What do you think?


  • Larry Plemmons - 6 years ago

    These Trails are made by the same jets, every time, we look out of our scope and can see that. They let out a chemical and its a mixture of things aluminum, barium, ammonia and who knows what else chemically is released, they release, but you can def. see the brown color of rain, we can see it in the desert falling. They are trying to play GOD, and all they are doing is polluting us so we are cooked from the inside out, our water is effected, our air is effected, our food is effect and on and on. So with all the radar that we are exposed to on a daily basic, such as cell towers, radars (Police), grocery store doors, road speed signs that shows your speed , Wi-Fi and Bluetooth, so with the metals that we inhale from these Chem trails/contrails so called, gives us all cancer related problems and other health related issues. Hospitals are full not to cure, but to make money. It does the opposite in the Desert, instead of it helping it rain, it actually destroys the Mother Nature Clouds.. watch and see for yourself, you can see Mother Nature clouds break up when hits these so called Chem trail/contrail clouds. So they seem to be educated idiots that we have running that program. They are working on depopulation. Cancer was not as wide spread as it is now, until technology was introduced with Cell Towers, ect... that are out to harm us and peoples eyes are closed on all these issues. Immediate action is required of the people or we are all doomed. Military should stop this from happening, we want Mother Nature to do what is best, she will fix it naturally, if you let her, we love our Blue Skies leave them alone. Have Faith and we all can help by the people putting less of a foot-print on our earth, don' t let the ice caps keep melting!

  • Chris Guggenheimer - 6 years ago

    Let me make some interesting points.

    A. the comment on how the observation of the hight of an aircraft is deceiving. Really ? That is one condescending but typical answer you always get from an academic. It's like saying oh it is only your imagination.

    B. The proffessor said that contrails ONLY exist at altitudes of 25.000 ft ( or above ( my comment}) .
    It is simple geometry. An aircraft going between 25,000 and 35.000 ft. will to an observer on the ground seem like a tiny almost imperceptable aircraft that would take more than an hour to cross the sky.
    An aircraft that manages to cross the sky in 15 mins. or in some cases 2 minutes and can be seen quite clearly cannot be mistaken for an aircraft at 25.000 ft. It would be more like 10.000 or even 5.000. AT 10,000 fit you do not get -40 degrees
    I have seen jets that quickly fly across the sky and you can see the jet clearly. And even at the lowest altitude it is giving off a long white plume.

    C. He made the statement that it is LESS LIKELY TO SEE THE CONTRAILS ON A CLEAR DAY. But the upper photograph clearly shows otherwise. If the professionals don't want us to believe in a conspiracy theory then they better come up with a better explanation.

    D. I have always been an avid sky watcher spending hours watching high flying planes cross the sky.
    AT NO TIME DID I EVER SEE A CONTRAIL MORE THEN ABOUT 1 MILE BEHIND THE AIRCRAFT. Nor was the contrail that big. It was a fine DOUBLE line.

    E. I have flown quite a bit years ago . I always managed to get a window seat. I could see clearly. At and near at the cruising altitude of 35,000 ft there was always a noticable contrail on the wing tip only.

    I say the more lies they tell use the more suspicion it creates.

  • Muriel Torres - 6 years ago

    Wow are the American people so blind or naive? Chemtrails line the sky almost every day, tic, tack, toe anyone ?? It is disgusting what our government is doing to us their own people kind of like giving our vietnam boy's LSD to see how they would react!! Boys LSD in the jungles. Or in jails. Now they (government) are taking it a little further hmmm let's see what kind of disease they (government) can spread. In a few years or so, how many people will have cancer.? Isn't it enough already? WHY IS THIS OK??

  • Mercury - 6 years ago


  • Max - 6 years ago


  • Kyle Brosnick - 6 years ago

    As an engineer I would like to take what our lovely government (who never hurts anyone or lies btw) or our local "news" sources own by now 6 mega congomerates with obvious narratives and agendas. Unfortunately, sorry, the BS doesn't add up. Why aren't all the incoming planes to Sky Harbour on the same conditions producing marked trails in the same locations everyday? Why do NONE of these planes produce "contrails"? The planes are syncrhonized over a particular flight path they all come in and out on those paths yet, funny how the trails are NEVER in those locations! Where do they start? East Phoenix near Mesa and the planes fly an arc over the city. In the beginning of the flight the amount of "contrail" coming out is markedly higher than when the plane gets to the far West side of the city where the "contrails" sputter and are far less strong. What is the ambient tempurature at the low altitudes these planes are flying in? Why are only some planes leaving them? There are a lot of unanswered questions. There is something going on. All the stupid sheep need to start paying more attention. We need a town hall and a meeting and some tar and feathers. WHAT IS GOING ON. And you AZ FAMILY liars are covering up for this.

