Do you feel the change to Jimmy Olsen's race is bad?


  • Stepehen - 3 years ago

    Im probably one of the biggest superman fans out there so with that comes all of the dc characters so when supergirl first came out I was so excited then I see what there trying to do using my loved dc characters to wipe out the white race with this media brainwashing shit I stopped watching supergirl in the first episode and from what I can tell by reading a lot of these comments a lot of other people did to we white people better open our eyes and smarten up cuz some day soon there going to be hunting white men in the streets it's like the media is trying to make white men the most even thing there is so many black people trying to say oh Jesus was black guarantee you they have no problem with the devil being white though lol

  • Stephen Elliott - 4 years ago

    Hey Andrea go fuck your self that's right 78% thinks it's fucked up and white privilege really come to n.h bitch I got your white privilege swinging there is no such thing bro. It's like this we white people are sick of the media trying to brain wash young white women to sleep with black men to kill off the white man fuck off it ain't ever gona happen

  • Mochan - 7 years ago

    This is one of the stupidest and most obviously racist-SJWretardnarrative-inspired themes in the show. There's a lot of liberal nonsense in the show from the blatant fanatical feminism to diversity, but the blackwashing of Jimmy Olsen is the absolute worst of them all.

    Not only do they take an established iconic character like Jimmy Olsen and blackwash him, they completely destroy his character and then try to make him into some kind of love interest for Supergirl. I mean, WTF? Why not just create a totally new character for this? They had no problem inventing a new geeky white guy to serve in the love triangle (Winn Schott and yes I Win Schott was Toyman in the comics, but that's his dad not him. The main character Winn is an invention of the show -- just like this new black Jimmy Olsen). Why re-invent Jimmy Olsen when you can just make a new black jock to be Kara's love interest?

    But no, the stupidity doesn't end there. Not only do they totally massacre and rip out the guts of Jimmy Olsen's character, they need to shove the salted entrails right into the wound by creating an extra in Catco's office who is white, red-headed, wears a bowtie, and paints him as a loser, dork and dweeb that girls will never go out with. And they just do it for one scene, just to spit in the face of Jimmy Olsen. I mean, wtf?

    Who even thought that was a good idea? The obvious racism, blackwashing and the troubling narrative of normalizing and making black men hot and desirable while downtrodding the white man, it's unbelievable.

  • cameron - 7 years ago

    I hate it to be honest jimmy olsen only fits as a white character and id rather have perry white as a black guy like the man of steal and superman vs batman epically supergirl with a black guy come on whats wrong with America and I don't hate the guy the who played jimmy olson who could be a nice guy I don't know him but a white woman with a black guy in a famous show/story its not right for society

  • Tr - 7 years ago

    It wouldn't be so bad if he played the character better. Jimmy Olson is supposed to be a little weak geeky guy. Not a guy who looks like a football player and dates hot chick's. Think this is a definite fail and the worst part of the show. He is such a bad fit that if they didn't remind you every show that he was Jimmy Olson you would forget. Best thing they could do is kill Jimmy off or send him to metropolis.

  • R Hill - 8 years ago

    What do people think about this interracial relationship between Supergirl and BlackJimmy Olsen. Seems to be an attempt To normalize Black men as dominating the little white guy . Has anyone noticed how Black Jimmy Olsen tends to invade the personal space of the little white guy. Black Jimmy Olsen kind of reminds me of the Michael Jordan in the Hanes commercial where he rips the tag off of the white guy's T-shirt sitting in front of him and tosses it into his drink ; they left out the where the white guy smacks him. You don't think this could be an atempt by President Obama to put white men in- their place. It seems to me that not only on the shows that we see Black Male lead that white men are portrayed as neurotic insecure and just out right stupid. It Could be me or is it really an attempt to promote interracial relationships for black man with white women especially at Little White girls who want to be Supergirl. They always say get them young

    does anyone know the racial makeup of supergirl's staff; There has to be more behind this than just coincidence.especially on this network as multiple white characters have disappeared and were replaced with black ones . SOMETHING IS UP

  • R Hill - 8 years ago

    What do people think about this interracial relationship between Supergirl and BlackJimmy Olsen. Seems be an attempt To normalize Black men at Superior two white men. Has anyone noticed how Black Jimmy Olsen tends to invade the personal space of The little white guy. Black Jimmy Olsen kind of reminds me of the Michael Jordan in the Hanes commercial we're he rips the tag off of the white guy sitting in front of him and tosses it into his drink. You don't think this could be a contempt by President Obama to put white men in their place. It seems to me that not only on the shows that we see Black Male lead that white men are pretrade as neurotic insecure and just out right stupid. It Could be me horror is it really attempt to promote interracial relationships for black man with white women especially Little White girls who want to be Supergirl. They always say get them young

  • Rod - 8 years ago

    Political correctness gone mad again, just another way to brainwash kids. It's happening to no end of programs, all the white women have to be seen to be lusting after black men.

