AND a rule 34 version)
Notyalc - 14 years ago
Please, please, PLEASE, for the love of Celestia, TRIXIE!!
Also, even though I'm not really into rule 34, I know a lot of people want it, so it may as well be done. As long as there's an option to not go into rule 34 territory, I'm in.
Timber - 14 years ago
while I'm not big on dating sims (real life so much more rewarding,) I would like to see this happen. but only if Vinyl Scratch is a romancing option.
Anon - 14 years ago
Rule 34 Non humanized
Asgard - 14 years ago
You might as well make it to where you COULD romance colts and make it to where you can be either a filly or a colt. And also put in Celestia and Gilda, with Trixie being the HARDEST one to romance ('Cause you'd basically have to sell your soul to make yourself attractive to her...) at least until some point in the story that'd change her, some sort of conflict. -_-
The Human in Equestria, Rule 34, and Humanized might as well be done too. With the humanized you'd just have to change the script a bit and replace the art. With the Rule 34 you could either just make a seperate game or just put that as an option in the beggining with tons of "Are you sure? Are you positive? ARE YOU ABSOLUTELY SURE!?!?!?!?" warnings before the game starts. With the human in equestria... Meh, I'm not sure how to do it unless the colt/filly you're playing as IS a human who can't remember who they are or how they got there.
vanguard - 14 years ago
Seriously? 21 percent want it to be rule 34? what the hell is wrong with theses people? sick fucks. control yourself you losers. Stop raping our show
@John Madden aeiou
The exact same romance choices will be available for both colts and fillies. Unless option #2 gets a big number of votes, it will be only fillies.
a - 14 years ago
Please, please no Trixie. It'll ruin the whole thing.
John Madden aeiou - 14 years ago
if you play as a filly, will you date fillies or colts?
Anonymoose - 14 years ago
I honestly think There should be two seperate Versions, a Clean version and a Rule 34 version, Or there could be a thing where you could access the Rule 34 version of the same game if a password or something was typed in (Not everybody wants to see Rule 34. C'mon, guys.) . Also, the Ability to play as a Filly, Ability to Romance Celestia or Luna, and Gilda. The Humanized version could work too...
SPACE - 14 years ago
I would really really like a humanized version.
Anon - 14 years ago
Pinecone - 14 years ago
@The Jack
+1 Internets. Nuff' said.
The Jack - 14 years ago
I just checked of everything. After all, even if I don't want all of those choices myself, someone is bound to, right? ^^
richfiles - 14 years ago
Add Luna and Celestia as options. forgot to vote other. Lyra, Octavia, Bon Bon, Derpy, Dr Whooves, Big Mac. These all need to be either playable or targets of affection in some way as well. These characters are too engrained into the fanbase to be ignored.
Shugo - 14 years ago
This is awesomesauce
20% cooler - 14 years ago
Rule 34 humanoid version if you do it
Pinecone - 14 years ago
Luna is already in the game AFAIK.
Lol Trixie is winning. YES!
Average artistic brony - 14 years ago
Luna would be a most wonderful addition, I implore you to add her for the sake of love and friendship.
SparksTesla - 14 years ago
Oops, add one vote to "play as filly" please!
ururururu - 14 years ago
lulz WANT!
Anonymouse - 14 years ago
being able to be a filly, or romancing colts would be awesome~
anonymous - 14 years ago
Trixie, 34, non-humanized. BEST GAME.
Guy Incognito - 14 years ago
No Princess Celestia romance option? ;_;
also great and powerful trixie!!
SurrealStripes - 14 years ago
Oh god please no Trixie Dxx
But Luna and Celestia would be a nice addition. :3
Also: Scootaloo and the gang. *DERP*
Anonymous - 14 years ago
And also, if the rule 34 version does come into being, can we please have it be the humanised version? I don't want the fandom being seen as a bunch of really specific furries.
Sorry for triple posting, but I have one more thing. There should definitely be female OC's since there are females in the fandom (I am an example) and Discord should be an option. Especially if I can't play matchmaker with him and Pinkie. I only clicked "romancing a male character" really for the purpose of Discord, because he is one of my favorites. If Princess Luna is a character, it should be the Season 1 Luna, everyone likes her better. Maybe Zecora too.