  • George - 6 years ago

    Whats the difference between this and cloud seeding?

  • Landon Ross - 6 years ago

    Yes there's a lot of conspiracy theory out there but Most conspiracies are true. You can say whatever you want I've done my studies there is bad chemicals and Kim trails they're not contrails I'm engineer by trade and I've done my research needs are not contrails their camp trails and I carry chemicals it drift contrails dissipate camp trails don't

  • Moss - 7 years ago

    Big island s.e.corner looking south there is zero commercial air traffic,none!And right now big swaths of LOW chemtrails!Somethings up!

  • Jane - 7 years ago

    Hah the comments on here about chemtrails supposedly being just contrails and insulting anyone that believes otherwise all seem very troll-like. If you actually do any objective research into the matter or, ohhh I dunno, look up and pay attention to the whole huge sky above you and have a functioning independent mind, you have to realize it's NOT contrails covering the sky, nor natural clouds. Geo-engineering is definitely happening. All you have to do is any bit of research. It's even admitted to now, in a more mainstream but still under-reported way, by Harvard. I won't even bother going on wasting time on anyone who can't or won't actually look into it on their own time.

  • Nick - 7 years ago

    Anyone that thinks these are normal contrails from commercial airliners are still asleep. The lines left in the sky are made by military high altitude planes. Like a pest on a crop were sprayed. This is being done world wide. People dont think twice about it because the public is made to think this is normal plane exhaust. I see the trails in movies, commercials, and even video games. I have news for you that are still asleep. Its not normal. Skies are not the deep blue they were when I was younger. Now there is a white haze that lingers always. Its easy to research the subject and you should before name calling and belittling someone that may see things differently. When you learn what they spray and what those toxins do to the environment and humans then maybe just maybe enough people will get together and stop this act.

  • Leo - 7 years ago

    People are dumb they are just natural water vapor. Who ever thinks different and say dumb things need to go and a hole and disappear

  • Don Honikel - 7 years ago

    What a dumb story, most likely the result of memes on the web about 'chemtrails'. Contrails, the result of heated air and some exhaust soot that are generated by aircraft cruising in extremely cold air at high altitude have been generated for decades. B-17d and B-24 bombers flying high altitude formations left contrails all over the skies of Europe during World War II. This is a non-story. Get over it.

  • Ross Marsden - 7 years ago

    There is pretty good evidence that the current chemtrail activism is the result of slow but nevertheless exponential growth of an idea after the publication of a false conclusion drawn by 3 people when they saw some persistent contrails in Vermont in the spring of 1997 and didn't know what they were.
    #artbell #coasttocoast #williamthomas

    The trails are contrails; ice clouds.
    If the air is dry, contrails will only last a few seconds. The ice readily evaporates from the ice in dry conditions. If the air (at cruise altitude) is moist, so much so that it is ice-saturated (or more) then the contrail can't dissipate. There is too much moisture already in the air for any more to evaporate off the ice.
    Contrails in a high humidity environment (RH over about 63% at flight level) cannot dissipate by evaporation because there is already too much moisture in the air.
    This is a pretty simple concept to grasp.

  • Larry Berglof - 7 years ago

    Google photos from WWII showing propeller driven planes producing contrails. That should dispel the dopey chemtrail myth for any reasonable thinking person.

  • Cathy - 7 years ago

    Geo engineering is real. There are patents for it. Anyone who denies it has not done their research. The chemicals they use in the spray, aluminum, barium and strontium, are harmful to our water, soil and all life

  • Jerry - 7 years ago

    Wow. There are way more conspiracy theory nutjobs out there than I thought. I'm sad for our future if there really are that many people that believe in garbage like chemtrails and that the earth is flat.

  • Michele - 7 years ago

    What about the skies right around us here? Have you really paid attention to them? Chemtrails are a global phenomena and it would be important for you to do your research on it. There are many quality sites such as discovery channel and others where former workers are sharing their experiences with facts. It has been on the hearts of many of us here over some years now and I for one have wanted to question your awareness of it. If this is true, it deserves an outcry and to be banned, don't you think?

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