  • WhatIsmyname - 8 years ago

    I want to see the big black Jimmy Olsen make love to Supergirl...Can you make a script of this please.

  • Marco - 8 years ago

    It might not be all that bad, Im also puzzled, confused as to how Cavemen a show that dropped me a few times from laughing hard, didn't make it. But that corny Big Bang Theory show made it to where they even have action figs made on them. I can't stand the sight of that Sheldon character, but hey, it made it. So why not this one?

  • Marco - 8 years ago

    Aside from all the comments and opinions on characters being changed. There's only one thing that bugs me. There are a few remakes, some stick, some don't, but here is the thing. Why make a movie, or in this case a TV feature where producers, writers, even media consultants spend so much money to dissapoint an audience... Are they all high on crack, ot meth? Im still trying to understand why a Jar Jar Binx was introduced into Star Wars the way he was. WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!?

  • Andrea - 8 years ago

    Omg 78 % thinks it is a big deal. Really wtf. Get over your white privilege and really start thinking about what these opinions are all about.... You may not think this is racism but it is, maybe not blatant but it sure is an bias opinion

  • Lazarus - 8 years ago

    If Hollywood can have white people playing Moses, Egyptians, Chinese and Jesus (over the last 100 years), get over yourselves. Haha. Boohoo black people playing white people. WPs been at it for 100 years. GTFOH.

    Now Wally West? Geeky WP suicide awaits!

  • K C - 8 years ago

    So Olsen is not only a love interest for Supergirl, but we find out his real girl friend is also white. So James O only likes white girls?! The very limited, social agenda driving writers could not see the value of having a woman of color in that role. Showing the breadth of shared cultural background that two people of color would have that a white alien could never have might have been even a bit creative and interesting. Maybe even funny as Supergirl could have tried to adapt. No the writers cannot get out off their own treadmill of racial stereotyping. Lame, weak, predictable.
    Watched first episode and found out about this new twist from a co-worker (she is now also stopping watching the series). Good luck with the propaganda.

  • Tyrone F. - 8 years ago

    Equality is good, but this is a family show and there is obvious messages here. A massive black guy and a tiny white girl. Come on, why don't we just make it a porno. As a black man, I'm tired of this whole stereotype that us black guys just sit around gangbanging white girls with our massive gorilla cocks. No, were all fucking equal here and in fact my white friends get just as many girls as me and black friends. This is just bullshit they put in shows to make it politically correct

  • hhh - 8 years ago

    Jens Kirk, it was Nick Fury they made black, but then again that was 1st then in the ultimate line of comics and then later on explained away in the current marvel universe as being the son of Nick Fury who conceived him while being in an interracial relationship. Either way I find it predictable and annoying that every change up/twist always seems to be making the charactor black. It is almost easy to tell when I see a upcoming show and big announcement of for the sake of moving into the 21st centuray that an important charactor will now b e......... yep you guessed it.. Black!! So stupid. I had actually forgot about iris on the flash now being black. Heck I am surprised they haven't made the black Carnary on Arrow black. Like someone said before if you want to be more diverse and show more inclusion of other races/cultures then why not make a lead or supporting charactor something other than black. Ummm how about making Jimmy Olson an Asian American or maybe have the King pin as a Samoan? I just think if you're going to do that then you need to change it up more then just white and black. Include everyone will you. and also leave the charactor's alone and just make new ones representing a more diverse crowd.

  • Perseus - 8 years ago

    I don't find the change all that bad, change happens, get over it.. And to the guy that is claiming to work for marvel, the only thing you draw is a cock and balls on your w@nk pad. Then the hhh guy, away you go and take your face for a Sh!t and crawl back in to the hole you came from you reprobate.

  • Matt Weil - 8 years ago

    Jimmy Olsen was first introduced in 1938. There were no significant representation of the African American race in comic books back then.

    If DC chooses to re-imagine characters for a more accepting and multi-cultural audience nearly 80 years later - we should be praising them.

    If you are so closed minded that you can't allow for the reimagining of a secondary character, in comic book based TV show, then I would suggest broadening your education and empathy.