Also, dating ponies is a touchy subject, and sometimes it's unclear where the line can be drawn. I think if there is a R34 version, it should be humanized ponies only. Although it would still probably stir up controversy.
I want to be able to ship characters or play as an existing character. Also, the song "Love is in Bloom" should be in there somewhere. OOOH AND CHRYSALIS! Yes Chrysalis must be a date-able character! I've always loved dating sims, and pony ships are super adorable. If you have a pony creator or something, make a rule against Alicorns.
well, I guess a rule 34 version would make sense when you think about it. Sure rule 34 gives a bad rep but it does widen the variety and bulk the fandom. And besides, the core to romance is sex anyway. Why do you have such feelings? It the instinctive bond that you share with someone that makes you want to share a moment of intimacy. When you think about every part of it, it all comes out to be something sexual in premise and principal. So I guess allowing an adult version wouldn't be all that bad. It would certainly make things just a little more realistic and true to how it's message, in a sorts.
@ Timstuff
I agree with that, plus the dialog would be more lulz with a random human walking around a magical realm of horses.
Now that you drag the idea into the light it would be amusing to have antagonists as options. (Even though Trixie is technically for some reason considered an antagonist.)
A humanized version is a bad idea... if all the ponies are human then it's no longer a 'my little pony dating sim' it would be a pony look-alike dating sim.
@Scotty D N0, you are definitely not the only one. The brony fandom just has a lot of strange folks.
I really don't want to see a r34 version made, as I'm quite against the r34 fandom, but if that's what people want, that's what people want. To add to this, what Timstuff said. Exactly.
I'd like to see a version of the game in which you can play as a mare, being able to romance both sexes as I think it would be fair for those pegasisters that like the same sex. I'd like to see the same with colts as well, because you never know who could be in our fandom.
As for a humanized version, I wouldn't support that. I'd probably rather play the pony version; I like the ponies more as ponies. Human in Equestria doesn't sound bad, though, but I would personally rather just, as a human, connect with the ponies on a friendly level instead of anything romantic.
I'd love to see Trixie in-game, as well as other background characters. Maybe Big Macintosh, Braeburn, Derpy Hooves, Cheerilee, Vinyl, Dr. Whooves, Bon Bon, Berry Punch, Octavia, and others. Also, what if there was an option to connect with other antagonists? (Discord, Flim and Flam, Gilda, Chrysalis)
Now that I have given my input, I must say that I very much look forward to the creation of this game as it sounds wonderful.
25% for clop version?!?!.... Am I the only one who just wants to date the ponies but not boink them?
Am I the only one who wants Princess Celestia?
No, you aren't the only one.
Personally, I just don't see not having a r34 version as an option. It is a dating sim after all, I mean what's the point if there isn't a reward for your effort?
I'm surprised that Human in Equestria isn't already part of the game. It seems like if the goal is for the player to really connect with the characters and feel like a part of the world, it would make it feel more like the characters are talking to you if your "avatar" is a human. It would be easy to do two versions-- it would just require a few additional / alternate pieces of dialogue to establish how the characters feel about meeting (and being romanced by) a human. Dating sims are pure fanservice in terms of the first-person narrative, so you might as well go all the way.
Can't say I'm very fond of the idea of a Rule 34 version. It should be kept fairly PG-13, and even though I'd be OK with some "saucy" imagery being in there, it should be kept tame with no graphic sexuality or anatomy being depicted.
Id like to see some CMC romance options...
You're not the only one. I am attracted to pretty much all of the mane six mares. But all in quite variant ways. So yes, I'd very much like to see a filly option.
I'd be okay with 18+ if the sex scenes don't show anything explicit. Also this needs Derpy Hooves as an option, so much.
Princess Luna please!
How about at the beginning of the game, you choose your gender. This will change pony reactions. (Obviously changing the he/she and stuff)
I am looking forward to this.
