Was Contestant's Answer Simply Mispoken?


  • Quiznatodd Bidness - 11 years ago

    Everyone turns black when they die.
    Rev. Scott, former U.S. Naval Hospital Corpsman

  • Ron Williams - 11 years ago

    Zombies are historically related to the voodoo religion of Haiti and the Caribbean so it's understandable that someone would think "black." It's only in popular show/movies that zombies have become mainstream (so to speak) and "multicultural" starting with George Romero's "Night of the Living Dead" in the late 60's followed by Dawn of the Dead. Prior to that, Zombie movies were tame by comparison and more significantly always centered around the islands and voodoo.
    I don't think the woman mis-spoke or said anything wrong or racist. She merely realized that due to the sensitivity of the host and other contestant that it would become an "issue" for them. She was right as we see from the hosts reaction.

  • Dellie - 11 years ago

    She's an idiot!!

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