An Apple television set?


  • shari - 12 years ago

    Apple TV seems to be more an Object of Desire thing than anything else. It will undoubtedly be beautiful from a design viewpoint, as Apple products tend to be. But is it necessary? No. And it won't be sufficient either given the rate of change and innovation in technology. The stand alone box for Apple TV hasn't brought media to its knees. Why? Could it be because it's simply superfluous? Apple TV forces the question: How much is enough? It's a fundamental question which should not be ignored.

  • Mike - 13 years ago

    I'm still waiting for somebody to explain to me how a TV with an Apple TV box built into it is superior to a TV with an Apple TV box sitting beside it. It makes zero sense if you think about it. Maybe Apple has some magic up its sleeve but this feels a lot like Steve Jobs final reality distortion field to me.

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