  • Dreadedfist - 8 years ago

    This show is as disappointing as Agents of Shield. It's really poorly written. I can't see it lasting more than 1 maybe 2 seasons if so long. The characters are so off, not just the ridiculous Jimmy Olsen but the Supergirl character is weak.

  • NPH - 8 years ago

    I think the real question we should ask the producers (on TV same producers for Supergirl, Flash, Arrow, and the upcoming Legends of Tomorrow) of the DC TV Universe is: If you thought these heroes that have been around for 1/2 a century needed to be changed so much then why did you chose to make a series with them. Why not make up a totally original hero/heroine, where you could make them and their supporting cast any way you wanted ? I assume you picked the heroes you did because they have been popular for so long, why change what works? Also if you felt the supporting casts needed to be made multi-cultural then why not give them original names ? Make The Flash infatuated with his sister Jane Doe... why Iris West ? Make Supergirl have a crush on an athletic black man named John Smith, why make Jimmy not only another race but change the whole character from a geek to a huge jock type? You've made Firestorm Dr. Stein merging with a black man, but at least that DID happen the comics, no problem there at all. I'd say something about Ben Grimm in the Fantastic Four now being black, but that film has enough other things wrong with it to dwell on that. The bottom line is, if you like the concept that works in the comics then by all means make a series/film of it, if not then just do something original.

  • I WORK FOR MARVEL! - 8 years ago

    Look you want to know the reason that close to ALL the Marvel Movies are doing great and why the Tv's Flash and Arrow is??!! Stop screwing with the concept!!!!! Yes I know its stupid but Jimmy was a main stay and a huge part of the original story line why not make the Flash Black? or Superman rite ya why not? I know lets make Spock and Capt. Kirk black next and REALLY SHOW EVERY ONE ITS OK?!!!! STOP FIGHTING THE CONCEPT!!!!!

    Its getting Stupid now whats next?? A WHITE Martin Luther King ???!!!!! COME ON GUYS!

    I've got nothing against any actor of any color hell if you can find me a bright pink guy it doesn't mean he is rite to play Sinestero!!! Stop shitting where you eat already,stop fighting the concept, what do you have to do re tell a story that was basically done for you all ready?

    Jimmy Olsen was a geeky read head that basically screwed up a ton of things and was close to being the comic relief most of the time so hey I've got a great idea lets completely change that concept because it worked great for the first 40+ years lets screw it up now!!!!!

    Directors, Writers and Actors FUCKEN STOP IT!! Don't Piss off the people that are you TARGET AUDIENCE,
    8 minuets into the show and I turned it off! What you don't think I can find another super hero tv show I can watch in its place??? I just looked at a poll that said 80% of the people don't like this crap and honestly most geeks are die hard about this stuff, I know I am and I only draw the books!

    Oww I Know how about a WHITE Black Panther?!!!

    The Story's are there, the characters are there so why not make all our lives easier and stop screwing up our child hood hero's!!

  • hhh - 8 years ago

    i fcuking hate nigga!! anything with black skin makes me sick!! they shud go bek to africa and die there! this show will get cancel very soon...juz u wait and see!

  • PERRY WHITE - 8 years ago

    Interracial romance written by writers who are anything but straight, will have the supergirl show soon canceled . That's a fact and CBS should have some exc smart enough to understand . Most of us out here don't spend our time trying to keep the weird of the world happy .

  • Walter Klflugger - 8 years ago

    What a shame when whites are kissing up to blacks for fear of "hurting" their feelings by not giving them white roles. They have their heroes. We should be allowed to have our heroes. It seems like the powers that be are more inclined to ignore all other cultures in the way of not giving them good paying roles. Blacks already have all the high paying jobs in the sports world (84% are all black) and are demanding millions of dollars to participate in a sport which during the yesteryears had more innocence and was played for more of a sport than now a way to make millions. We are being swarmed by blacks taking over everything. They are on a vengeance to take over the U.S. and call it Amefrica and hopefully one day have an African flag with a black power fist sign on it. I am sorry for saying this but I feel for the future generations of other cultures where they won't be considered for high paying jobs in Hollywood or the sports world.


  • Malon Harris - 8 years ago

    Quit trying to push blacks down our throats....Jimmy is a freckled face kid. Annie is a readhead freckle face kid...tired of putting blacks in white roles and whites in black roles.

  • Dick Jones - 9 years ago

    Fuck off Bill Jones. This is exactly why so many white women have been dating "men of color" in the last 7 years.The Jew media is convincing them that worthless black males are somehow superior. Fragile egos belong to black males who gather in gangs and terrorize vulnerable people. Thank your nearest Jew for helping you acquire something that you could never earn.

