Should you be able to drive 10 km/h over the speed limit on a major city road and not get a photo radar ticket?


  • Hilda Green - 7 years ago

    I have had a few speeding (radar) tickets. I hope the people ahead of me would have gotten them also. If not I am surprised I did not run over them when I was speeding and they were not. Some places the speed limit should be increased.

  • R Wilson - 7 years ago

    It's called a limit. Not a recommendation.

  • Terry shaul - 7 years ago

    I got a ticket last year and I was 9 km over so there is no tolerance. Not a school zone either

  • KevinRS - 7 years ago

    Keep it simple, I know the subject was "major roads," but some of those roads can be school zones - I agree with 10%. If you were going 15 over in a 30 zone... or even 20 in a 10 zone... You can see how those numbers can fumble things up... I wish my car would tell me at 10% over the limit, I would listen to that... An article I read a few years back said "people can't drive fast." If you look around, half the people cant drive anyway :- ). What about the tires on your vehicle, what is their speed rating? They have a tendency to round as speed increases thereby reducing road contact / friction... hmmmm Funny thing is that everybody is soooo confident and cool until they lose control and they have the "oh shit face," now it's too late eh.... yip... nough said...

  • CG - 9 years ago

    the actual law reads 10% of the speed limit its only 10km over in 100 zones

  • Becky - 10 years ago

    Some say we should be allowed to drive 10% over the limit, such that in a 50km zone, 55km would be excusable. However I would like to see your question applied to hwy driving. I believe that, on QE2 for example, many drivers set their cruise control to 10km over the speed limit. In the case of a hwy with posted limit of 110, this means they are driving 120 on average. Then, when they decide to pass, they accelerate up to 130 or higher. On a congested road, such as QE2 often is, and which in winter may have icy conditions in places, this attitude seems extremely dangerous to me. I suggest respecting the posted limit, set your cruise to that limit, and expect a ticket if driving faster than the limit! I'd like to see photo radar used on the highways as well as in the city. This could reduce our accident rate, especially on rural highways, as that is where fatalities more commonly occur.

  • G ,Hostetler - 10 years ago

    For the amount of traffic radar vehicles parked everywhere-even on a Sun. morning at :7;00 A;M -it appears to me radar is a excellent source of revenue. NOT everyone speeds. I've encountered const. zones that have inaccurate info. and your not sure what to do. Years ago-maybe 20 yrs.. -83 st. south of 76 ave had a speed of 50 kmh. and there was always radar on there weekly--because of complaints it was raised to 60kmh and now hardly anyone speeds. I live in the area and observe behaviours daily

  • JJones - 10 years ago

    The human mind never ceases to amaze...

  • CMD - 10 years ago

    It should be deemed illegal to issue a photo radar ticket at all. The process of photo radar tickets the registered owner of the vehicle and not the actual driver of the vehicle. If I loan my car to a family member for an afternoon and they are shot by photo radar exceeding the speed limit, I receive the ticket in my name in the mail. How can I be responsible for the ticket when I wasn't even in the vehicle? A company that owns corporate vehicles and entrusts their employees to drive within the boundaries of the law, can actually receive speeding tickets. First, the corporation has no power to control the actions of an employee who decides to commit driving infractions; second the onus should not be up to the employer to recover the cost of that ticket; and third, a corporation is not a person and cannot drive a vehicle. We Albertan's, me included, have been far too complacent with allowing photo radar at all.

  • A Watson - 10 years ago

    If one drives the SPEED LIMIT a large percentage of motorists pass or try to pass even if it's not safe to do so. Speeding by 10-12 kph makes it unsafe to obey the SPEED LIMIT. If you raise the speed limit, they'll just go even faster. So give'em a bit of leeway for inaccurate speedometer. Beyond that, ENFORCE THE LAW.

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