Anyone have an exact date or month when we will be seeing this game up and running?I just saw 'This fall'. Just curious.
Humanization is too much effort for the demand, I say. Playin' as a female is important, the fandom's full of fillyfiddling. Stating the obvious here, but hey, it feels good to do so. Other than Trixie, the most popular characters include: Gilda, Derpy, Celestia and Big Mac. The other male options are Soarin' and Braeburn. Not Mr. Cake. That'd just be silly.
Personally, I'd love some Cutie-mark Crusador, but, uh, foalfiddling and all isn't that popular. And with the three of 'em, it could get redundant. When it comes to adding more than one or two characters to the game (Trixie, Big Mac), I think it'd be a good idea to save it for an expansion pack of sorts.
Needs more human in Equestria.
1. Female
2. Humanized
3. rule34
4. human in equestria
5. Trixie
In that order ^
Not sure if trolling, or just stupid.
Seriously? A rule 34 version of PONIES?! My god, this fandom sickens me sometimes. is our webpage people for anyone still using this survey.
Sounds like a good game, my opinions, when you start the game, you can decide if you want a clean version or an 18+ Version and go from there. Sure, put in Trixie, Princess Celestia, Gilda, and play as a female pony (I'm a guy btw) and let them date guys or whoever. That's all I got but I can't wait for the game to come out.
WTF is this for, a fan fix a game? Give me a link if it's a game!!!!
I'm a girl, but I'm actually attracted to Rarity and Rainbow Dash. Are there any other girls attracted to the mares?? Or am I just the only one?
I just though of something but I already hit submit.
My idea is to be able to torture Gilda. I fucking HATE that griffon. >:(
im gonna say this. we need octavia and DJ p0n-3
yey trixie :3
yey trixie :3
I like the options presented, but would it be possible for your actions to influence the relationships of other characters? Like not only trying to get the girl you want but also help another pony with their love life(multiple path routes) such as pairing Rainbow Dash with Big Macintosh while you try to get the Fluttershy ending. I know this would be more work but I just wanted to hear your opinion.
need a rule34 so badly
@ My Little Pony Love is Magic
Vegeta, What does itt say about the suporters?
Vegeta: ITS OVER 1000!!!!!!
Thank you so much! i feel like the happiest brony alive!
@Non humanized rule 34 please ^^
With over 1000 supporters, it will most likely be made.
Oh this is awesome, I want it to be made... Now...
Non humanized rule 34 please! ^^
and i really mean PLEEEEEEEEZ? :3
oh. and maybe add octavia or derpy?
I'm disgusted by the amount of rule 34 votes. If you do make it, please make it a humanized version. Also please no Trixie.
@ Ionnan
Im also not into the rule 34 stuff, but whats the problem???
Im sure they will make a seperate version,
and i dont think those nonbrony's would discover this and think "OMG MLP is a fetish!"
And iff they think that we can just say "NO mlp is not a fetish, only a verry small amount of bronys watch rule 34." and "Sadly rule 34 has no exeptions"
And iff they say "But this poll proves its a fetish!"
You say: "MLP SIM Dating games and shipping isn't made by pervs, but itt attracks a lot of pervs"
By the way: Cmon just let them make those 1,060 people happy!
This might just be my skewed opinion of the world, but this is a romance game. 34 is an eventual result of romance, isn't it?
No! No 18+ version! Come on guys this is a fandom not a fetish. Lets not give people the impression that it is.
I noticed that 4 people had voted for that in OTHER, and thought it was a great idea, so I decided to add it. The poll had already received 2750 votes by then, though, but we'll take that into consideration when comparing results.
All different versions will be completely separate, don't worry.
as much as i hate the idea of rule 34, make one so that everyone can be happy... but please put a seperate download or somethin -_-
....Are my eyes fooling me or was that Human in Equestria option not originally part of the poll?... I'd have voted for that if it was up originally.
Please not that the percentage of votes won't affect anything, only the numbers. If 900 people want to play a rule 34 version, does it really matter if that's 20% or 80%? Either way, 900 people would be satisfied if we made a rule 34 version.
