Would you vote for Donald Trump if he wins the Republican nomination?


  • xxxMonkeyxxx - 8 years ago


  • Rocky Bensch - 8 years ago

    A vote for a 'Crony Capitalist' (Fascist) such as Trump would merely continue the inequitably of our currently broken government. There's not as much difference between Trump and Hillary, as he, or she, might lead you to believe.

    In fact all of the GOP Candidates, excepting only Rand Paul, are nothing more that 'Establishment' candidates, or Ineligible to constitutionally occupy the Office of the Presidency, such as Cruz, Rubio, Jindal and Santorum, who are all just as constitutionally ineligible to be President, as Obama/Soetoro and for the very same reason; They were all born to fathers who were Foreign Nationals, at the times of their son's respective births, giving them all Dual Citizenship, instead of the constitutionally mandated Natural Born Citizenship.

    To my mind, voting for any of them (the Ineligible Candidates) would be just as bad as voting for Obama/Soetoro and voting for Trump would be little better than voting for Hillary.

    Rand Paul did NOT 'quit' the Presidential race, but instead merely 'suspended' his Presidential campaign to focus upon his threatened Senatorial seat. He is still on the ballot for President in all 50 States and if he gets enough support in the Primaries/Caucuses, he could return to active campaigning... It's all about money.

    Trump, as a Billionaire can self fund, but the absolute best man in the race; Rand Paul, is dependent upon the donations of little folks, like us, as he is not supported by other Billionaires and Multi-Millionaires, as are the other poll leaders.

    Vote for Rand Paul in your State's Primaries/Caucuses and get the Best Man for the Job Nominated, instead of settling for a Ego Maniacal, Narcissist with Illusions of Grandeur.

    Elect Rand Paul President, for a return to Constitutional government and Fiscal responsibility.

  • A H - 9 years ago

    Keep trying to drag Trump down, media. He's the clear and true choice for nomination and election. He talks, everyone else campaigns, and Clinton lies and BS's e.v.e.r.y.o.n.e.

  • Mildred Robles - 9 years ago

    I am 48 and registered as democrátic and with two adult children who were born in Puerto Rico ,I promise my family and i will vote for you.

  • wlm - 9 years ago

    Yes. I refuse to vote for another politician who believes they can change our constitution, who backs a traitor of a man yes you Mr. Obama the Islamic born traitor.
    Trump takes no lobbyist money he speaks from his soul we clearly understand what he will do.
    I have always been a democrat, they are such a disgrace I have converted to republican party after careful consideration to vote for trump. I say its time to end these parties and get new blood in. peace to us all we desperately need it.

  • mitch - 9 years ago

    Trump president , Ted Cruz V.P. Trey Gowdy att. General , Dr.Ben Carson surgen General , Carly Fiorina Sec.of state and I am on Trumps campaign team come and join this great cause

  • mike - 9 years ago

    Trump has the right ideas but in the end each state makes its own laws. Marijuana is illegal but some states allow it. The only way to control immigration is to stop giving away free assistance to illegals. They act as victims but they come and have there babies here for the benefits. They send money they earn back to Mexico and say how great Mexico is yet they come here.There president cant control the violence in his own country yet try to tell the USA what is right. They say they pay taxes but we all know they dont because they get paid under the table. They wouldnt pay taxes anyways with all the kids they have. Our country is going downhill as everyone can see. The news trys to make the police look like the bad guys. The criminals have more rights. The lawyers keep getting richer by suing for anything. Companies have to pay more to cover there losses which means higher prices. Then all these people coming out of the closet and want the world to know.The only thing Obama did in all his years in office so far is his health care , college for illegals and pardon some drug users that were in office. Before that it was Bush and all he did was make a mess on Iraq. And before that Clinton and at least he had the budget under control and got a happy ending. The bottom line is no matter who wins , nothing good ever happens. Just promises and promises. So Vote for Trump and hope he can do what he says.

  • John - 9 years ago

    Left by Marie (2 weeks ago)...
    "Imagine if our current president did that to everyone that attacked him."

    Doesn't take much imagination for that.
    Where's the challenge in that?

    Thanks for the laugh.