  • Eric - 9 years ago

    As a huge comic collector from the 70s and early 80s I have really enjoyed the resurgence of super hero movies and television shows. One of the series I collected, "The Legion of Super Heroes," probably pushed the issue of race and feminism more than any other comic series back then. They had every color and race, including American Indian, plus superboy and supergirl. I don't mind some change ups, but it when they start pushing the romantic issues like on Flash and now supergirl, it seems forced. The bigger social agenda they are pushing is the gay issue. Please. I don't need a guy character announcing, "I'll have to talk to my husband," or some other similar comment. I'm watching the show to get away from controversial social issues, not to be reminded of them with in your face comments like that. It's a total turn off. If you want to put that stuff on Netflix or Showtime, okay, but not on the "regular" channels.

  • Bill Jones - 9 years ago

    Don't worry guys, your fragile egos won't be broken for long. I'm sure they will find Supergirl a love interest to your liking.

    However, it is sad that you are the same people who never show up to voice your concern when every male who played in The Bachelor has traditional Euro-centric features.

    You always come up with some rational sounding excuse to cover your real thoughts.

    While you my succeed in keeping Hollywood in a state of Mad Men, take a look around you. Supergirl is not the only one who is falling for (marrying and having children by) a Man of Color.

  • Alex Alexander - 9 years ago

    I don't have that much of an issue with him being black, but I do have a problem with him being a big athletic muscle guy who makes Supergirl look like a woman at a male strip bar. Jimmy Olsen is a scrawny guy where there is no chance of Supergirl wanting him. Leave it that way. Don't start making a romance of these two. It will mess up the show. Maybe it already has.

  • Philbert - 9 years ago

    To many roles are being changed to black, w/o regard to other races. It seems to be black for all the CSI , NCIS, and even many movies like, The Machine, these roles are to be the Supervisory positions. They usually don't have much of a part but it is interesting the networks think we cant tell they are promoting the blacks in High CEO / Administrative positions 85% of the time. It is just not reality by a long shot. It is a form of brain washing, or indoctrination.

  • Alan Johnson - 9 years ago

    Like the old song from Frankie Valli and the 4 Seasons says, "Originality belongs to yesterday". Should have left Jimmy Olsen as a red-haired, freckled kid. He looks more innocent, funny and friendly. I myself am not going to see the new Supergirl series because of that as Jimmy was one of my favorite characters along with Clark Kent (Superman) and Lois Lane. I will let that Supergirl series slip by. The characters are not original anymore. What a shame.


  • John Alross - 9 years ago

    What next....rename America Amefrica? There is a horrible and aggressive black site that is promoting Jesus as being black, Columbus was actually a black explorer, the Vikings were black and many, many others including that the first President of the United States was Black and was before Washington. My, oh my..what is going on with this country when a culture (Black) is gaining so much power in the acting, music, sports and media world. Give breaks to other people (cultures). We also need to make a living and love the nice, high-paying life.

  • Peter Wolfgang - 9 years ago

    I am 50 years old and am an avid collector of comic books and have been since the 1960's and have many, many old Superman and Supergirl comic books. Why did they not give a break for a Hispanic actor, an Arabian-American actor, or a European person but does it always have to be a black person. I would not be surprised if pretty soon Superman and Supergirl turn black because the Black people say it is racist to have white people in superior roles. Something is wrong and I feel Black people are phobic about any white roles that show a white person in a superior/hero position. They just can't deal with it. I am not a racist but come on guys.....give other cultures breaks. The fact that the white people in power are in alignment with only Black people in superior/monetary roles will only serve to distance other cultures away and and mistrust Hollywood even more. I know you won't probably publish this but had to get this off my chest, as they say.

  • Jens Kirk - 9 years ago

    It's a good actor (Mechad Brooks), but this classic character needs to be a ginger just as much as much he needs to stay a male. There are characters that can be black, but portraying this guys as black is as bad as portraying Muhammad Ali as white (not as bad as portraying Malcolm X as white though). I liked the change of Pete Ross to black and in Avengers I liked the change of Nick Fury. But leave poor Jimmy as he is. Pretty please.

  • Jens Kirk - 9 years ago

    It's a good actor (Mechad Brooks), but this classic character needs to be a ginger just as much as much he needs to stay a male. There are characters than can be black, but portraying this guys as black is as bad as portraying Muhammad Ali as white (not as bad as portraying Malcolm X as white though). I liked the change of Pete Ross to black and in Avengers I liked the change of Nick Fury. But leave poor Jimmy as he is. Pretty please.

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