Of course, if there were more popular options, we would focus on those first.
Just 24% votes for rule 34?
We need moar votes for rule 34!
This would be the best idea (i think):
Non humanized (maybe 1 human/humanized)
Maybe one pony with socks as a reference to the fanfic. and to make the "anon" guy happy that pasted the "SOOCKS" comment.
And Trixie (just dont give her a to big role)
AND FOR THE LOVE OF CELESTIA PLEASE NON HUMANIZED RULE 34!!! (or make a clean AND a rule 34 version)
Please, please, PLEASE, for the love of Celestia, TRIXIE!!
Also, even though I'm not really into rule 34, I know a lot of people want it, so it may as well be done. As long as there's an option to not go into rule 34 territory, I'm in.
while I'm not big on dating sims (real life so much more rewarding,) I would like to see this happen. but only if Vinyl Scratch is a romancing option.
Rule 34 Non humanized
You might as well make it to where you COULD romance colts and make it to where you can be either a filly or a colt. And also put in Celestia and Gilda, with Trixie being the HARDEST one to romance ('Cause you'd basically have to sell your soul to make yourself attractive to her...) at least until some point in the story that'd change her, some sort of conflict. -_-
The Human in Equestria, Rule 34, and Humanized might as well be done too. With the humanized you'd just have to change the script a bit and replace the art. With the Rule 34 you could either just make a seperate game or just put that as an option in the beggining with tons of "Are you sure? Are you positive? ARE YOU ABSOLUTELY SURE!?!?!?!?" warnings before the game starts. With the human in equestria... Meh, I'm not sure how to do it unless the colt/filly you're playing as IS a human who can't remember who they are or how they got there.
Seriously? 21 percent want it to be rule 34? what the hell is wrong with theses people? sick fucks. control yourself you losers. Stop raping our show
If option #1 gets enough votes, then yes.
Let us play as females and romance the female characters ;3;
Why not put a human in equestria?
@My Little Pony Love is Magic
oh i see. thanx for responding
@John Madden aeiou
The exact same romance choices will be available for both colts and fillies. Unless option #2 gets a big number of votes, it will be only fillies.
Please, please no Trixie. It'll ruin the whole thing.
if you play as a filly, will you date fillies or colts?
I honestly think There should be two seperate Versions, a Clean version and a Rule 34 version, Or there could be a thing where you could access the Rule 34 version of the same game if a password or something was typed in (Not everybody wants to see Rule 34. C'mon, guys.) . Also, the Ability to play as a Filly, Ability to Romance Celestia or Luna, and Gilda. The Humanized version could work too...
I would really really like a humanized version.
@The Jack
+1 Internets. Nuff' said.
I just checked of everything. After all, even if I don't want all of those choices myself, someone is bound to, right? ^^
Add Luna and Celestia as options. forgot to vote other. Lyra, Octavia, Bon Bon, Derpy, Dr Whooves, Big Mac. These all need to be either playable or targets of affection in some way as well. These characters are too engrained into the fanbase to be ignored.
This is awesomesauce
Rule 34 humanoid version if you do it
Luna is already in the game AFAIK.
Lol Trixie is winning. YES!
Luna would be a most wonderful addition, I implore you to add her for the sake of love and friendship.
Oops, add one vote to "play as filly" please!
lulz WANT!
being able to be a filly, or romancing colts would be awesome~
Trixie, 34, non-humanized. BEST GAME.
No Princess Celestia romance option? ;_;
also great and powerful trixie!!
Oh god please no Trixie Dxx
But Luna and Celestia would be a nice addition. :3
Also: Scootaloo and the gang. *DERP*
And also, if the rule 34 version does come into being, can we please have it be the humanised version? I don't want the fandom being seen as a bunch of really specific furries.
Celestia would be a welcome addition too.
Also: Gilda.
Mmmmm, need that rule34 version.
Yes a Great and Powerful Trixie!
The Great and Powerful TRIXIE!!!!27%
Well that was unexpected. Want still though.
please god, no trixie