  • Mr Obvious - 9 years ago

    I will vote for him. Why? He speaks clearly what he wants to do, in plain language. A good leader knows how to set a goal, and get results. There shouldn't be such a thing as a "career politician". Political service is just that, a service to this country and its citizens. What the hell will Hillary do? Promise more freebies and play on her gender for votes? And Comrade Sanders is more of the same: "I'll give you all this free stuff if you will just be cool with even bigger government... ". It's absurd. The Republicans want so badly to force a third Bush down our throats.... In all the muck of this circus, Trump is the only person standing out as even remotely genuine. I don't agree with everything he says but I like that he speaks his mind and doesn't make apologies for it afterward. I think he would be open to good ideas as a leader, not the arrogant jerk he is painted up to be by the media. He is just not going to lay back and let people attack him, nor should he. Some of his feuds are a bit silly, especially after he has made his point. But so far, he seems to be the only option besides another BS career politician

  • Miguel - 9 years ago

    Love u trump

  • Delford ayers - 9 years ago

    i will vote for trump weather it be republican or independent. As matter of fact I'm voting trump if I have to write him in.

  • Phyllis Picklesimer - 9 years ago

    I will vote for only Trump, I don't care if he is republican, democrat or independent. I never thought of myself as being a Trump fan, but listening to him, I don't know how anyone could vote for any of the other candidates. He has common sense and that is something that it rare in government. I know 5 people that have never voted before, that has signed up to vote for trump. Go Trump. We are behind you all the way.

  • Kenneth Freed - 9 years ago

    Oh and I forgot Go Trump 2016!

  • Kenneth Freed - 9 years ago

    I think everyone had forgot, I know I did, even Ronald Reagan ran as a democratic governor. People change and finally see the light so to speak, lol. You know what they say if your in your 20s and not a democrat you have no heart and if you are not a republican by the time you are 40 you have no brain. Lol. I know that saying is old but I like it.

  • Benita Bylicki - 9 years ago

    Donald Trump has what it takes to bring our country back, I will vote for him if he has the GOP nomination, and if the GOP tries to force him out, and shove someone else in the nomination, then I will follow the rest of Trump supporters and vote third party. I will not allow the GOP to tell me who I can vote for. Its Trump or nothing.

  • George - 9 years ago

    Yes, I will vote Mr. Trump because he is the only candidate who knows what is the American real problem now and how to fix it.

  • John britt - 9 years ago

    At the present time I will vote for Trump,
    All of the 346 that I know who will vote.
    Some 34 Democrats 306 Independent and
    6 Republicans

  • Marie - 9 years ago

    I know that you have to be a certain age to become President but I believe you should be able to ACT like an adult, also. Mr. Trump may have business experience, if you don't look at his bankruptcies in his business dealings, but he doesn't have the mentality to run a country. He believes that you attack anyone that doesn't agree with his views. Imagine if our current president did that to everyone that attacked him. In my opinion, he is just another wealthy man that is never satisfied and wants more, sadly, he has his eye on the Oval Office and that is not something that should be looked upon lightly.

  • Alla Zil - 9 years ago

    100% Only for Trump!

  • Stephen - 9 years ago

    Now WAIT a second here! What in the frig is wrong with this picture? I mean,, since result of YESTERDAY's poll (involving the scenario of Jeb Bush being the GOP nominee) was A: Voters for Jeb Bush 18 % B. Voters for the Democrat,, 82%,, then the result involving Donald Trump as GOP nominee SHOULD be the exact same thing!!!! (A: Voters for Trump: 18% B. Voters for the Democrat, 82%) !!!! So what is all this B S regarding this second result being A. Voters for Trump 83% B. Voters for the Democrat 17% ????? I mean,, those SAME 82% who would vote AGAINST Jeb Bush,,, and for the Democrat,, would ALSO vote AGAINST Donald Trump,, and for the Democrat!!!

  • Governmentsuxs - 9 years ago

    I'd vote for him as independant or a Tea Party candidate.

  • Cathy - 9 years ago

    This country needs to start operating like a business. You have your gross receipts and your expenditures. You cannot spend more than you bring in. Most of the past presidents are in politics and don't have any business degrees or experience in he business field. Donald Trump has and he will be able to start running this country as a business. Secondly, none of our politely leaders have any common sense. Donald does. All the other past and future presidents promise the American people what they want to hear, but once they are elected, they forget their promises. Donald tells it like it is, He calls a spade a spade. It's refreshing to finally hear someone saying what they think, instead of politicians saying what they think we want to hear and could care less about the the American people.

  • Larry - 9 years ago

    I will vote for Mr. Trump as a republican or as an independent. If the republican party wants to be part of this coming victory they better make sure he is the one to carry the nomination. He is going to win and start saving this country from the idiots that have messed it up.

    I really like one thing about him. When he is going into a battle against them he has thought it through and has a plan to win. He will win if he has to be nice or if he has to get ugly, he will win. Come on 2016. USA.

  • Governmentsuxs - 9 years ago

    In fact I will vote for Donald Trump if he doesn't recieve the Republican nomination.

  • Carrie - 9 years ago

    I get that people like that he says what he thinks .. But can you imagine they way he talks insulting other presidents like that. We can add many more countries to be at war with. He brags about taking advantage of "the bankruptcy systems"! Imagine what he can do for HIMSELF as president. This is no joke ! Who is voting ? Who is ready to live with another all about himself President? Please people think about what your thinking you like about this man..you like he is all about himself!

  • Ian Divertie - 9 years ago

    Since I am not a Republican I don't feel qualified to vote here. I am surprised by the number of people taking the poll who would vote for Trump. Hmmmm, I'll need to think about that.... And I read some of the comments here, that was eye opening. I happen to be a fully disabled vet in a nursing home after ten years service in the Middle East, my injuries there were fairly catastrophic, and another twenty before that serving what is sometime referred to these days as the "National Security State", thirty altogether. My fellow Americans here absolutely amaze me.... I feel all warm and fuzzy over your support and your clear thinking that I have followed with a salute and a hearty "Aye, Aye Sir", throughout my life right into this nursing home

  • Joe Cucci - 9 years ago

    Now I know why one asshole idiot like the scumbag who wrote the article in Newsweek regarding the POW/MIA flag is allowed to even earn a living in this country, when he has a perfect opportunity to join ISIS det his head cut off and get those 75 virgins waiting for him in the next world. God knows form the looks of him he will never get laid in this country. But to the issue , 84% (rounded out for Trump, and 17% for the pea brained idiots who Thank God they are outnumbered, or we would probably be looking at a 3 rd term for that Useless cowardly bastard they in all probability voted for twice and now can tell their children (If they are capable of having them) I hope not, why Obuma gave them maybe 10 more years of life. or maybe they want the HI LIAR RY piece of trash who maybe in jail on treason after we FINALLY get to read the e mails SHE allowed us to see after destroying all the ones she thought would Keep her dead ass out of jail and in favor with these 17 % of ass kissers. then they would have the power to support the IRS thieves and the EPA who should be fired from the top down, lets just hope that maybe the babies that are being MURDERED for a profit by Planned Parenthood is not one of their OTHER MISTAKES.

  • Edwina Greenwood - 9 years ago

    One thing for sure, The Donald does not have to ask for money- he has his own. I don't believe any special interest group/lobbyist has him in their pocket because he doesn't need them!!!!! I believe the man has the FORTITUDE to get this country back in control, especially militarily, and all the other issues draining this land of ours of every copper penny the (the present administration) and the worthless Congress & Senate. We need To Clean House big-time-bad!!!!!!!

  • asdf - 9 years ago

    You guys are all fucking idiots.

  • Del - 9 years ago

    Trump put the media in their place, the media tries to manipulate the public and this time they could not block or twist what he said around because of the live broadcast.
    Now the media is looking for some way to viciously attack him back.

  • Truthful - 9 years ago

    America IS GREAT right now. Currently America is highly respected,as the world power, all over the world. Wake up people!

  • david davila - 9 years ago

    Go Trump! Xuck Islam! Xuck Obama! Xuck Gun Control! Xuck Rainbow! Xuck Socialist Democrats! And especially Xuck the Cuckquean Hillary Clinton! I don't go to church! I am Hispanic!

  • Helen - 9 years ago

    Hell no not my vote if Trump was President America would be at war with every Country with his rude mouth.

  • Oskar - 9 years ago

    Make America Great Again Trump 100%

  • Jake LoCascio - 9 years ago

    "I would vote for him if he got the Nomination or not. Truth, and Capitalism is a breath of fresh air after 8 yrs of this Socialist Crap. " We should Ban lawyers from running for Office. Lying is taught in Law school."

  • Deborah - 9 years ago

    This comment below: Are you serious. Are you in the dark ages. Cannot adapt to change, exactly what this nation and "we the people" need. Yes, Donald Trump more then qualified. When I see the ridiculous reasons why someone would not vote for him. Shallow reasons and no merit. Too early to say. Haven't even had debates. We need Donald Trump and for this nation . . . many democrats and republicans I have talk to are voting for him . . they say . . . just not talking about it.

    You . . . Seriously !

    Your negative comment ABOUT Trump and your comment professional? I do not think your comment warrants posting. Time to get a cleanse.

    Educated Adult- 3 days ago
    In reviewing the comments it is VERY clear why our society is a mess; most have no common sense and definitely anyone that finds Trump a candidate for being Commander in Chief is delusional. PLEASE do your homework on people; stop talking out your butthole . . .

  • JIM B - 9 years ago

    I'll vote for him even if he doesn't get their nomination !!!

  • Della Cole - 9 years ago

    I would have till I saw the article that said he was going to the border to campaign. And that he had a lot of Mexicans working for him.

  • Jeff - 9 years ago

    16,000 not real Americans most prolly liberals just hitting the no button.

  • Jeff - 9 years ago

    16,000 not real Americans most prolly liberals just hitting the no button.

  • Jeff - 9 years ago

    16,000 not real Americans most prolly liberals just hitting the no button.

  • Jeff - 9 years ago

    16,000 not real Americans most prolly liberals just hitting the no button

  • Jeff - 9 years ago

    16,000 not real Americans most prolly liberals just hitting the no button

  • Jeff - 9 years ago

    16,000 not real Americans most prolly liberals just hitting the no button

  • Jeff - 9 years ago

    Look at them not true Americans voting most prolly from the libtards

  • Suz - 9 years ago

    Wow. The"educated adult" goes straight to calling ppl names. Must be a pretty shitty education. Let me guess 5th grade drop out? smh

  • Suz - 9 years ago

    Wow. The"educated adult" goes straight to calling ppl names. Must be a pretty shitty education. Let me guess 5th grade drop out? smh

  • Stanley - 9 years ago

    He's not a politician. He's telling the truth. That's why the other candidates are nervous of him.

  • David Wingate - 9 years ago

    Hear the drums....? Trump-Trump-Trump-Trump...

    Donald Trump , forget about the rest of those chumps... Trump resonates with everyone. He will pull us all together again. And together, this country will be great again. Make America Great again! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hhQfUiDhjQg.

  • judy boltz - 9 years ago

    Congress needs their ass kicked and trump can do it. Just image what he will do to foreign policy. Kick ass trump we need you

  • Educated Adult - 9 years ago

    In reviewing the comments it is VERY clear why our society is a mess; most have no common sense and definitely anyone that finds Trump a candidate for being Commander in Chief is delusional. PLEASE do your homework on people; stop talking out your butthole and the sides of your mouth; your comments are ignorant and stupid at best - seriously?? the guy has made what he has made because he was smart enough to find loopholes in our government and YOU idiots have suffered from his con-game; he has filed BK 4 times; each time selling off;transferring; using offshore accounts to rip the government off of taxes due etc and NEVER paid a dime; he has never wore a uniform and then talks crap about war hero's . Why should another young man or woman die for idiots like you that want to vote an arrogant, egotistical moron into office? He will take MORE from this country (since he has for years) then he will EVER give back - you think we have to deal with illegals NOW - hell he has them working for him - he pays people under the table - don't fall into his trap - TRUMP is a THUMPER and you people need an education if allowed to vote!

  • Amber - 9 years ago

    I love that he can't be bought. He is confident & honest. I truly believe he wants to #makeamericagreatagain.

    I am definitely voting for Trump!

  • Teresa - 9 years ago

    I will vote for him no matter what party he is under.

  • M. B. - 9 years ago

    I agree with Jim Brown. Do it for free and show what a truly great leader does---serve! Stay til the end and hold your hands high to win this "battle", much as Moses did when fighting Amalek in the Bible. God will support the just and faithful!

  • winetroubadour - 9 years ago

    In my voting life, I have had the great joy of voting for a candidate. I have also had the times when I voted against a candidate. If Trump wins the nomination, then a lot of ideas will have converged to convince a Republican majority to accept him. If I am convinced those ideas are on the right track or reasonable, then I will vote for Trump. If not, I will vote against Hillary.

  • Jim Brown - 9 years ago

    Donald Trump should make the announcement that he would serve as president for no pay or profit. Not being owned or controlled by any corporation or big money donor, simply serving as the president for the love and duty of this country as an American citizen. Thus setting a precedence for all current and future politicians or citizens to aspire to. Every day our US military personnel serve for very little pay or fame. I am not certain, but I have been told that our founding father, George Washington, refused pay to serve as president but did so for the love of his country. How wonderful would America be if our political system was not for personal gain but for service and love for this great country.

  • Joseph Gillis - 9 years ago

    I am a Democrat who is 100% in the Donald Trump corner.....if he isn't the Nominee of the GOP then I will support Hillary .....cause the economy is the only issue that I am concerned for this election cycle!!!..... We need Donald Trump!!! We need someone who isn't a career politician and someone who can shake things up!!! Make America Great Again!!!!

  • CS LEWIS - 9 years ago

    YES...YES... & YES...

  • Budyn - 9 years ago

    I would vote for anyone whom my homies cannot buy nor intimidate. The cycle of foreign bribery has to end.

  • Joanne Trembly - 9 years ago

    I believe that Donald Trump is an excellent choice for president because we need a businessman to run the economy and make things right again. We don't need lawyers or generals anymore. All theY do is make new laws and start wars. How about creating jobs and bringing businesses back to America. No-one else seems to care about the people of our country. Obama just keeps borrowing money from China and giving it to the middle eastern nations. He is Moslem and he sides with them. I am still in shock that he was elected to begin with. He had no experience and has lied about almost everything about himself. MY VOTE WILL BE MR.TRUMP HANDS DOWN.

  • Swamp J - 9 years ago

    Trump is talking the real truth. Were sick of this Gov that is all sold out! All of you who are going against trump are just afraid he will take your welfare away!

  • Kdog - 9 years ago

    It's very upsetting to see how many republicans are saying they would vote for someone who is clearly unintelligent and does not think before he opens his mouth. If shock and awe is how you want the country run we may not be the wonderful, free, diverse USA we have now! He does know it's not a dictatorship, right? He ran a business and answered to no one but as president he has millions of people to answer too and millions of lives at stake! Big mistake people, HUGE!

  • larry nicholas - 9 years ago

    he needs to stay till the end and if he does not get the nomee of rep then run as an independent

  • JETGOP - 9 years ago

    I will vote for the Republican nominee as they will be prolife. I however know that regardless who is elected only God can fix this nation. With that said, I would rather have Santorum, Perry, Cruz, Huckabee, Jindal, or Rubio as the GOP nominee.

  • DCW - 9 years ago

    Yes, I would vote for Mr. Trump! I admire that he is not afraid to speak the TRUTH! The truth is something that politicians today do not wish to hear. He has the courage to call out the individuals who need calling out and not afraid to set things straight. I feel he would stand up and take this country back to where our fore fathers created the laws for our country. Too many freedoms have been taken away from the citizens of the great USA! Our country has been thrown to the wolves especially with this current so called President and he has weakened our country! Go Mr. Trump Go! Get that nomination!

  • Paul minks - 9 years ago


  • Eddy - 9 years ago

    Wow the number of Conservatives blinded by Trump amazes me. Trump is no Conservative. Trump has made himself a huge empire using the power of goverment to strip people of their private property rights. Thats right eminent domain ask Vera coking. He has stated he is for a womans right to choose. He has called for a ban on assault rifles and a longer more stringent background check to purchase firearms. He supports universal healthcare. He openly supported Hillary in her run for senator of Ny. Supported Obama in his first Presidential run.

    Does any of this sound like a Conservative. He has no respect for private property, supports abortion and wants to take away your rights to buy certain firearms and make it harder to purchase any firearms. Then add in universal health care. This man is no Conservative. The thousands of dollars he has given to the Clinton foundation, support of Hillary and Obama are more than enough evidence. Wake up America a Conservative low imformation voter isjust as dangerous as a democrat LIV.

  • Eddy - 9 years ago

    Wow the number of Conservatives blinded by Trump amazes me. Trump is no Conservative. Trump has made himself a huge empire using the power of goverment to strip people of their private property rights. Thats right eminent domain ask Vera coking. He has stated he is for a womans right to choose. He has called for a ban on assault rifles and a longer more stringent background check to purchase firearms. He supports universal healthcare. He openly supported Hillary in her run for senator of Ny. Supported Obama in his first Presidential run.

    Does any of this sound like a Conservative. He has no respect for private property, supports abortion and wants to take away your rights to buy certain firearms and make it harder to purchase any firearms. Then add in universal health care. This man is no Conservative. The thousands of dollars he has given to the Clinton foundation, support of Hillary and Obama are more than enough evidence. Wake up America a Conservative low imformation voter isjust as dangerous as a democrat LIV.

  • Arlene - 9 years ago

    Trump would get this country back. Dems are to stupid to think for themselves and follow the elitists crooks who hate this country and want to make us a communist country and Obama wants to be king. Come people wise up and get strong. The rinos need to also be stopped. If you love this country you will vote correctly and quit giving our lives away....

  • Hildabeast CClinton - 9 years ago

    The Donald will get no traction with the GOP as this, like my DEMOTARD party is centrally controlled for the greater socialism good.

  • John Carey - 9 years ago

    That's it, I'm voting Libertarian! #GaryJohnson2016

  • Barbara Kail - 9 years ago

    Well here is my answer. YOU BETTER FRIGGING BELEIVE IT.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. Tired of being lied to. Tired of what is going on here. Tired of a president that is trying to divide this country. Just plain oh tired. We need Trump we want Trump and we are going to have Trump as our next President.

  • Bryan Boss - 9 years ago

    I'm 53 years old and know that only a corrupt politician, an idiot or a freeloader would not like to see Trump in office. This country is going to hell in a handbag and I guarantee he would be the best choice for our country's leader

  • Martha Flores-Medina - 9 years ago

    I would definitely vote for Donal Trump. For years I have been unhappy the way Obama has handled the inmigration issues. I was born in South America and became american citizen back in the early 1970. When I came as a foreign exchange student, I did not speak English, yet, I paid my way to college, assimilated the american culture, paid taxes, raised a family and became part of the "melting pot". What bothers me a lot, is that democrats create all these programs for undocumented latinos (from all over, not only mexicans), and as soon as they arrive here in the USA, they receive all FREE BENEFITS, health and dental benefits for them and their families for free, they also get free luncheons, free pre natal care, free school supplies, subsidies for rent, water, electricity and more. Who pays for all this? You and me and what is worst, they do not pay one cent of taxes, or are interested in learning the English language because most programs are in Spanish. These people milk the government while americans are struggling. Is that fair?

  • Zxuser - 9 years ago

    Trump is not anti-gun. He has a CCW permit as stated by an NBC reporter who interviewed him. Long guns were not discussed. Trump NEVER went bankrupt. This kind of nonsense is what starts stupid rumors. Companies that were owned by his corporation filed bankruptcy, but never a personal bankruptcy. There is a BIG difference. Those corporate bankruptcies reflect on the management of people running thos businesses! But really, won't it be interesting to watch him debate others in the party and even Hillary?
    He will have her stuttering! One of the big reasons he is doing so well in the polls is because he is not part of the Washington establishment. Every other candidate leaves a Ho-hum type of we're going to do this, we're going to do that . Sigh.... Let's all see how it plays out.

  • will rodgers - 9 years ago

    The Don has my vote. We've suffered through 7 year of MOM Jeans pansy ass politically correct politics, and what do we have to show for it? Gay marriage a weak military, a string of minorities on welfare, and a nearly bankrupt economy. if we don't get a strong leader who has excellent business and negotiating experience, the US will be Greece in a year, and who would lift a finger to bail us out.
    Obama has ruined our nation.
    The only thing different I'd like THE Don to do is to create a National TEA PARTY and run as it's first president. Make Ted Cruz Attorney General ; Bobby Jindal ,Secretary of State, Perry Defense, Walker Commerce. Carly VP, and gather up the 33 CZARS and all their staffs and tell them "YOU"RE FIRED!!" on day one in offie

  • Gary - 9 years ago

    Another millionaire looking out for millionaires. We need a president who is for the people. There is only one of them currently running, and his name is Bernie Sanders. If Fox News has you scared about the word socialist, do yourself some justice and actually look into what the man stands for. Look at his voting record. What he says, how he votes, it all matches up. Trickle down economics need to go away. They do not work. Deregulation does not work. It's time for some real change. And Bernie Sanders can be the spark that ignites the flame to a better America for all.

  • Patricia Morris - 9 years ago

    Everything Trump has worked for all his life will go to hell in a hand basket right along with America if someone does not pull this country out of the swirling cess pool the current administration has put it in . Trump has everything to work for and a lot to lose. Plus he does not need money so won't sell us out like this Administration has. He is the best thing this country has seen since Reagan. If the Republicans running don't stop bashng him and bring him into the party he will run as Independent and take votes from the Republicans and Hillery will be President.

  • Kathy - 9 years ago

    It scares me that so many of you would vote for this hate monger. Not so far back, we were all illegal aliens. More recently, immigrants have been accused of every awful deed possible. The Irish, Italians, French, to name a few, were all thought to be the dregs of society simply because they were different. You never know when someone's hate will be turned on you. Don't spread it around.

  • June Justice Crawford - 9 years ago

    Not in a million years. Trump is a joke. I am ashamed to be registered as a Republican if this is all we can offer the American people. Turn off the TV you idiots and get really real.

  • wanda garris - 9 years ago

    i only hope Hillary dosent have him shot

  • slh1234 - 9 years ago

    I'm a US expat. I've lived in Asia for a long time, now. I hear what he says about China, but ...

    I look out my window here in Busan, South Korea, and I see the "Trump World" condos just across the street from where I live. They're nice enough - no argument about that, although I think the complex where I live is nicer still - nothing wrong with that, either. There are several "Trump World" complexes across the city of Busan. I am trying to remember if I see them in Seoul (where I go regularly for work) and honestly, I can't remember if I can see one there, or not. But he is heavily invested in Busan. I don't recall seeing any condos with his name on them when I lived in Shanghai, though.

    So my honest opinion: I've thought it was weird to from the first time I saw it to have a place called "Trump World." I mean, is he Walt Disney? Why does anybody really want to live in Trump World? But that is personal opinion. Now what is not personal opinion is how that will be viewed in this country if he is elected president. Will he change the name of "Trump World" complexes across South Korea, for example? Right now, it's just an American expat who thinks it's weird, but if he is president, that name is bound to bring ire from a number of people, as it would in the US if you had "Mitterand-World" apartments in your hometown, for example. It will immediately become the symbol for everything you don't like about the country where that person is president, and everybody with a beef will take it out. That doesn't help property values, of course, but what's more is it doesn't help country relations.

    But even more, for those of you who just talk about how he believes in bringing America back, I look out the window and see his name every day halfway around the world from America. Now if he is president, and he needs to make a decision, do you think his personal interests in these countries will not affect his decisions? Or did you not know he is this heavily invested in foreign countries?

    Don't get me wrong - I don't believe there is anything wrong with investing in foreign countries. I've actually developed family ties in countries other than the US, and that probably runs deeper than business interests, but when he starts his rhetoric about what he's doing to bring back the US, have you stopped to think about where he's invested? and whether that will bring about a conflict of interest if he is elected? he might love South Korea just because he is making money here, for example, and might think we need to crack down on China just because their laws make it more difficult for him, there. But is that good for long term relationships?

    I'm no friend of Obama's - THAT's for sure. But I'm also not a partizan who lives and dies by that daily garbage in the US. So when I look at this, tell me what is better about Trump? Do you think he will not bring a number of conflicts of interests to this office? Now I would, too, since I actually make my home outside of the US, but I'm not running for president, either.

    So seeing how heavily invested Trump is in countries in the Pacific Rim, what makes him such a good, unsullied, and free-from-conflicts-of-interest candidate?

  • Kurenai - 9 years ago

    Most definitely why, THERE WAS NOTHING WRONG WITH HIS SPEECH, he spoke the truth, isnt that what we want from our candidates? not lies. HE is the only one that is actually standing up for US, about the borders, about the truth about the Illegals, Hes not one lying about this or that and putting Americans lives in danger like Benghazi, HE is funding his own campaign not taking it out of our pockets. He has more business sense then any of them even running. and YES it is a sort of business as as president you do deal with other countries and he has the know how. he knows how to use money correctly and not blow it. I believe him over any of the other candidates why cause he is NOT a politician,

  • Glen - 9 years ago

    This guy gave $100,000 to the Clinton foundation, maxed out to Hillary Clinton in 2008, funded the Pelosi/Reid majority, and was a registered Democrat until 2009.

    Voting Trump for President without a voting record given these facts is not only irresponsible, it's downright reckless.

    The fact that Republicans are going gaga over a progressive liberal Presidential candidate who just started talking conservative language in the last 5 years is insane, and exemplary of why America and the GOP is dying.

  • Jesse Csincsak - 9 years ago

    I like everything Donald is doing however I don't like his stance on assault rifles !! Keep up what your doing Donald but leave our guns alone !!!

  • Moyn Keim - 9 years ago

    Do you really think I am that stupid........to vote for Killary instead of Donald?

  • Kathy - 9 years ago

    Yes I would vote for Trump because I would love to have a president in the White House that really and truely believes in bringing back our America. That is a huge job and it will need someone that can stand strong against adversity!!! He says he wants to fight for American with a stern voice. He has a lot of money so he isn't looking to be president for the money or prestige as he says. He should not have to apoligize for the things he said because he is speaking for the majority of Americans that have to give up jobs and space for those people who cross the boarders. There should never ever have been a problem with illegal imagrants. That is totally againt the law. We also need someone to be strong enough to bring jobs back to American from other countries.
    I believe Donald is straight forward and tells the truth even if some people don't want the truth.

  • Richard Smith - 9 years ago

    Now ask yourself, SELF, why is that Trump is doing so well in the polls? the answer is very clear to me; he speaks the truth and is not a bullshitter like most if not ALL of the politicians. Do you really think this country will be better IF Hillary Clinton becomes our next president? A person who has lied throughout her entire political career and supports Obama who is another liar. Yes, there are plenty of republicans who are liars too AND that's why I believe that Donald Trump would make a great president. He won't take any bullshit from anyone. Plus once he is elected and becomes president you will see a mass exodus from Washington DC when people start losing their wasteful jobs where they been paid high salaries to do nothing, our hard earned tax money doing NOTHING, with all of the bloated spending on useless investigations and useless programs that accomplish nothing except wasting money.

    YES on Trump!

  • isidro - 9 years ago


  • Richard Smith - 9 years ago

    For those people who have voted for a previous republican or democratic POLITICIAN and then later complained about their performance record and the fact that they changed their views and deviated from their platform that they ran on, the ONLY person to blame is YOU, me included. What this country needs now more than ever is someone who will stand up to the long standing deeply rooted corruption that has gone on inside our government at ALL levels. Do you really think that electing another politician who has been educated and trained on how to grow up through the "ranks" is best for this country at this juncture? If so WHAT are you thinking? If you think that electing another politician either democrat or republican will make this country stronger getting her back on track, you are dreaming! What we need is someone to stand up and say "I will walk my talk" and this is how I will do it. Donald Trump is doing just that. Since he is so high in the polls it is a given that he will be on all of the debates. If he is not given that opportunity what does THAT tell you, more of the same corruption. Lets listen to what he has to say at these debates and how he will handle the country. That will determine whether he will get my vote or not. However, for now he has mine!

  • Kurt - 9 years ago

    The Government is basically a giant business, and every business Trump touches turns to gold. He would be great for the economy. He would listen to his military advisors, and make us safer. He would crack down on the ILLEGAL ALIENS or undocumented immigrants as the moon bats would call them. Just the fact that he scares the DEMOcrats and RINOs is almost enough for me to like him.

  • Don - 9 years ago

    You politically correct morons need to crawl under a rock and die !
    This country is in the shitter because of the politicians we vote for every election, and then complain about them.
    It's time to stop buying Chinese shit and kick the illegald out of this country!

  • GoTrump! - 9 years ago


  • David Lee - 9 years ago

    Are four out five people in this country complete assholes like Donald Trump. Are we really this bad?

    I can't believe this poll.

  • claude jenness - 9 years ago

    Make Trump
    President that says it all

  • anlinash - 9 years ago

    I definitely plan to vote for him at this time. So far, he is the only candidate who supports all my views. He opposes Common Core, he thinks people who come here from other countries and want to become citizens need to go through the long-standing current process, he doesn't want us murdering babies, and has no intentions of making Christians and their churches go against their moral beliefs. WHAT IS NOT TO LIKE?????

  • Shirley Hammond - 9 years ago

    we NEED a leader in the White House!
    Seems like when we let Democrats run our House, all they want to do is party, golf and vacation. Juveniles! That's why republicans are so disliked, we're the adult supervision at their party. BooYah!!

  • Cedric Barfenburger - 9 years ago

    Idiots all

  • Jim Rieger - 9 years ago

    Donald Trump tells it like it is and tells the truth . He says what a MAJORITY of us are thinking and don't have the voices that are heard by these corrupt , pansy ass, lying , politicians that have squirmed their way into Washington DC. He WILL command and demand to the world the respect the US. has earned and deserves . He will bring back jobs from Mexico , China etc... and he understands business and knows that the middle class needs the income and jobs to make the Country and even his businesses prosperous ... He understands you can't tax the middle class into oblivion and the income has to increase so the average person can be prosperous and spend money on some of the extras in life the support small business and in the long run support the profitability of the large businesses as well .
    We have been duped by lying , corrupt , pansy ass , politicians and big business ( corporate greed) for way too long ! Time to have a leader with some stones !

  • Texans for TRUMP - 9 years ago


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